The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

New Times Telephona Numbers 52345 for oil txcept thos concerning classified advertising. MidiSSB 94411 for all classified advertising calls. PART I ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME tllCRTY UNDER THE LAW TSUI INDUSTRIAL MltOOM VOL. LXXIII IN FOUR PARTS CC MONDAY MORNING, JULY 26, 1954 56 PAGES DAILY, 10c EAST GERMANS CONVICT Senators Try Shooting Red China Admits A i li A 9 AS AMERICAN AGENTS Hiker Saved by Copter in Sierra Air Force Makes Mercy Flight to Aid Stricken Man Vow Airliner, A poiogizes BERLIN, July (U.R) Nine so-called American agents have been arrested and sentenced to prison on charges of economic and military espionage, the East German Communist radio announced today. The alleged agents apparently were arrested and charged after having been revealed by West German Security Chief Otto John, who disappeared in the Soviet zone lastTuesday.

West Berlin police said today John's mystery disappearance behind the Iron Curtain will be cleared up soon after impending arrests. This indicated that John was under pressure when he entered East Berlin. Unconfirmed reports from East Germany said that 300 persons have been arrested since John arrived. British Plane Mistaken for Nationalist Raider, Peiping Broadcast Says TOKYO, July 26 (Monday) (U.R) -Communist China ad- planes downed a British civil mitted today that its patrol aircraft last Friday, but they Nationalist Chinese plane. A broadcast by Peiping radio, said the occurrence was Masses for Peace, "indeed entirely accidental" and said the government "expresses its regret at this accidental and unfortunate incident of the British transport aircraft and has taken ap i Yi I I 1' A I 4 rF Eisenhower Says WASHINGTON, July 25-(P) President Eisenhower declared today "it is only governments that are stupid" and that the masses of people in all nations long for peace.

Gov. Shivers AIR ATTACK SURVIYOR Philip Blown, pilot of the British airlinef, shbt tfown hf the China sits up in Hong Kong hospital as he tells of how fight-. er planes hit his plane off Communist-held island. VP) WiMPhoto vl radio Iron Hong Kone Downed Plane's Captain A pneumonia-s i Sierra Club hiker yesterday morning rested, at Southern Inyo Hospital in Lone Pine after an Air Force mercy flight helicopter airlift out of some of the most rugged country in Sequoia National Park. Robin Galloway, 57, of San 'Anselmo-arrived at Lone Pine in a helicopter piloted by Capt.

W. W. Eggert after a 35-minute flight from 9300-feet-high Sky Parlor Meadows. Egjjert, with Airman 1st Class J. W.

Bumpers as crew man, left Edwards Air Force Base at 7 a.m. yesterday for the rescue mission across Sierra peaks. Stricken at 10,800 Feet Word of Galloway's illness vesterday came from Nine Lakes Basin, 10,800 feet high, in the tangled rock jumbled mountain country 27 miles west of Lone Pine. His illness was diagnosed as pneumonia by Dr. Jack Tupper of Oakland, a member of 150-hiker party of Sierra Clubbers undertaking -the group's annual "high-trip" hike.

Dr. Tupper and Galloway's wife Alice, also a member of the group, accompanied Gallo way to Lone Pine. "The stricken man late Satur dav was brought nine miles down from Nine Lakes Basin to Sky Parlor Meadows a wire basket stretcher air-dropped Saturday by Bob Lone Pine bush pilot. The stretcher, a 1 1 an aparajo.was strapped -to the hack of a mule owned by Bruce Morgan, packer for the club hike, and handled by Tom Jef ferson, Morga n's son-m-iaw. Seven other hikers accompanied the litter.

Copter Land District Ranger Julius Mer-tinek of the Kern district guid ed Capt. Eggert on the flight across the mountains to Parlor Meadows for the rendez voir with the Galloway party, while Irvin Kerr, chief ranger cf the Sequoia National Park, assumed direction of the mis sion. The helicopter touched down at Tunnel Air Field about 20 miles west of Lone Pine check operation of the aircraft in the thin high altitude air, then whirled into Sky Parlor Meadows for the pickup. Galloway's 9-year-old daughter, Anne Michele, remained with the hiking party at Nine Lakes Basin. Mercury in LA.

Climbs to 84 Deg. Scattered high clouds and a top temperature of 84 deg. at 2:45 p.m. highlighted the weather picture yesterday in Los Angeles. The Civic Center low was 67 occurring at 5 a.m.

Humidity readings ranged from 90 at 4:30 a.m. to 67 at noon. A sunshine and cloud mixture was forecast again for today with a predicted high of 90 deg. FOUR-MILE PURSUIT Tells Ordeal of Attack propriate measures in dealing Pilot Tells Reel Victims' Sea Rescue CLARK FIELD, Philip pines, July zo mm dazed people, their clothes in shreds, huddled under canvas on a raft tossed by 10 foot waves A frightened little girl whimpered for her injured mother A Chinese woman begging for water, then leaning back and dying in the arms of an American airman This graphic account Was given today by a U.S. Ai Force pilot of the rescue right under the nose of Red China of those who survived the shooting down of a British airliner by fighter planes, presumably Carriers on Scene While Capt Jack.

T. Wood- yard told his story on return of his rescue plane here, two U.S. aircraft carriers with jet fighters operated off the scene near-Hainan Island under orders to stay there while search was pressed for nine missing persons. seemed to me they were trying to make darn sure there would be no survivors," Capt. Woodyard said in an interview.

This fitted with the account in Hong Kong of the ilMated airliner's pilot, Capt. Philip Blown, that "they shot us down with the intention of killing us." Clark Field officers praised the work of 31-year-old Capt. Woodyard of Washington, D.C., and his crew as one of the outstanding sea rescues in U.S. Air Force history. Aircraft Warned While the SA-16 Albatross, an amphibian, was on the way, it received a message from Hong Kong that the Chinese Communist government at Canton had warned military aircraft to star awav from the scene.

said it was mistaken for a with it." The plane, a Cathay Pacific airliner, carried 18 persons, six of them Americans, when it was shot down off the coast of Hainan by the Red Chinese planes. Ten persons, including three Americans, were killed or lost and presumed dead. Red China's regrets were ex pressed in a note handed today to British Charge D'Affaires Humphrey Trevelyan, who delivered a stiff British protest to the -Peiping regime yesterday. Reported as Raider It said the first official report on the incident was that patrol aircraft had encountered "an aircraft of the Chiang Kai-shek gang in that area and that fighting too place." Further investigation i s-closed, the note said, that the plane was actually a British aircraft mistaken for. "an air craft of the Koumintang gang on a mission to raid our military base at Port Yulin (on Hainan).

"The Chinese people as well as the peoples of the world rejoice at the easing of the inter national situation through the recent holding of the Geneva conference and on the agreement reached on the restoration of peace in Indo-China," the note said. Fighting on Coast "Meanwhile, however, air craft of the remnant Chiang Kai-shek gang in Taiwan have enlarged further their sphere of harassment covering th coastal areas and islands of China, including Hainan Island, dropped secret agents over China and practiced piratical inter-ceptiou and robbery of merchant vessels or various nation" sailing to China for trade in a desperate attempt to create tension in Asia. "Therefore, fighting is still taking place over the coastal areas and islands of China. "The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China 'expresses its regret at this accidental and unfortunate of the British transport aircraft and has taken appropriate measures in dealing with it. Sympathy Extended "It extends its sympathy, concern and condolences to the dead and injured in this incident and to their relatives.

1 "It is willing to give consideration to the payment of appro priate benefit and compensation for the loss of life and property damage involved." Peiping followed the note of apology with a repeat of an of having "taken part in and directed" these forays. These acts and the U.S. plan "to sign an aggressive military pact with the Chiang brigands" have caused the commanders along the coast to "be constantly prepared to smash any U.S. Chiang scheme." Again to End Deadlock Signs Indicate Both Sides Prepared for Atom Law Bargain WASHINGTON, July 25 (fP Freshened by their first full night's sleep in four days, Senators tried new, off side efforts today to break a deadlock over atomic legis lation. There were signs that both sides were ready to bargain but no immediate hope was held for a compromise in the 10-day fight which was climaxed with an almost continuous 86-hour session lasting from Wednes day morning until 11:48 p.m.

last night. -Conceding he may fail, JRe- publican Leader Knowland of California indicated he would push his effort to close off de bate shortly after the Senate reconvenes tomorrow. He would need the votes of 61 Senators to invoke the cloture rule and end what both We and the White House have termed a filibuster. House Session The House, which completed preliminary action on the mea sure in its own 17-hour marathon session Friday, meets at noon tomorrow to wrap up its work with a final series of roll-call votes. But the strict rules which lim it.

House debate do not apply in the Senate, and a resumption of round-the-clock sessions are possible for the Senators unless some agreement1 is reached. Knowland pleaded -yesterday for some "reasonable formula" for a settlement, declaring that President Eisenhower does not askr for- a rubber-stamp Congress." He gave no indication, however, how far he might be Willing to compromise. On the, other side, Sen. Gore (D) told newsmen, "I now doubt that we can win." That comment came after Democratic Leader Lyndon Johnson of Texas had proposed a limit on debate. General Revision The atomic bill is a general revision of the Atomic Energy Act of But the long debate was kicked off by a controversy which did not appear in the measure That was President Eisenhower's order directing the Atomic Energy Commission to negotiate with a private firm a contract to provide electricity to the Tennessee Val-le Authority to replace power which TVA supplied to the AEC's Paducah (Ky.) plant.

Gore, a strong TVA supporter, led the. battle to prohibit such, a contract, but lost by a 55-36 Vote on Wednesday. Indian Youth Wounded in Film Scene JACKSON HOLE, July 25 (U.PJ An 18-year-old Wyo ming Indian, playing a role of an Indian warrior in a western movie battle scene was serious ly wounded, Sheriff Olin Emory reported He said the youth, Norman Shakespeare from Ethete, was hit hy a rock which was slipped Into the muzzle of one of the guns. Although Sheriff Emory believed the shooting to be an accident, he was conducting an investigation' because Paramount studio officials said there had been some ill feeling between the 55 to 60 Indians in the cast end a number of transient white men who were hired to act as "river Franco Pardons 25,000 Prisoners MADRID, July 25 (iT) Spanish Chief of Slate Franco to-day proclaimed an amnesty affecting an estimated prisoners in Spanish jails in observance of the Marfan Year now being celebrated by Roman Tall Building Looted NEW. YORK, July 25 ( bound Watchman Carl Portelly today and looted all the offices of, a JS story building here except, that of the National Foundation for lnf'nM 0 Spotting of Fighters, Dive Into Water and Horror of Crash Related by Pilot, BY PHILIP BLOWN 1.

As told to Renter Correspondent Graham JenkinsN HONG KONG, July 25 (Reuters) The attack which downed our British airliner Friday noon took place 10 miles east of the normal international air corridor east of Hainan Addressing the 12th World Christian Endeavor Convention, the President made an impassioned defense of spiritual values underlying the free world and contrasted these the way of life of the Communist world. He said free peoples must unite ''if they are to meet successfully the opposition which is united by force, by the threat of the MVD, by the threat of the police, the threat that comes about when a child is asked to inform upon its parents, when there is no sanctity left in family life, or in community life in anything, indeed, except slavish devotion to the head of the state." President Introduced The President spoke from a cross-surmounted platform in the Mayflower Hotel. A Ha waiian choir sang "God Bless America" in English and in Hawaiian. Dr. Daniel A.

Poling of Philadelphia, president of the International Christian En deavor Organization, introduced the President. The President told the young people: "I should like to ask each of you a favor. You will return soon to your homes, and 1 should like for you, whether you live abroad or in America, to take to all your associates personal good wishes, a per sonal expression of hope from me and from this government that all of your labors, all of your meetings, all of your en deavors, will lead toward ever toward that closer bond of brotherhood and friendship without which this poor old world is indeed in trouble, and which I believe that the young people of this world can do so much to promote. High Moral Efforts "Now, when we talk about such high moral efforts in this world today, we sometimes en counter in the diplomatic field the statement that an inter national relationship does not use moral standards, that it is based upon expedience, or upon practical solutions to practical problems of the moment. "And mayhap this is some times true, in the temporary sense.

But it can not possibly be true in the permanent sense, if we are to win that security, that peace, of wnich all man kind so desperately longs. "We must remember the spir itual base that undents man's existence, and the spiritual base Turn to Tage 9, Column whenever they heard me coming." Once one of the suspects tried to crawl from the drain through a street manhole, the deputy said. A passing car pushed down the manhole cover before It could be raised. The chase started when Dep. William M.

Thomas said he saw four youths taking narcotics shots near the entrance of the drainHe arrested two, but the other pair fled Into the drain. Officer Bacon, answering the cull for assistance, followed. Booked at the East Los Angeles Sheriff's Station on suspicion of possession of narcotics were Abie Van Chaves, 20, of 73l)'4 Sydney Drive and Joseph Emmett Garcia, 20, of 472 Sydney Drive. Holds Lead, Faces Runoff DALLAS, July 25 Gov. Allan Shivers and Ralph Yar-j borough apparently will carry the "bitter battle between conservative and liberal Democrats into a run-off election for the Governorship of Texas.

Shivers, the champion of con servatives, held a 17,158. vote lead over the liberal Yarborough I at 6:30 p.m. today out of 100 votes counted. Between 000 and 80,000 were still to be tabulated by the1 Texas Election No more tabulations were made tonight. Counting will be resumed to morrow.

1 Victory Chaiice Shivers still retained a math ematical chance of winning without a runoff. At today's final count he was 17,629 votes shy of a clear majority over the other three candidates. Shivers', bidding for third term, had a total of 627,736 to 610,578 for Yarborough in the latest tabulation from all of Texas' 254 counties. The 2.72 of the votes cast for two other candidates for Governor apparently was going to force a runoff. Arlon B.

(Cyclone) Davis, son of a storied figure in Texas politics and a perennial candidate for Gov- erner, got 15,671 votes. J. Holmes of Austin received Bf nch Contest If a runoff is necessary, it will be held Aug. 28. Democratic nomination is tantamount to election in Texas.

The struggle between the conservative and liberal leaders overshadowed Other races and the apparent crumbling of the power of controversial South Texas Political Boss George B. Parr. Candidates backed by Parr Turn to PHge 12, Column 3 Golfer Drives Ball Carrying Rope to Rescue Fisherman NEWTON-STEWART, Scotland, July 25 (Reuters) Robbie Murray, local county golf champion, rescued a fisherman today by driving a ball straight and true here. The angler was trapped on an island between the Cree and Penklln Rivers when heavy rain swelled both streams. Repeated attempts to get a rope to him failed.

Then Robbie arrived, tied a golf ball to a piece of string, tied the string to a rope, and hit the hall right on the island 75 yards away. The angler pulled the rope across and was hauled to safety. THE WEATHER U.S. Weather Bureau forecast: Mostly sunny today and tomorrow but some variable high cloudiness at times: Slightly warmer today with a high temperature near 00 deg. Highest temperature yesterday, 84 lowest, 67.

The Albatross kept on earlier broadcast in which it going. VVoodyard concedes, We i aW Commilnist forces had ln. didnt know at the time thatjcascd their viRilance due to the -icssage from the Comrau-jth provocaUons in(i msta also said any military from, craft approaching the area tha ctatoa Island. I am pretty darn sure they came, from the Chinese Com munist air base at Sanya on the island. I.

can't say definitely whether or not they were Communist planes, but they certainly were not American or Brit They looked a little like Japanese wartime Zeros. They were propeller-driven and certainly not MIGs. Our bkymaster was seven minutes behind time on its flight plan when I altered course, to give the Communist island a wide I had been heading for Hong Kong for eight minutes, when, by sheer chance, my copilot, Cednc Carl ton, saw a fighter on the star board side about 300 feet higher than the'Skymaster and about 150 yards astern. I looked out on the port side and there was another fighter in the' identical spot on my side. They were small, cream-colored single aters with clipped off wings and sharp red noses.

They started firing without any warning." They did not at- Turn to Tage fl, Coin inn 1 FEATURES INDEX Times Newsman Flies 10 Miles Above Earth Ten miles above the earth Is another world. See Marvin Miles' account of his record-breaking flight on Page 2, Part 1. On Other Panes ARTROI.OV. rR Pmt 1. CLASSIFIED.

TflgcK Tan 2. COMICS, rage Part .1. CnossWORD. Pas 19, Part 2. DRAMA AND -'MUSIC.

ran DR. ALVARrfZ. Par 10, Ptl 1. EDITORIAL. Prp.U, Pan 2.

GALt.VP POLL. P5 IS, rait 1IOPPKH. Pa PiMt, Pai Pall 3. OIL AND MINING. Page 2.1.

Part 1. Pan 11, Part 1. RADIO-TV Par 22, Part 1. SCRAMBLE GAMK. Pa S.

Tart 2. SHIPPING. Pag 2M, Part 1., SOUTHLAND. TaM IS, Part 1." FPORT9. Follnwlnt Pa 22.

Part 1. VITAL RECORD. Paw 2.1. Part 1. WEATHER.

Pa 23, Part 1, WOMEN. FtlM 1-4, Part 3. Wave Upsets Small Boat; Five Saved Five persons yesterday were rescued from Catalina Channel after the small motorboat in which they were coming to Los Angeles Harbor from Avalon capsized under a sudden giant breaker. The five were Donald W. Dusch, 48, of M30 68th owner and operator of the boat, the Little Bit; Dr.

E. G. Schmidt, 45, of 1915 Florence William M. Murphy, 61, and his wife, 41, of 6711 Broadway, and Miss Patricia Carballo," 27, of 7615 Halldale Ave. A passing 'yacht, the Walpa-letto, picked up the five passengers and stood by until a 95-foot.

Coast Guard patrol boat arrived to take the five- aboard. Coast Guardsmen righted and pumped out the Little Bit, then towed the vessel to a Long Beach boatyard. Sailor Slides Down Tower to Death NAPLES, July 26 (Monday) (Reuters) Strollers in a cen tral square of Naples were horror stricken shortly after midnight as they watched a young American sailor slide 60 feet down a church tower and crash to his death on the side walk. Tollce cave his name as Don ald Eugene Donivan, 20. They added that Donivan was trying to escape from a pursuing ship- rnle, who claimed mat JJoni-van had stolen $10 for him.

Fiction Writer Dies DENVER, July '25 (U.R)-Wll-Uam MacLeod Ralne, 83, western fiction writer, riled In a Denver hospital today. Ralne's 82 books sold more th--' rvwo, 000 copies. would be shot down." Woodyard's account gave this picture of the actual rescue: A French Privateer plane out of Tourane, 'Indo-China, was clrcl'ng over the raft when the Albatross arrived. A flare it had dropped was still burning. Turn to Page 9, Column 3 Dope Suspects Chased in LA.

Storm Drain Boy, 12 Feared Kidnaped; Alarm Out in Six States GRAY, July 2" (U.P.)A answered, "I'll be back befor six-State' alarm wis out todayjdark" and hung up. for a 12-year-old biy who was) Maine Atty. Gpii. Alexander feared killnnped by self-styled! La Fleur assijrnwl State Police magazine salesman who prom-1 Investigator Philip Wheeler to ised him a job. the casfl after a neighbor of tha Daniel Wood Jr.

has born the! missing boy, F.rncst Yerrlll, object -of a widening search by told of seeing a flashily dressed police-and neighbors since stranger about 50 hanging. Thursdiiy when n- telephoned; around near the Wood home, his mother from a nearby store. Yerrlll said 'he man ap- "Pve got a job working for pearcd from under a brldg a salesman," he told and entered an automobile her. "I'm going to get 50 cents about the time Danny left home an hour." to gf fishing. Ten minutes later When she ordwd him not the boy telephoned from a store to "go away with anyone" he 2tt miles away.

Two suspected narcotic addicts eluded a itubborn Sheriff's deputy yesterday In a marathon underground foot chase through an East Loj Angeles storm drain. Before Dep. A. W. abandoned his subterranean pursuit, alarmed fellow deputies formed a separate search party for the officer.

Bacon, exhausted by his four-mile walk, emerged from the entrance of the drain near McBride Ave. and Folsom S. about 90 minutes after the start of the chase, with his uniform splattered with mud. "I saw one of them about, three different times and heard them yell to each other," he said, "but they would run on.

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)


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