Solid business figures for 2022 confirm BMW Group strategy (2024)

  • High Group EBT: € 23.5 billion – EBT margin: 16.5%
  • Automotive EBIT: € 10.6 billion – EBIT margin on target at 8.6% (excluding effects of BBA full consolidation:11.2%)
  • Strong free cash flow (automotive): € 11.1 billion
  • CO2 emissions of EU new vehicle fleet at 105.0 g/km (WLTP) – well below applicable emission target (127.5 g/km)
  • Dividend of € 8.50 per share of common stock proposed
  • Zipse: “We achieved solid performance under volatile conditions”

Munich. The BMW Group met its targets for 2022, as forecasted, and thus delivered a strong operating performance in a difficult business environment. The premium manufacturer significantly increased Group EBT (€ 23,509 million/ +46.4%) and net profit (€ 18,582 million/ +49.1%) from the previous year. This positive development can be attributed to improved pricing and positive product-mix effects, as well as the full consolidation of the Chinese joint venture, BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd. (BBA). The latter also made a large cash contribution (€ 5,011 million) on 11 February 2022 to a significantly higher free cash flow of € 11,071 million in the Automotive Segment.

Rising sales of fully-electric models, which were up 107.7% in 2022, accounted for 9% of deliveries in 2022 and helped further lower the CO2 emissions value of the new vehicle fleet in the EU. Based on preliminary calculations, this figure came in at 105.0 grams of CO2 per km (WLTP). This represents a decrease of (-)9.4% – significantly outperforming the value for the previous year and the applicable emissions target by 22.5 g/km (prev. yr.: 115.9 g/km). The BMW Group is forging ahead with electrification of its product lineup and aims to raise the share of fully-electric vehicles in its total deliveries to 15% this year.

“There are two essential elements to our success in 2022: a strong and passionate team effort by our entire workforce worldwide – and compelling products that provide us with the right response to a persistently challenging environment,” said Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, on Thursday in Munich. “It shows that those who tackle the transformation with courage and consistency, while maintaining a high level of flexibility, can achieve solid performance, even under volatile conditions. We will continue on this BMW path in the future as we steer the company further along the road to success.”

Positive effects for Group from full consolidation of BBA

In financial year 2022, the BMW Group once again outperformed its main financial key figures for the previous year, reporting significant growth in revenues, Group earnings and net profit.

As expected, deliveries were slightly lower than the previous year, at 2,399,632 units (prev. yr.: 2,521,514 vehicles/ -4.8%). Consistently high customer demand was reflected in the company’s strong order book. However, this could not be entirely fulfilled, due to difficulties with the supply of semiconductor components, supply chain disruptions and COVID lockdowns in China.

Electrified vehicles –BEVs and PHEVs –accounted for a total of 18.1% (433,792 units/ +32.1% YOY) of deliveries. Sales of fully-electric cars reached 215,752 units – a significant increase compared to the previous year (+107.7% YOY).

Group revenues climbed to € 142,610 million (prev. yr.: € 111,239 million/ +28.2%), with integration of BBA revenues making a significant contribution to growth. The BMW Group also benefited from improved pricing – for both new vehicle sales and the resale of end-of-lease vehicles – as well as positive product-mix effects.

This was offset to a significant extent by BBA’s cost of sales, which was recognised for the first time. The increase in costs for materials, commodities and logistics, higher refinancing costs due to higher interest levels as well as effects from the consolidation of BBA and a larger percentage of electrified vehicles, all contributed to higher costs.

R&D spending for new models and GEN 6 electric drive trains

The continuing transformation of the BMW Group is reflected in the moderate increase in research and development spending: R&D costs in accordance with IFRS totalled €6,624 million (prev. yr.: € 6,299 million/ +5.2%). R&D expenditure is mainly driven by new models, the NEUE KLASSE and the associated development of the sixth generation of electric drive trains. Additional investments were also made in digitalisation of the vehicle fleet and automated driving.

However, with revenues up year-on-year, the R&D ratio, according to the German Commercial Code, was lower, at 5.0% (prev. yr.: 6.2%).

Capital expenditure for property, plant and equipment and other intangible assets amounted to € 7,791 million in 2022 (prev. yr.: € 5,012 million/ +55.4%). This increase reflects the consolidation of BBA investments and capital expenditure for new models like the BMW 7 Series and the BMW X1. Additional funds were channelled into the accelerated BEV ramp-up. The capex ratio stood at 5.5%.

The BMW Group reported earnings before financial result of 13,999 million for the full year(prev. yr.: € 13,400 million/ +4.5%). Group earnings before tax once again saw a strong increase and, as a result of the full consolidation of BBA, reached very solid € 23,509 million (prev. yr.: € 16,060 million/ +46.4%). The Group EBT margin came in at 16.5% (prev. yr.: 14.4%; +2.1 percentage points).

Group net profit totalled € 18,582 million (prev. yr.: € 12,463 million/ +49.1%).

Dividend of € 8.50 proposed

Shareholders will also participate in the success of financial year 2022. Subject to the approval of the Annual General Meeting, thecompany’s unappropriated profit (according to the German Commercial Code) of € 5,481 million (prev. yr.: € 3,827 million/ +43.2%) will be distributed to shareholders from BMW AG’s net profit. The Board of Management and Supervisory Board will propose a dividend of € 8.50 per share of common stock (prev. yr. € 5.80) and € 8.52 per share of preferred stock (prev. yr. € 5.82) to the Annual General Meeting on 11 May. This represents a preliminary payout ratio of 30.6% (prev. yr.: 30.9%, cf. glossary) and is in line with the target range of 30-40% of net profit attributable to shareholders of BMW AG for the payout ratio.

Share buy-back of € 1.28 billion completed in 2022

On the basis of the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting in May 2022, the Board of Management has decided to repurchase shares in the amount of up to €2billion. As of December 2022, around 15.3 million common shares for €1,172 million and around 1.4 million preferred shares for €106 million had been repurchased and reported as own shares. These were recognised as treasury shares. BMW AG thus holds around 16.8 million treasury shares as of 31 December 2022, with a nominal value of € 16,760,957 or 2.53% of the share capital. As of March 7 2023, the BMWGroup bought back shares worth almost € 1.6 billion and thus holds 3.03% of the share capital.

“All our stakeholders will benefit from our company’s success and in line with our announcements. Our solid dividend of € 8.50 for 2022 reflects our financial strength – as we are able to pay out dividends in parallel with our necessary high level of investment in the transformation of the company,” according to Nicolas Peter, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG responsible for Finance.

Full consolidation of BBA has major impact in Automotive Segment

The Automotive Segment benefited once again in 2022 from increased sales of high-revenue models, better pricing and continuing positive development in used car markets. Improved pricing and a higher-value product mix, as well as increased business from new parts and accessories, all lifted revenues – which also benefited from currency tailwinds.

Due to the full consolidation of BBA, segment revenues were significantly higher, at €123,602 million (prev. yr.: € 95,476 million/ +29.5%). The cost of sales also rose significantly: on the one hand, resulting from higher effects from the full consolidation of BBA – such as depreciation and amortisation from the purchase price allocation of around € 1.8 billion and elimination of interim profits totalling around € 1.3 billion. On the other, the cost of sales was also negatively impacted by significantly higher material and logistics costs, especially due to the limited availability of semiconductors and supply chain disruptions, as well as increases in raw material and energy prices.

Earnings before financial result (EBIT) for the reporting year amounted to € 10,635 million (prev. yr. € 9,870 million/ +7.8%). At 8.6% (prev. yr.: 10.3%; -1.7 percentage points), the EBIT margin for the segment was at the high end of the guidance range of 7-9%.

Without the aforementioned effects of € 3.1 billion from the full consolidation of BBA the EBIT margin would have come in at 11.2%.

The segment’s financial result of 8,283 million was significantly higher year-on-year (prev. yr.: € 1,935 million/ +328.1%). This strong increase during the reporting year largely stems from the effects of the revaluation of previously held equity shares in BBA of just under € 7.7 billion in the other financial result.

Segment earnings before tax (EBT) for financial year 2022 totalled € 18,918 million and were therefore significantly higher than the figure for the previous year (prev. yr.: €11,805 million/ +60.3%).

Free cash flow in the Automotive Segment reached very solid € 11,071 million (prev. yr.: € 6,354 million/ +74.2%) at year end.

Return on capital employed (RoCE) for the automotive segment in 2022 was well within the target range of 14-19% at 18.1% (prev. yr.: 24.0%/ -5.9 percentage points).

“The integration of our Chinese joint venture into the Automotive Segment takes our business operations to a new level. In 2022, this gave us a significant tailwind. We continue to hold a strong position in the major regions of the world with a strong product lineup, and we will keep on benefitting in particular this year from demand for our electrified vehicles and top-end models,” said Nicolas Peter, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG responsible for Finance, on Thursday in Munich.

More competition and changes in risk situation for Financial Services

Intense competition, higher interest rates and inflation, as well as limited availability of vehicles, impacted new business in the financial services sector in 2022. The total volume of new business from financing and leasing contracts with retail customers was down (-)12.6% to € 55,449 million (prev. yr.: € 63,414 million). The percentage of BMW Group new vehicles leased or financed by the Financial Services Segment stood at 41.0% for 2022 (prev. yr.: 50.5%/ -9.5 percentage points). Better transaction prices and an improved product mix resulted in a higher average financing volume per vehicle during the reporting period.

Pre-tax earnings (EBT) in the Financial Services Segment totalled € 3,205 million at the end of the reporting year (prev. yr.: € 3,753million/ -14.6%) ‒ with the previous year being characterized by an exceptionally positive risk situation. Higher provisions for credit risks were made during the reporting year in response to geopolitical uncertainties and a weaker macroeconomic outlook.

As a consequence of the lower earnings before tax, the Financial Services Segment achieved a return on equity (RoE) of 17.9% (prev. yr.: 22.6%/ -4.7 percentage points), fully in line with the company’s adjusted guidance of 17-20% (adjusted from 14-17% in the Q2/2022 quarterly statement).

Electrification offensive and continued growth for BMW Motorrad

In 2022, BMW Motorrad pressed ahead with electrification of the brand in the field of urban mobility, with the series introduction of the BMW CE 04 electric scooter. Deliveries in the Motorcycles Segment reached a new all time-high of 202,895 units in 2022 (prev. yr.: 194,261 units/ +4.4%). Although performance in the European markets, with the exception of France (+6.7% YOY), was less dynamic, sales in China (+7.7% YOY) saw a solid increase, and deliveries in the Americas rose significantly (+14.4% YOY).

Business performance benefited from this sales growth, combined with positive pricing and product mix effects. Higher material and logistics costs impacted the Motorcycles Segment during the reporting year.

The segment posted revenues of 3,176 million (prev. yr.: € 2,748 million/ +15.6%), with an EBIT of 257 million (prev. yr.: € 227 million/ +13.2%). The EBIT margin came in at 8.1% (prev. yr.: 8.3%/ -0.2 percentage points) and is therefore within the guidance range of 8-10%.

The higher earnings pushed up the return on capital employed (RoCE) to 24.9% which was slightly above the planned range of 19-24% (prev. yr.: 21.9%/ +3 percentage points).

BMW Group posts successful fourth quarter

In the fourth quarter of 2022, numerous lockdowns led to production cutbacks and the closure of Chinese dealerships. At the same time, the slight easing of the semiconductor component shortage contributed to higher production and sales volumes overall.

During this period, deliveries of the three premium automotive brands BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce climbed significantly to 651,794 units (prev. yr.: 589,290/ +10.6%). The effects of expanded electrified model range were clearly visible in the fourth quarter: With 150,508 electrified vehicles sold, their share of total sales volumes climbed to 23%. Group revenues totalled € 39,522 million (prev. yr.: € 28,408 million/ +39.1%).

Group profit before tax for the fourth quarter increased significantly to € 3,253 million (prev. yr.: € 2,907 million/ +11.9%), while the EBT margin came in at 8 .2%. Group net profit for the same period totalled € 2,175 million (prev. yr.: € 2,256 million/ -3.6%).

Automotive Segment EBIT was significantly higher, at 2,932 million (prev. yr.: €1,925 million/ +52.3%), due to the effects of the full consolidation of BBA and higher sales volumes. The Automotive Segment EBIT margin for the final quarter of the year was 8.5% (prev. yr.: 7.7%). The segment's free cash flow totalled € 1,195 million (prev. yr.: € 55 million).

Due to higher refinancing costs and increased credit risk provisioning, the Financial Services Segment reported lower pre-tax earnings of € 533 million (prev. yr.: € 829 million/ -35.7%).

Employee numbers significantly higher year-on-year

The BMW Group had 149,475 employees at the end of 2022 (prev. yr.:118,909/ +25.7%). This significant increase is primarily due to the full consolidation of BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd., with almost 26,000 employees integrated into the BMW Group. The further increase in employee numbers across all segments was mainly in the areas of development and IT, as well as in the BMW Group’s global production network.

Proposed re-election of Supervisory Board member

The current mandate of Supervisory Board member and Chairman of the Audit Committee Dr Kurt Bock will come to an end at the Annual General Meeting on 11 May 2023. The Supervisory Board will propose re-electing Bock for another four-year mandate at the Annual General Meeting. The candidate is considered independent by the Supervisory Board.

* * *

You will receive further information on the Group Financial Statement 2022 and the outlook for the current financial year at the BMW Group Annual Conference on 15 March 2023. You can follow the virtual event live on the internet at: The BMW Group Report 2022 will be published on 15 March at 7.30 a.m. (CET) at

The BMW Group – an overview



Change in %

Deliveries to customers

Automotive 1





thereof: BMW




















Employees (compared to 31 Dec. 2021)




Automotive Segment EBIT margin




-1.7%age points

Motorcycles Segment EBIT margin




-0.2%age points

EBT margin BMW Group 2




2.1%age points


€ million




thereof: Automotive

€ million





€ million




Financial Services

€ million




Other Entities

€ million





€ million




Profit before financial result (EBIT)

€ million




thereof: Automotive

€ million





€ million




Financial Services

€ million




Other Entities

€ million





€ million




Profit before tax (EBT)

€ million




thereof: Automotive

€ million





€ million




Financial Services

€ million




Other Entities

€ million





€ million




Income taxes

€ million




Net profit

€ million




Earnings per share (common/preferred share)




1 including joint venture BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd., Shenyang (1 January to 10 February 2022: 96,133 vehicles, 2021: 651,236 vehicles, 2020: 602,247 vehicles, 2019: 538,612 vehicles, 2018: 455,581 vehicles, 2017: 385,705 vehicles).

2 Ratio of Group earnings before taxes to Group revenues.

The BMW Group – an overview

Q4 2022

Q4 2021

Change in %

Deliveries to customers

Automotive 1





thereof: BMW




















Employees (compared to 31 Dec. 2021)




Automotive Segment EBIT margin




0.8%age points

Motorcycles Segment EBIT margin




10.4%age points

EBT margin BMW Group 2




-2.0%age points


€ million




thereof: Automotive

€ million





€ million




Financial Services

€ million




Other Entities

€ million




€ million




Profit before financial result (EBIT)

€ million




thereof: Automotive

€ million





€ million




Financial Services

€ million




Other Entities

€ million





€ million




Profit before tax (EBT)

€ million




thereof: Automotive

€ million





€ million




Financial Services

€ million




Other Entities

€ million





€ million




Income taxes

€ million




Net profit

€ million




Earnings per share (common/preferred share)




1 including the joint venture BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd., Shenyang.

2 Ratio of Group earnings before taxes to Group revenues.

GLOSSARY – explanatory comments on key performance indicators

Deliveries to customers
A new or used vehicle is recorded as a delivery once it is handed over to the end user (which also includes leaseholders under lease contracts with BMW Financial Services). In the US and Canada, end users also include (1) dealers when they designate a vehicle as a service loaner or demonstrator vehicle and (2) dealers and other third parties when they purchase a company vehicle at auction and dealers when they purchase company vehicles directly from the BMW Group. Deliveries may be made by BMW AG, one of its international subsidiaries, a BMW Group retail outlet, or independent third-party dealers. The vast majority of deliveries – and hence the reporting of deliveries to the BMW Group – is made by independent third-party dealers. Retail vehicle deliveries during a given reporting period do not correlate directly to the revenues that the BMW Group recognises in respect of that particular reporting period.


Profit before financial result. Profit before financial result comprises revenues less cost of sales, less selling and administrative expenses and plus/minus net other operating income and expenses.

EBIT margin

Profit/loss before financial result as a percentage of revenues.


EBIT plus financial result.

Payout ratio (see page 4)

The payout ratio is preliminary. Although the Management Board and Supervisory Board are proposing a fixed dividend per share to the general meeting, the number of dividend-entitled shares is expected to fall even further as a result of the ongoing share buy-back program between now and the Annual General Meeting. Accordingly, the total amount paid out to shareholders until May 11 presumably will also change.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Corporate Communications

Dr Britta Ullrich, Communications Finance

Email:, Telephone: +49-89-382-18364

Eckhard Wannieck, head of Communications Corporate, Finance, Sales

Email:, Telephone: +49 89 382-24544

Media website:


T he BMW Group

With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.

In 2022, the BMW Group sold nearly 2.4 million passenger vehicles and more than 202,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2022 was € 23.5 billion on revenues amounting to € 142.6 billion. As of 31 December 2022, the BMW Group had a workforce of 149,475 employees.

The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company set the course for the future at an early stage and consistently makes sustainability and efficient resource management central to its strategic direction, from the supply chain through production to the end of the use phase of all products.






Solid business figures for 2022 confirm BMW Group strategy (2024)


Solid business figures for 2022 confirm BMW Group strategy? ›

BMW's Growth Strategies

BMW's growth strategy of product development involves producing mobility products that address current market demand and customer expectations. Through new products, this intensive growth strategy has the goal of generating more automobile and motorcycle sales.

What is BMW's business strategy? ›

BMW's Growth Strategies

BMW's growth strategy of product development involves producing mobility products that address current market demand and customer expectations. Through new products, this intensive growth strategy has the goal of generating more automobile and motorcycle sales.

What is BMW strategy Number One? ›

As part of “Strategy Number One”, the company will actively shape and define the transformation to a technology company for premium mobility and services. As a driver of innovation BMW AG and the company is playing a leading role in the automotive industry of the future.

What is the financial performance of BMW in 2022? ›

Group earnings before financial result (EBIT) of € 4,412 million (2022: € 3,500 million / +26.1%) were significantly higher year-on-year. Group earnings before tax (EBT) rose significantly in the fourth quarter to € 3,682 million (2022: € 3,253 million / + 13.2%). The EBT margin for this period was 8.6% (2022: 8.2%).

What are the three pillars of the BMW Group sustainability strategy? ›


The declared target of the BMW Group is to cover all three dimensions of sustainability: ecological, social and economic over the entire value-added chain. Here these three pillars form the framework for action and jointly contribute to the set objectives.

What is the future strategy of BMW? ›

Looking ahead, BMW is aiming to introduce solid-state batteries in vehicles after 2025, a leap forward in battery technology that is expected to bring down the costs of EVs while also increasing their range. The company is leaning on investments and partnerships with companies like Solid Power to reach that goal.

What is the success of BMW? ›

The profit before tax in the financial year 2022 was € 23.5 billion on revenues amounting to € 142.6 billion. As of 31 December 2022, the BMW Group had a workforce of 149,475 employees. The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action.

What is BMW profit margin 2022? ›

High demand for its products was the driver for the BMW Group's continuing strong financial performance: The Group EBT margin came in at 11.0% (2022: 16.5%; Q4: 8.6%; 2022: 8.2%), above the strategic target of 10%.

How many cars did BMW sell in 2022 total? ›

For the full year 2022, BMW brand sales decreased slightly by 1.3% on total sales of 332,388 compared to the 336,644 vehicles sold in 2021.

What is BMW Group strategy Number One Next? ›

Strategy NUMBER ONE > NEXT. The BMW Group is a driving force of change in the automotive industry with its individual premium mobility. Strategy NUMBER ONE > NEXT sets clear guidelines for the company: It focuses on people and their environment.

What is the most successful BMW model? ›

There was only ever going to be one winner. Whether it is the saloon or touring variants, the 3 Series is one of the most popular cars on the road today.

What is the BMW Group strategy 2030? ›

We are focusing our efforts on realising another, even bigger reduction in CO₂ emissions of over 40 percent by 2030 – spanning the entire lifecycle, from the supply chain, through production, to the end of the use phase. Our goal is for the BMW Group business model to be climate-neutral no later than 2050.

How much profit does BMW make per car? ›

Mercedes made the most profit per unit: $5,909 on average for every vehicle it sold. And that includes stripping out that big profit it made by selling off its heavy-truck business. But look at who's in second place on a profit-per-unit basis – Tesla, at $5,895. BMW is third at $5,447.

Is BMW doing well? ›

BMW confirmed preliminary results released last week for 2022, including an 8.6% margin in the autos business on earnings before interest and tax of 10.6 billion euros ($11.37 billion)and cash flow of 11.1 billion euros.

Who currently owns BMW? ›

Who owns BMW? The automaker is owned by the BMW Group and has its headquarters in Munich, Germany. The BMW Group also owns other well-known brands, including Mini and Rolls-Royce. Many Normal drivers interested in owning a new BMW are also curious about the brand's history.

What is BMW's unique selling point? ›

BMW is known for their superior engineering, innovative technology, luxurious comfort, and impressive resale value. They offer a variety of models to cater to different needs and are committed to providing an ultimate driving experience.

What is the global marketing strategy of BMW? ›

The firm's global marketing strategy represents leadership through innovation. Originally an aircraft engine manufacturer, BMW incessantly sought an innovative spirit to satisfy the premium market's demands.

Does BMW use global strategy? ›

As a crucial player in the premium automotive segment, BMW Group has established a competitive edge by constructing a comprehensive global strategy that encapsulates market differentiation, technological leadership, and adaptive market penetration (Edubirdie, 2023).


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