· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (2024)

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (1)

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Friday, the 18thlOctober,1985 • . ir-rr?7 :7 7 :

Call Attention Notices, .under Rule 66‘ - .?*.&;

Financial Business-^

for the year 1985-86 Papers L id on the Table

Discussion pn Governor’s Address .■■' - ■' '; m ;


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· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (2)


· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (3)


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Dated the 18th Oct ober , 1985.F or Paqe LineUn i v.er i t y

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· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (4)


Friday, the 18th October, 1985

The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker (Sardar Ravi Inder Singh) in the Chair.


Shri Om Parkash Gupta : Sir I beg to draw the attention of the Govern­ment towards a matter of urgent public importance, namely, it is said that the Punjab Government has decided that m future all the industrial units in Punjab must employ 90 % industrial labour of Punjab origin or Punjabis otherwise all units will have to be closed or facilities withdrawn. The statement has created panic in the industrial sphere which can affect indus­trial production and stoppage of Establishment of industrial units and flow of capital from other States. If it is so how will the Government meet the shortage of manual and semi and fully trained workers in the State.

Will the Chief Ministor be pleased to make a clear statement on the matter.

Chief Minister (Sardar Surjit Singh Barnala) : Sir, it is incorrect to sav that the State Government has taken any ^cjston to thCj effect that in future all the industrial units in Punjab would employ 90/ 0 industrial labour of Punjab Origin. There is, therefore, no question of any panic in the in­dustries in the State.


jjj (jH qoTH 1H31: FpjfaS H'fnn, H§ Sfa 33* HfeW SnY I Hi. WH. H'faa

^ 3* Sfa I

ntftera : 3t fg T £ U3' 3 fe3t 9 | fe?f S offu 5 fa wrt1

^ 6h tjopa iu3»: sfafaa n»fng, wfan Sfa ns nf h1Stef 33* WS 3 # Hfa*' I few nt feof HZ & Z W 3 * fanfft , 3H? tfat n^15 1 fen fegrefat Hfonnnn?> i fe # 3 f n Ffenfife fen gaHifeiKHt fa'90% Hnntfttfet 3#aft ifpNnnofnSt n'nn»nffa sna»fa ifafa § fen ..

: fan sfet jfe<?5 SnF & I °f3 |

qt$HijoTO 3W3T: niifan H*fng, ifet Nan fen d fa fen tfafa 3 fen ^ ggt stfana 1 1 fa H tW | sft 3n t fafcnt nfi nsNlnn -fen ^ sdt* fHsnt i nfa ifrfig fan in # 2 mi % safe ns j

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (5)

qt jjiftore: feu uuf hu 'S ot? d i u s fa feu ^§?> i U'auuRrfug, hr?5>?5 muurs SfeR u f i

(Serial No. 5)Doctor Kewal Krishan : Sir, I heg to draw the attention of the Govern­

ment towards a matter of urgent public importance, namely, that a state­ment was given by the Chief Minister, Punjab, at Amritsar on the very first visit to the city that in future police personnel shall not enter into the Gol­den Temple Complex. Bitter past for keeping away police from the Com­plex, is obviously known to the people of Punjab. There is very much re­sentment and fear in the minds of the people. The Government should make a statement in this respect.

Chief Minister (Sardar Surjit Singh Barnala) : Sir, the State Government respects the sanctity of all religious places like Gurudwaras, Temples, Mosques and Churches and does not want to interfere in the functioning of these, holy places. The proper maintenance of these places and the keeping of peace therein is the bounden duty and the first responsibility of the respective managements of these reli­gious places. It is, of course, the responsibility and policy of the State Government to maintain law and order and ensure peace and tranquility in the State. The State Government; however, hopes that the concerned managements/organisations will ensure that no occasion arises which re­quires entry of the police into these religious places for, the enforcement and maintenance of law and order.

’ SUc?<n3 : Rlffe'd H'fa*g, feu Mg) 3fe U fe fu^RR UsfRR utR"3feut Rrgr t|TRU Rr§ URUr U fe UUU'U R'fUR feu MTUH7>?JUS'fewfgW RltyH M s s a RJ5UU S h! r'!| feef fetURr 5U5 RUhtfr R3rdufc5BIRRRklTRc5 I feuufut) U?> fe UU'U' ufSR §g SUf RT%3f| | R‘ U'U?5T R'UHf UTfe' R UU'U' § 3 WUR/TO US URtU' R5UU<5 0 SR ^ ly fe p feu u t f g u r g s sufuuurt ?

HH H3uV: RUl5U Rtfa*g, f e t a 53^U>tfr §U §R #?5 utuiUfHU UW TO 31U 'fe R k t^ ^ R r ofc&UfsWI §R grufife ^ U fa # | RRS'H 5US a t afRR

5 lu l 3TSl I feR 5 3 5 feu f g ?>3ta Rrf RfUH<5 >Mr8 I H§ f3UUfe'R

festRR UHR feU 38t feu.faut 3R5 c5UT U#3ft fiTR 5Ual UfeH § §U UTy£?UU ■ slaUUH lfe.1

sl'oteo «<=« Pjiha . Uf3TH fe?>uHRH?> fe su td fe § 9 »1'UR?;HSfe«fe»P U 'feu 'S QSUU K UU, U3 3j feu.

RUfeu: TT HfURR SHU* u* fe feR ur a f f e w fapjff 0 1

U^UU 5US% R3 - RgfeHRtfUR. aUrg 5S>HU uut: U I a fesr s 5u) feu faut fe^UUHRU fi-TCret U 3* 5} feu 551 SirU^st cfgjygj ?

• HHUT; M3IU 58t fe^UUHRU Rrf fHjfeft 3 f §R yU»fe5 ysifa*g «*UUrstSfel Rfegfti

(5)2 Punjab V idhan Sabha [18th October, 1985

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (6)

Call Attention N otices U nder Rule 66 (5)3(Serial No. 8)

Shri Ram Kishan Katarfa : Sir, I beg to draw the attention of the Government towards a matter of urgent public importance, namely, that a boat bridge is required to be installed over a Sutlej river except for a rainy season from Auliapur village to Sikandcrpur village in Tehsil Balachaur, District Hcshiaipur.

That several villages across the river Sutlej towards Machhiwara— SAMRALA (District Ludhiana) fall in the area and jurisdiction of Balachaur Tehsil of District Hoshiarpur. That distance from Balachaur to these villages is hardly 6 to 8 Kms. In the absence of a required bridge, one has to travel a distance of 60 Km from Balachaur to reach these villages via Ropar—• Morinda—Samrala and then village Sikanderpur.

These villages have inseparable cultural social and emotional ties with the people of Balachaur Sub-Division in District Hoshiarpur, since the time immemorial. In the past promises,and assurances were given but not fulfilled by any Government.

This area, which falls within the territorial jurisdiction of Sub-Division Balachaur remains virtually cut off from Administrative facilities for months together. These people cannot bring the paddy to Mandi Balachaur.

It is just by nature that river Sutlej passes through a very short pas­sage between Auliapur village to Sikandcrpur and it is feasible and econo­mical to lay the boat bridge, thereby to make it convenient to the people to seek facilities from their Tehsil and District Headquarters. Over and above it would shorten the distance for the traffic by atleast 60 Km, who desire to go from Hoshiarpur side towards Samrala, Khanna, Rajpura, Ludhiana and beyond and vice versa.

The demand of the people is long outstanding. Hence the Government is required to make, a statement on the floor of the House.

Chief Minister (Sardar Surjit Singh Bamala): Sir, at present, no boat bridge exists over the creak on river Sutlej situated between villages Aujlapur on Balachaur side and village Sikanderpur on the other side. However, there is a ferry service available on this creak near these villages.

The site where the Boat Bridge has been demanded is only about 16-17 km from the Ropar Head Works. The flood water will take only about 4 hours to reach this site of the proposed Boat Bridge and it would not be pos­sible to dismantle Bridge within such a short time. As such this Bridge will be vulnerable to floods. Therefore, it will not be advisable to cons­truct this Bridge.

$ faERJ crergfofr : RuluU RifUR, H" »PU ut R RiR? HU RSUt §

BTSSten?! SUigp fe R USR yf Mshtfryg 3 " fR§R3y3 33 dfoRls US'33, fast ufe-

>HT3yU f%R Rut U, Hot § RUS 3 U31 S3IRT 5 fa feR US 3~ R3I3 RSTR3 3 ' fe s

33Ug3SS3Tu3'H3f3U3-Hf35T-HH3'S' >H3fed fRURUUU R^eofoiSt-feu H' ^'RSf 3f0 of33T U"RT 3 RR" fof US HRS S 'S fe j ? iR S ' fH33 6 T 8

RrgfURterg | tf^K fryg h?g fRRRgyg R RdfH»iTS r ! RRSR RfgtjR

UU3R»U3 URR 3" &WR'3>H3 f q US H Rtf^i U33 fcuS 'H fas 3 I feR U S ^ .

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (7)

[Fft STH f°TH?> oRJ hMT] _^ faui 3 '^ ' ?fcn-5'

60 fesHtea ui3rf'§ai, i feuys 0 t ^ fsutn»§ § >H' stf <pfe§HS 3UBI» I c^W f fSH j ClT §

fg s^ s hh? t ggtyfefjt s» s w r u s sra i f e w f e s ' tI fSH § Hfe gjRte* 9 I

v H“y Hgg). 3* 3ft3» EUf 9 sfe RRHtS feet 0, feu W3itPfH?>ore sel e* rt i


(5)4 Punjab V idhan Sabha [1 8th October, 1985


Finance Minister (Sardar Balwant Singh) : Sir, I beg to present the Supplementary Estimates (1st Instalment) for the year 1985-86.


Finance Minister (Sardar Balwant Singh) : Sir, if you allow, because it is a very long list, I may read only the Serial Numbers of the papers to be placed on the Table,

Mr. Speaker : Is it the pleasure of the House ?

(Voices : yes, ,yes)

Finance Minister : Sir, I lay papers on the Table which have been listed- on the Agenda under Serial No. 1, Serial No. 2, Serial No. 3, Serial No. 4, Serial No. 5, Serial No. 6, Serial No. 7, Seiial No. 8, Serial No. 9, Serial No, 10, Serial No. 11, Serial No. 12, Serial No. 13, Serial No. 14, Serial No. 15. Serial No. 16 and Serial No. 17:—

1. The Punjab Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Temporary Supersession) Amendment Ordinance, 1985 (Punjab Ordi­nance No. 1 of 1985), as required under Article 213(2)(a) of the Constitution of India.

2. The Punjab Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions)(First Amendment) Regulations, 1984, as required under Article 320(5) of the Constitution of India.

3. The Punjab Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 1984, as required under Article 320(5) of the Constitution of India.

' 4. The 3rd Annual Report and Accounts of the Punjab TourismDevelopment Corporation Limited for the year 1981-82, as required under Section 619-A(3)(b) of- the Companies Act, 1956.

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (8)

Papers Laid on the Table (5)5

5 The Annual Report and Balance Sheet of the Punjab Ex-Serv - men Corporation for the year 1984-85, as required under Section 23(6) of the Punjab Ex-Servicemen Corporation Act, 1978.

The Annual Report and Accounts of the Punjab Film and Ne Corporation Ltd. for the year 1980-81, as required under e

f>\Q-AnVhl nf thfi Cnrrmanies. Act, 1956,

7. The Annual Report on the Working of the Punjab BackwardClasses Land Development and Financial Coloration tor the year 1982-83, as required under Section 27(6) ot tne Punjab Backward Classes Land Development and finance Corporation Act, 1976.

8. The Annual Report on the Working of the Punjab BackwardClasses Land Development and Finance Corporation tor tneyear 1983-84, as required under Section 27(6) of the Punjab Backward Classes Land Development and Finance Corpo­ration Act, 1976.

9: (i) The Finance Accounts 1982-83 ;

(ii) the Appropriation Accounts 1982-83 ;

(iii) the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India

(Civil) for the year 1982-83 ; .

(iv) the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India(Commercial) for the year 1982-83 ; and

(v) the Report of the Comptoller and Auditor General of India forthe year 1982-83 (Revenue Receipts),

as required under Article 151(2) of the Constitution of India.

10. The Annual Administration Report of the Punjab Scheduled ,Castes Land Development and Finance Corporation for theyear, 1982-83, as required under Section 27(5) of Punjab Scheduled Castes Land Development and Finance Corpo­ration Act, 1970.

11. The Annual Administration Report of the Punjab Scheduled Castes Land Development and Finance Corporation for the year 1983-84, as required under Section 27(5) of the Punjab Scheduled Castes Land Development and Finance Corpora­tion Act, 1970.

12. The Balance Sheet of the Punjab Scheduled Castes Land De­velopment and Finance Corporation for the year 1979-80, as required under Section 27(5) of the Punjab Scheduled Castes Land Development and Finance Corporation Act, 1970.

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (9)

(5)6 Punjab V idhan Sabha [18th October, 1985[Finance Minister]

13. The Balance Sheet of the Punjab Scheduled Castes Land De­velopment Corporation for the year 1980-81, as required under Section 27(5) of the Punjab Scheduled Castes Land Development and Finance Corporation Act, 1970.

14. The Balance Sheet of the Punjab Schedled Castes Land De­velopment and Finance Corporation for the year 1981-82

• as required under Section 27(5) of the Punjab Scheduled Cartes Land Development and Finance Corporation Act,

15. The Administration Report of the Pepsu Road TransportCorporation for the year 1982-83, as required under Section

ot the Road Transport Corporation Act, 1950.

16. The Audited Accounts of the Punjab Agricultural Univerity■ Ludhiana, for the year 1981-82 and 1982-83, as required un­

der Section 34(5) of the Haryana and Punjab Agricultural Universities Act, 1970. J s

11 • Th® Audited Accounts of the Punjab Agricultural Univerityyear 1983-84, as required under Section

A ♦ 10^0 Haryana and PunJab Agricultural Universities Act, 1970.

_ ■ ' ■ DISCUSSION ON GOVERNOR S ADDRESS Sardar Sukhdev Singh Dhillon (Rampura Phul) : Sir I beg to move-

“That an Address be presented to the Governor in the following terms .

‘That the-Members of this House assembled in this Session are deeply grateful£ *h® GoJ erno5, the Address which he has been pleased todeliver to the House o n the 16th October, 1985.” v

HsrgmftegHifuH, uTggsgRifgg sfgg uf^-r u ms ygofM t i fe n s s 'H ut g ufas tmru’g g g s , (fo*tygH U S: "hfo Wldfeq w feuug, u s l f t b itfe s iftfler g t feus u§ui”i ai^uHtfug 3 fesus W ei t^ecM d i ftW dW*5* U5 fequfew d @ H g-U faofg ofuttni R't ggrg gg g US I .

Hdlsfg H»fgg, fen nggig £ UFfgtfg&ggs gjjg-gr§g gg fggr jff | fa*g§ u fg siu F H 'sg teg it u s fH fg g bpggg fe u s ? ygH sfu w r! i

R'uVai'ugtHg ip u g to i.sw teu M fufeg feT? grog su'd - u ig t g ^ u s s fu s j e s T g s few s ugs g»ae fo u W feg fesurou ggrg giggi

u>ggf s fe g fesu rog s l i s W S f a f w 'f H B 'gfern hu hiuhs bi'titffesufgg](gigigg u«ggtgs feg'gr)is] t)fengfgntrgg >»i'§us fR g 1 leiOTR&'Hid i fes sr o ^ u<gg] iu g Rigs uh fe g g

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (10)

fejR Uufe' Gr GsStG UR4 fecf U» feu Um S few S | feSTU'UHU fes» life ufu faw S i feu eu sr sh U'uet S fen u* feu ftfeu w few S, feu u i4U'Uekf feustw U UieW RS I HUfe# rfa*gg feof flfeU U'HUU HfUUiR few ufepfewS I fefeur ore #Uf Ht,feH SetfeuSU* SSRU SUt4»lfe I >HUIU SU* ffeuSHU^nRSui H'feu feugt feu S' WHuGl UfelUH U'Bet U» R feSSR V3r S, R fesf G fugs UK US Gfe R'UH4 fRUU UUS» UU3 RUUt RHUU' ut i feu fuust wuist ufuet utRfsu»u fife Set S, feugHs«S'H'fuu fen set gufet Gu se us, feUHfet wuSt Gtjp»s us i nfetuutfRUijnis uu§ rus'h» Rffue UfHRt's U'feHUU fusts I fes* U* 3*R ,3131 gfe>tfi S >tfSuG feu sfe* ut>HT >>RRT UUt»R UUS S S3T UHUS I HUtUc R'fUR, UfeUR G RSH HU SS RU4— • —.asfu uuut feu ufet G fesfes feu fesr s uetel uM i Gu4 h*# § shuu u» uh hu ufe»iT i Gr SrjuW u«uet»fi £ feus U t »RUU Sut utHUI ufet I w s t u<uet sGtirS4 feUUH HU UUt »iutu UH UU feu 8U»et?fet >fe >HH feRjS fesuHsu feu fife ^U3 uuS fey u(u §Tai hu»su uj hju uu'uu ufe'Si RUtUU R'fUH, fefe S GG4 U 5 t H*lt § 3HUU Ur UU HU offer »fe 5«'f §5SHuuif uufe me i uruuwfew feu fauruer fifeu(et>>R met>H* tyUHSui feu ur^f Gtwyg* fauu»el# ureW s^-fuu >fe fRy feusufet hu u Rfe, f^t feu UH'U UU'GuutufHHUfet Ufetl rfu4 uet RHiS utuis usut Rt st f ,R t s uferuR uiuetut u> uruu»u Suets'uet firutuis uuGutjUGgfe SuSt UU*GutRTfU§ utut UUf utfe feufuG fefis HUU» US', uuufetfes* £ ur»u GfeeHu s rhur uus ut ufen ufet i (feuis)uu huwG4u» r! fefe QuhuUfUMTS? RTS Htsmur l£PSR3RUUUfRUJRt S fR#S fUU» fltfU feufifesfife US HrUR' UU US fen U'U fesUMrfeut UUffut UfStutS I fURRUUtH UUe u tfe sfeH UH.Set SUFQS1 UfUtUf S I UU feu H'HS* fe UU HUUfeT rT fesus RfU U fUI'Hf UU4 fe mfuuu fw UUfSMf fepur I HS UHt S fU UIUUSU R»fuu g feRH'HSS MfUUUUfeu fe»R>*U feRRiU fesU»I>feut UU»S §H S U3T U»UU»et ufet 1 fn Ufusfef Sfu Go wu u Gh feufesg'su? RsG^feu4 fegjjfe fest^ $ feu WUHfiut SRU SUt4>HT feU 'S I fuu# >H»UHtfeu UUU US fU ^t UetuUgUUryTf fe u ^ fe R ^ ^ f >}frj4RtHS G sfeu RU»URtfug utRUfT * * * *

ZX feffe Gu M'U sut4 >H' RUS RS I UfeS HUS S'S Rt, feu Ut R»feu (feuts)

qtfiu i u ^ ’HUUTr ** *# m>Mr. Speaker : Sorry, this is no point of order.

Doctor Kewal Krishan: This is not in "good taste. » iTURlRS G SteU § f ST ^ fuur S fU UUU? RTfeu ** ** Mfe | fe j sfRUR RU ufetS UU I

♦Expunged as ordered by the Chair. ..

D iscussion on G overnor’s Address (5)7

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (11)

Jjt Ffcflora: fa^Friuu, u liFfefeufauit! ?

rta'tj'a Ftifa? faui fa s1: mitsra Fufau, h1 fest w us* Fifau^ u se 1 ut iH1 feU tPH UlS UT fUoru ofl'3T U I FT 3TUUU FPfaH S ?! USSt Ufa! Ff! fa UU1 feU Fig UfasUSFllHtfest ^3IS f?U U33T yfeM'UfeMi-, aiUH tFUU Uth!oh!ft!m§ 3lHH

—»- u

uutss! ue! ut.H1 FiHfeMT w s# of! ars 91 (utf) mu feu uufiu tF^Mfe

(5)8 Punjab V idhan Sabha [18th October, 1985

if fHU O T 3t S’® ;. FTUlofU FFfaa, faU3 ** tSUU Sid afeUS, §U MoTFIUU US Uiufa US I .

jjt Fpjfoaf : H" f5U feu ?! MSU'fHS cfa 7??TUTT I

ri! fa? u u hhu : mifau Fiiua, ' ** **. (an*)

Mr. Speaker: This is no point of order

HUU1? Hlfa? faui fa s1 ; fast £ um fa*g feu yfes! ?*U ufeM'd fa oiuu?1uMt ufeR afet m§ feu ?! fastfa un feu irfus! ?*? ufe»p d fa3IU5?rfaMt f?U faaiuut gutMt giut>tfT I Fftffou FFfuU, UFTuHu FIS S FFSufate feu7 d fa mfi!1 few! tf u ufais Htnuu1 uu Ffafa uu H3 mufift fa! ais S fa FITS fas! UT2 3~ ffaM1 f3TMT I FFS UfeM'S7 SUl" UU'FI UUS fad1 fefMT I MUfeu FFS Ufa fatafe UUfaUSI

FFsftM faSlU 'U ^fafaafay^Ff §n UifasrasrafeUTFftfaFTljtlFU?! e ty i ggyg iJJUu!^ US I MU 3Fl!" fatf UU U fa fa t o 'QH f?U SlHtMt M3 fa il

gut fahfa liait sw Ffu uutMt us i (uftfa) mfiY “huh fau” ua sftfa, MFfa'fauu! utriau7'Hgfafat, mfT ire! fa! ssfel 51 fas!,MFif ustafa, fa!ssfe!®3! »fe MFfa ifufe! uss ?fa fesfafafa fa! ssfe! ss! i

tj! Hlffou : H1 UfaFt 3 UFfST Ufa'S1 Ut fa feU frlUS MSs'ti FIS fa*■* ** feU MUFTUUBffaufaUSi (Uflfal) '

FlU'e’U H¥§? falM fa s1 : faftofU FFfUU, fe^f ^ djdt 'fdMT ^! ^OTFfslfe!M§ ffsfas! tFSi'ffaMii fejjt^ufen afuu?rfeMt fau?fa!i fe t

S UfeHUU FFftra f?U ufSFI ? ^ feS/ S MU'S 3U3 ^iUM11 MFJS t s feU FFulMt u!ut ydtJ'Hd UU^UU I' feu fUUS ^Ff FIH MSMfeM'd'd U§ FT § ^tfa

fe^t ^MFfe! IFUU! t fu u s ?S?tMUfeMt §HS tiuSM FislM tuu?Nt S ssrui fe3T I feg MHfaUUfFBM U fa §H FIH1 UfeSlHfe % HfaU FIS, fs»S USH S S ' H'dVFFIH UU^3§ IFUsWfe !H'UU! S gsfaS f l H'UUS^U FPfeH§ ?ufe! faeT ut ffau S uusS MHfeuu fmu s feofe ^ f ffira fe^ t^ 5

♦♦Expunged as ordered by the Chair*

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (12)

feHRuurufee ueru usTfewdi fee feu feuuT ust w hrh1 efe fuuT UfeRUfe f u 5 ufet fefel U1 UUU W WH US I J-T UFTJT gi fe fefeft ^HUofU frTUUt fof fesf FFUHS US et RRoPU @ST r f e f ^ feof T ** gfUU HU fURT 3 UU feu Ut feu S # USUI UfUUT gr} r f t fe^i FPUsfe feU1, t I

ft feHtjcfTR 3013*: ** ** ** **

Mr. Speaker; This is no point of order

' ft §H tjUTJ UPJ31 : RUlUU FPfUU, HTS«dT HfeU ** tU ®ge feufTIUT eufew fe feR ufe £f 3UT& R>HU R ^ fe r rt |

RUtUU : UU feu Util WRUR U feet 3f feu fee RU* ofg?jT slu RUf$ \ “

ft §H t cTO mra1 : ** *# **

Mr. Speaker : This is no point of order •

HdU'd RUfe feuf : Sofi- S fesf S urui fUHT U ifeur S fitfe S eUSTU fuUTHtjH'fSJ § * * fuUTdl

Hi fesf § is h el epets feu feur Ht 1 fes* s efe u ife ue eute uu feu 1 efefet fee ufew >>fe uu e e g few feee uu ufew, fugfe rr s urt

f s f afer efeu71 ufuusu RTfeu fe^suR fee^tfeuuwfew tr for gue e&H ufew u 1 w" h* feuu murr ut uuare uu True* fe 1 fe u u sw Rfuu s ?ufet feeT ut fu feuu § s f s s fe sw ^»fe uIr r s fest

— — u — y

• wfew § fu yur uu uufes 1 feus es* fee 3% ife rs fsf el fuufet^Sr§"R UUU UUUfegT ulR ffew dl RUlUU Rffue, H" UU1# ufetv uset UUStefee1 uf fufeus ue euuu erew fee.»fe mrhu e t e ?5 f e e l s us, testfeu uu fesf e r l;Ri5T su1'u e r, fes+ § uirg fetw e s f fee fe^fe1 efe uTfu fesf et wrT w uu Ruts >h§ f s ^ e trfg^fe f s t § fes rus i f u fs+ s^ u fe ru t u e t t i feu w f s s ^ feu uuiput leu e fe a rli

. U’UHlHfe etw fesuRsf fee e fesf s tfOuiuT uluT u, fu rIuw feRiuns d I feu wseuu Rfeu ^ H§ S ufefe UU fu RUT ^ feR f g sft U? fen ufefe uu fu .fee sr?5 fee e euu. u ipsat, uiMHU's gs efeurr 1 A" ufusT efee7UT:

Hfe uh! stsut, e e u e hut gg 1

**Expunged as ordered by the CJiair^

D isscussion on G overnor’s A ddress (5)9

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (13)

[rurtu ruru Muf f e s 1]

f e ? g HT3 RH r13 Bt feS* BT w Ufe-HT , ^rfyg f%g ngfe) ^ fife ^ ' d l H1 RUSW RrfU9 S M§ RURTU 9SU3 feU) S Rqfef JT I

tff 3 W is t HUTR3 R fR3t I §S'T 3 §R Rt W 33T M§ RR3tUSt S HR SRU

39, »TU5t HUTR3 £ fB3t I fRU^r £ M RW RUUrfeM' 0, §R MRTU3

§ MRf FFfew TfUS^RTfeH 9U5T 9, ’ ffe M RW ' S MHf STUI R U ^S 1 9 IHi RUSTSt Rt $ M3 RUtf'd RSU3 fRU| S UtFet § feur Rt fRST 3 feu FTUT RR

prarfejHT & I Rtf feU IR S ' USt Rt 3* f R US URTR Rt R U ^nt M W l S ^ s u f

ufu$ fu3T, fesf 3 r fR uu Rt ut US' fee i fesfs us feu afs rh? mt RTs t

31ufet 9 1 feu f e1 RfuR r s fR MRrst uwt feRst Urt9 ut hrr} suf 9, feu sffu§ 9 9 r s for • MRfst uTuet feust Urtr Rt sHrfeRT suf9 i uuus fesf § feu uis rhu mtRTs t urM 9 \ fes* 3 fee

W R offutMT § 3 ' RT fe s f UrfSMT 5 U31 S3I fUT>RT I

Hf Rufsru Rrfue, uruusu R fue § genet fRR1 u f fas* 3 ^fet fesRMTfeut ru3

fe&t Rt RURTU § fuUUS offuf I UlURU fHUf $ M SR^RU 3^ RTMR RR9 FFUHS Mrfenr § u RfRMT i feR feR feseetR s Ts R e t hutrur w w §ufR R uruet rt

URt i% 9 rt igg r w r R T ugtife 9 rt f e t f e e ‘ 33 ' r! hrIh s 9 §URURt3 *feRy33T SSHRT fgTMT fRR 33T foffl t u t § RRT ^SR i fR § §R 3" U3 foTU

Rt9 US, HTR g u fuiu RTRUS, feR 3RT §U fgjg gr9 I f e s r - f i s URTR Rt

33Rt 9RT3 RR UR Ul9 RS I feu URTR R fU3 Rt, URtrT R fU3 Rt UTS RURTR3 SU? RU RR9 I RlitRU RTfue, RRTRtMT S Q^t Ort ru9, RSR Ort RU^RTU

fURRRTS Rt'lH fneret 9 I RRt URf Rt ufe 9 fR 3R f RtRt fR^ RH O^t R RTR


fRRi feRHl & MTet 9, feR RURTU S fRRSt 18 WU RU fR3t I feu BUR'S 3URt fRH RUST 0 ( RUSW RrfUR S, RURTU R S#3 feW S R 93 HTfeU US§ S f S SS3t RUfefT fR MU. Rt. Mfet. S fRSt US S ut UTRR #R fR§ I fRU©T RRT

§U RRTR § fRH'ST STS RURt 9, RR 1 8 ^ yM'feRRU Rt UTS RUR US M3 RR Ret UfS RUR US §73 9 qfRM' U'URrg tfRRTST § 9R>§ I BPUrUR ITO^f r! s fe t

fRRTS HT| UUt9l fecRS RHR»{TRistRTUtRt9 R SRT USi fecR§ RUTRfHfSM1 9 l ^ feuSUT f c f V u r f i * UsfeR 9 S 3 tR HTR fSRSSUIl Hi RfelURT-FUSt S 9 S 3 t RUfefT, fRST Rt fegRS fRSt 9) 9 M3 fRU# U U SS R RUR US,feU RUTcf M ^U feST ^ R lR T R ltu y g R SUt'FftRlRTfeRR RTUUUfeR^ fS U

fsfeMT9, SRT s fe S T S 'R re fRUT 9 fU H "fe9 U^RfUR SUf W TSTRW , R R ? S '? t fUU URUTfSM'S*SR'RRfeMrS'SUTS 9 R U et9 f u H3 RTUHS 9et 9 u u f u f f feg SU?#TRT, MR? fesr RTRfeRUf R T ^^jt | MR'UR fuu

(5)10 P unjab V idhan Sabha [18th October, 1985

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (14)

u e f s is -'H su fe ta ' u s, sret ufu' H su fef» i'u si fe H » iu w u su f f f u u s w

Rffug S, HSU'S HSU3 fnur §, »injsf HSU'S S UUfef fuU' S' fU §<U S >HU'S3 fsu USt SIS' HSUfefM' >HS §H W SsT u l feHUSlffHHS SUf U>feU' uTur 9 I U HfS§ UfHHS HfeW 9 §H U fUU US STSSf U Sfef Uni Sfef § I U)Y SIU >tf"fe>H' Ut feS USf SIS UM 3' fUS feS ' S (feSTSH VSSf US fehPS') SS ' ep#ST 9 US £f # I S T H'UU'UTfUfUSt <^SUH HfSHSSf fuu u s WHMUHS US, USWH TO

I s USH UUf S'UUt SIS3 W¥S Urfu§ US>HS feH # fUUUf2 SfefS' 3IS3 U' fU^IM' US H1 yfefH HfSHSS HfejU S U'U fUtT U' fU § S ' S STSHf S HS fs>H' u u s fr W USfHSU'SSUfU^ U^UTU'ffer §ufeH3TSU' few 's s i fu fu ss §H srsuf s 'S H 's 'u st su n 's s ' ! s ' l i fen u su f Hr§ u s t gs'slH H sl frafs&HS

U'H USST UUtU'U I WH? W fe UU f lu S^fei' u s s l I , UfSM'S U'SH US § S ' ?>»FUS UU UTfe s i s ' l l f a f UU Ufef uf SIS I fH U SUf f f Uf0S' UUH' UT fu UfS'H'ST W%" Hnj UUfs feu s US SU, S'fUHU'S 5'U" H'Sf U'U uf fesr US

US Ufet § S ' USUH SU? «fe ul H W I u lfsiS Hfe US SftW' Hfs>tf' tyfefer— u w — —

9 l u fH ^ S S f H'U'UHf fu s rFU H' §H 9 HUS H'§USUSIS,USiSfife tyfesa, I H fee U SUf, HUfUS H'fUU, >HH?»I'USt HSU'S S, >HU«sf U'SSlSH'H'H S' UUfe U'H'HHSU'U'fU >HHY>H»US USHUfUH'Uf 5O T I HUfuSH'fUU, HUH'U' USUU

fHUltft SUlU'S u ffa u lf HU'UU 9 §U H 'f UHUf >HU33' S, HUS'US' SU'feHSUSU'H§, UH'H u fu u e uf S'ut U'H§ u ef9 i h§ feu u fu s fuu uuf fsu u suY fu »iu 'st u»sst fmi'Hf 9 »i§ u»sfHU ut i >hhY sra H'fugjs u ¥ 's s h su u' i m

H'U'USSU feui ut HU'US HU 9 fu s S rH§, UH ufUS^'H S, UHUl »IUS3' U'H§ u s t9 MS HH'S U S tU S ^ USS'StfeH>HU'S^ f S '^ U d '^ S U'HS, HU U feu

^'H§ u s s t UHf 3f>HHY§H9feU^t fe sU S US'U! SUYuSTSI I H" H'UHS US ^fe' >H3 # S ' S I s s t USlSI' fU fe ll UH'U U fuS uf SIS US, f e l UH'U uf SSUf uf

SIS U% f I feU H'S» H'U I MHY HUi MUHThS feu UUHf S ' UU" SIUSSS WSSH UU'HfH'UHfuS SIS uuf Hf M3 §H U fl% U UUt UH'U u fu S U t SIS s u f Hf u u f, uuf feSHSSf uf SIS SU? Hf uuf, UUf UH'I uf u s s s u f uf SIS S # H fuuf S'W lY ^'U >H'©U USUHf USfeST SUfuni' fof H'feu WUUfHS U' SSU uf U U '9 fe ? ‘U » i'ts US, fe s ' SHU H § § ufU'U >H'tu u s f s ^ f I US, fu s f ^ 'S f e s '§ w u u fy g ss f w § HHU'fssi i h'§ ynf 9 fu s iu s s s H'fua s >H'us>HsTSH flU UH'U Uf fetsU H fe SUf H US fesr S (u'SISH U'SSf US feH'S') UU US fU3' Hf §H U U'S fetsU H fe U'fuUS U'fU'9 I fUUHU'S f lu UH'U Uf MU'sf HSU'S, H'US HSU'S H' qS'UffeS HSU'S H I f HSuf ufe S& §U U fesf HSU'S Hf f e n s fils ' uf usuf US H U S' few 's fuu'>H§ UH'U U fuu fu s' fuu I 'S H USS U'UH u”f3', flfer fuu US HUS I s s Ur UHUf3', fu¥' fuU feH-

OfesYtf' >H§ UHUU'S I s I H lfus H'fUH HU1 MhY HHUf H' HUS'H H' fUUS USH'US Ufe Hf ^ H'S §S'H SS' U HfeSU UgU HS fu UH? §H U'SSf UHfeSU

D iscussion on G overnor’s Address (5)11

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (15)

‘[933*3 H tft¥ fRUJ fg jr ]

fau^t fife* .^.naWT §-9HcfURfd i u V g feu M5*sf h39*r ufira) Ra9'o r *|

' f33RH*3 t R fw f a r Rl fan 3 fife* ^ 33a} 3 gw 93 cftt I *(9*c5TR39<3 3

fife* f?9 9'H 9 $ 9 3 3 3 * 5 9 9 3 5fH*, fife* feg 5 r| RoTJJ 9 8 , 5S) 3R9H*H US

i 9 8 9M*fe3 9H '§8 3) R5fH 3 * 8 5 )3 )9 3 95 M3RR 3'85'f3U* IT3* 3 fa fs3* 3*s ' * y

(5*3139 9*33) ¥ 8 fHH'U*) f f e r5)h h r 5 3 (rh) M 3g 335) ggH M 5 *8) 933*3

£ 3 9*9 f ¥ 3 5 ) t § 3 f9 3 * £ M* 3 9 R 9 3 f u f i fa 3* far* 3 ) 8 9 1[RR*53§R3,. . H8*Uf * 9 3 § R3 M f 9 339) § 5H R3 §R 1 9*3 feu (>>193)93 ¥ 8 feH*9*) 3 3 9*R

§ 3 3 u§ m§ r*3R3V) 3 9 9 S tr.sraf^ S i 3 8 , few g)fu3M*9R) wug) r) **£ M3 feu R*i R*3H3 15-20 9 5 35 I (feof M*¥*3 : M3tR3 9*3 ¥t 3R

fe& ) R9)93R*fa*g, MifaH3 3 9*3 fa 9 'M 3f¥3#fR * 3*33* R )g3f93* 5 fe j 3*fa539)3'C f, fen 8B )fa f33*5 RRH* g fa 3* 3*f e ^ ^nju) fa j8 § fa fest

5 M9fH3 § H*H8 f¥3 fcfo) ROW) 5) r) r) I fa H3*5 R 8¥5) R*9 % 9<§ 3)

#FR *g»33*3*f5 M '3*3)fH83 Hi g»M 922-23R'8H 5 fe3*:3 S u fa ^ R g S 9 8y — ac y

i i W 'W S t 93tR97?53?yfeM ' I R*3 99 fefa35 feu g s ) 3»s) H38 53? gfejM*,

53)R 35 3 # 98*3), 9*8 )3*93) 3J99 33fa 5) r * I H5 CP5 3 fa H8¥sf) R*H $ 833M *3f¥3 fciiM*3) g l u t y c s ^ s f e 993 39 3t£ m3 mr? 9 * m r fegyfaM r fafafe* 9 3 3 3f3M* H*8H* 35* 9 3 3 # T f3H* 9333" gfefM* fa 9R fofe* gfeM*

H* 3fRM* fa 5 9 feH 9 3 313) 3 I feof 8 9 ) fefa @9 3). 93) U I feu R* IfffHU MRg'3*g»3f33* g s 5 3 3 0 I 3 3 ^ RT9H ul 3 f PH' 3 fe 3I3H>Hif3>Ht ^

3f3H"H3 Rff39 f?3 yfeR W‘3 fW3l I

Rlftg3R»f39, ^lof3 RofR5 ^ 9'3 H" 13 3 ^ 3 5 ^ 3 3 1 3F I fe3 93f off3H

' R3 fc< wtof3 R=fRH g )W ) fe3 ? ¥'RH U f# 20 HoPHt U3T3fR 93»fe»ff 9 I fe?3

| W 3t 53^ Rl UHf f s f ^ 3 l 3 m dSft ? #l53R°(H3 -^H^oft- ^<R§ R"

HR3' 3»3Rf 3f fof fUHRH'3 H fe% 9Rf9 ut Uf33t Moffat R36,Tg nt, 9 ^ 3 R35»3

Fftgf C13»3tf33 R33»3Rl93Uf3e?f W H tR 3^3R 'tfR R 3 Rtg fifgRHrH fe g ufost

^f3l ¥tof3 R3TR5 ^ 'R § 203(3.53fU»ff FH533R3^33 HH^RH 3f<W I Ufont

fe3 >H3ffe5t R35f»3 3t Rt ftlR R 3 3 '3 .9H€H fR~Uf 3, 9335^3 H fW § fR^t w

3H3I'3 H 333feg 3'H H3R Rt, f § ifR H3)5r?»3l f s f I feR H1 ufu?^ fc'R

rR3of»3 3>HRT 3 # 9% ' fa fa33 93331*3 35 f 3* 3 WU3 33l U*Ht 3 933 3 'R §

:0R* fBH* U€ I feURURfaUS* RS ?5§ 3t fe3U 3 '33 )i S fa3 R3*R* Qh 39R

, R § , f33$ FWR R3*R* 3* 39R' 3»R§ >Hc(-! R39»3 ^ 9f3H 3 I >HR?

lOR'H* fa g yn l >M3-f39S'f9H"3 9RRof33HUl ¥3399 3* MR fHR3 »IRV

93 MH3 933 35 I HUloi'3 R*f39, R*3) 93 39)3* f939H fe"3 33*3 393 3 33 fa

3R355 1400 3 9§ 5 I R9fa3 R*fa*g, fe3 R*5 ¥^3 9f33 33 fa fH3*?> fe5R33) %

(5)12 Punjab V idhan Sabha [18th October, 1985i

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (16)

uhu feg uur an glut d, feu sne fa al3» gl 3 i R'Rt gg' fest Real gu feu* r!>HU feS' SSRSH H¥HfflUR' 16% d §R R1 U[e» d 12 % Rg s I H»§ UHt5 fgRf§ feui ie feu HRutus, fug# ggg>s mtgHlusi ds^s gfe u® He fefgg URtglwstH ggt alR* fern' i fee ere? R se.fggel fey urt fug, rm«h UR'gl s» 5 1 f s* s gg feg wfe set uh» rh* fen* d fg hrT w§ fefeHeutS3I1# THRf RU'S fgRHl dt RUSH fe>H3T UURT §" U'UR fgW# >HU RHl' URtgRtuuul' gmR fe#Real g#gt nui'd i feu#t fdut dfg rut# us1 delfuegR c5# H'R' SR RUt T feu# llfon* m»yet»if Re* RUS § Ufud RS I 3RT

fenR'§md gUSWRTfug stfgsl RUt#dH URR R'eaft fe RU'#tmugl HSRU U 3ie1d I feR RU* £ ig% y 12% * gg fgRt § mRT fSR HU S SRHfeg r fewde nel igsgtr gt i

Rulgu R*fug, R»#t Rgi ufun' Rggtg ugl r! §r ggg m'sen hrh ife Rsi fg§lgmRl"feg dyd uf fa feu# #§ muse us gel fad Reegtdmd det fgR Ree S' RrU' #t fegtR U fg mfeu Rg t feg- fefem i urr 5T g'»fS Rt#eu gt us feg d mgRU ge Rte# i f u r»# gg gt fusRRrs h^h f ggletns sg Rgu m§ gg di rush ge Rae, gg fufe s du Ran ul gg gg fgd get Mg Hl gtgl gnel r! fer gg gel eufsur h Had Ran ul gg gut fgd i mssuuRtfug g'nl wg Hl feg gfeeggeet § r! suT r' fes §u >ngsHl gt gg gu del r! feugl mgtjyt Rggtg d g&l r! i

■** VI

RglguRtfug.ueguRRigliH' gHTUHfHHdgR'gd fusfgg gus ginfe' us i feugr mutur hr gfgf uuur fnur d ggg'sl d t gg?Tfe>gr g, fan ^grgg dgrnf fesHU gd rh fgg g§>nd g-URgdR^ feu Rulguge, gggrgW fgubn'd^Tggfe'gtuetijf'us i usluig i ggglgfd, URlggfgf gy eus i ue ^gH'feHd S' feggr hrh' u §u gl ufe u i fg# feg feg ugH RduRggtg s Rtgl glgt fe fe gg feg gget rs Rfy>nt d fuRtg s'H utaft, feugl fe feR ^gg 40% 3"i2% ggwgret rI i h- wue Hfeug s gg*el fggt ur fg feu uih #t dcd d >ngtggd feg h Mtdfel >nd feu ggtfe>nt fg rur! Hfgg § ud i ggt Rigl gg 5’ - 7” »ftrur »M i • feusuTfg fgg gg d 5 ue ue h h§ R»e# 1 dnugHd uRH ue S'H gel 7 hu d gglg Rt# gg d na Ir feg gs R»e# 1 fes'ddR ugR gn gut #t fe>Hfs suT fgRt fed’fe feg Rnsd Rsfg >H3iu ure«a fs<el RtR'feg fegeulst M i ue#t Rt'iygultsu, geW § utge meg u farm11 nut mug d fg >hrT r»§ gg gt guRul ?fet #g dfet s'H uh fHH d gR aule 1


Rutgg Rtfug, ue H" feg aiH §3Urs gt ruu gufet 1 Rt# gusfHr r! gt feutgr feutdfgRugtg dmgtfum'feg guuRs urh gusl d 1 feu dfemt faw

i . D iscussion on G overnor’s A ddress (5)13

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (17)

[RnnT3 H fen fewtfe HU Un’R tlfe H, afrlReet nn»§StT’n3’ fes T ggt Uet MUstURSR’n , aran fu netne setnsn»n nre snret HHau’ ft re setts’ tfsn’nTjdf nnS’ l fen nfe HH Unst U I fffeM’n’ 3TSfeeUUUSU?H’Stfeat 3TS Un 3jfeUH§ M’UntRS fen as R’Ut fesU ufenS I Rutus R’fna, W* feiRre s’ saf <5re, nfe usst tj# , its us feu salts’ fan’ feR’S’ fw t, 'feVk’ e§’ i refeR fare feus uas’ nt, 3h? fen murur unr nre 5 1 fes* £ RnreaRT s, HS’S SHstM’ t fen# fe rent aan £ uet VfU’S hs sre sue S STt, feu M’S’ SS? HfSM’ I Hat SIS S’ 3IJ53 u RUnttl US fen fenS’ feR’S’ t fen n nre Hnts ufns’ real fen ufn Rut ns fu fee’s fen" ’ snt" us ru ere nt

' U

Mrenres, neutun R’fna, ferens fn§ s’ re§R nt eas s nu fen* re i fen nsret, 1984 ren i fen atat t, eutun R»fna, it fr wan s’ sr? un# fe nst ns rere d, #h nt sis unre re fo 9 su sfuM’ nnH nt un afet i fen 33’ net na as i re afore re fa an unre n ues* ufej i fen aretfe resn ns i fen fens’ rent nan re ur’ n fen aistar nt ren snV nt ureet 5 1 un fas’ t net

—■ V.

fuM’ssafuts’ i re re§R s mss unfe’fa r»# ass»s’ R’fna aisfaHfnsns un nairas uhh nns snt n§ Hires ns i itnt fen nt Man n fe feuunre fnn nnt na nfe>H S i feu feMret ufeMr are net arsa ars nt nnt»r ns i §h ^ set net nfens nt yuan un fnnf n*n n fe fesuM»fent n n»n »fe netM funre

. Moras nreni ueW nuBf §sn senfuM»nms netMf nnu sn s'sna u§ns, h'^ st n sTsst1 sfe ’H"© f fenufnn’nrfn snu»s nfens an few d i 30,30 mss afe uetnHtsf u afe, uh u» afefs* S feu um nt s# HfeMr i

" §n n»s»s s Hn snu nu§ nt nnts, 2ofnsr fnn un nets* tth» unn» nn, fen s ufesf fenrets ans«s» nt us n*n m§ uet M<nsnne, fen M’untnu»fe§, 3n»t ns nret nt ufnn» nf i mh? uet fnfsfRs fe s n t feu; ure net ns i

(5)14 . Punjab V id h a n Sabha [18th October, 1985

nutun H'fna, h 4 fen asst unst t fe sa fnnuH n» as net arsf fnn aas mst fen» n, fnn saj un»a Mures s s»m nn»fsfnn r fut arfunn fmo ns fsM» m s fus ua nn n faw i fefa§s n»fsMf s fus» nutM' MntnntMs fnsf t fefafs fnn i

nutun Rffea, ere mrentes tfef ms ere unre n eyn su’ § h1 nfe t s r nrnn» nf fn fens’ ufeia MU’nn nfeM’ nfeen set es are’ nnnn frfui spin’s s entnt fest n, R’nt U’aet §r Mures ssre nn»fsset nnsau dMn Main feR set net n n una»st net uet sf fui snL ne aft i §r n s et ye, »:■ Cnis nn iV a feRHn sn R'S’R’U tes'fe fenMU'anTeustHfents’n'Rui M>fen fnn fes’

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (18)

S'S H' feu Ur§R ’ll® Hefe Re*3IT fe ffeJ3T feU Sefsf|H3 H? fee1 S fSH §RSR RH3t S 'S U'R RS ! fe 3 UtStRUSTRRUR1 UT 1’ ' *

rras1 RSfeRS feuf 3R3 (RdRttdfe) : RUtRS R»fUR, fe dl^dftd RffUH %I'R set efe RTfura&uRorte’S, §Ret us3» use set i s

'•'fHRT U* I wfeVRRTS1 eS W H U»e Sfe? uteeR 3S 3 ysff R’fRfe ^ HfUS^tgrau§ u e w r fee feu f e e s u t u*i fe u t 3 e r se es Rffue i w u s

erne fe e fsftM Tu ,1 '>hr >hrT fee w fe e u f , i s f§ § ^ eR 3 » >H §fes*feeeet»i*

§nfe* s i f e e s u§ u* i” feu fee* £ f33 s e e f i f f e u u s >hs fife 1 R fes e t s s u e t d i r r s nwt1 e is e e e w efR § fu » ro 3 » s u3 s e f e 3*U3»s 3irtS fe fe^t fee* ^ u fe fe e n fe muSh e lg e tfee i S ,rtsu 1 f e f i s s e e * § ifa e

RS*eT» fe feR MR3TS RtU33» RS*I

D iscussion on Governor’s A ddress (5)15

ufasfh1 fee1 ee rsrtu1fe wit1 fente* s i fife1 feufeRs u§ e* 1 Ru,fU5S URR,S*Se)R RSRtS Rl feR RH* S fee URTR et 3SRt HRU 3TSt Rt, wefgR3’ 3RfR e met fit, § r e rr^ e»s s e i ue»e f fee ufest R3»e fee «3» r s s s e t w fe s e e hu u* >fle feu feHfe* eee»s» R»fau et ms'et fee se t Rei»e eiseee R'fue e>dstu fee e e s tw rr1h* e» feue Sfee* e ’e fy e tw eee* efeet u 1 fee eg/ p% §" ufus1 yw fee fessu fee s e t e rrIh* ue, fusst »?e»st hurts i s e htr s RTfee et hsr»u et, fen s s e e s t e tw e hrIh1 u stw n e , fee*e ye e rs u s e 1 u r fusst RfeuR hurts e erute1 fit fe feu HitH1 fefefe feu eeoft s e t He, feR s e t fee* »i3tw hrTht feystfeHS*st e» s >mhs e e e t >ne urth et eeet e u i fee»e e» s »ier ife^ f fe e ’ 1 ue mspr ^ 9 fe § u ruV fesstR U o:»esseeueiit^ ’r si u s e e e ’S ’R'fee f e e e s s e t


stnet iu»3e uefefuutnfeH’,feeee’fe fesywfeeR ferrIh Rt.weeR nus use etRfeH fe ^u^r r«s* etssRt.fee ute I h fuist^st'RBR*e

— u — .

>n»U5 R fefeeue’ e e e ’ e>uetRt,ee»e’ fee §feR ortfeee»ss;ee s e H e e s u . 5 >muur rts* fee vrY feuRotlfe uelfeReeV:* e f e e u* 1 fee* R fefee'su t u fe e e e fe e e R « e > S i s i s t y e s e r e u e * f e e s i e » s s e e » ^ e h u r s

eee’, w e’ iet sgi’ts', fee 3e*i ^eefe e uee>S’RTfue fe et hurts fieeutS' feefUH’es y^Re>sfHSisi'si q»RRc*eue*fee s i fe* e hums see’, feuR'it rur'S e» feete» S1 fee Rutee R»feR, «3t et §ue e» iet eess* es ses', fee gfs* feR>«eeR e» HufuR» ue i

fee, ?s yfsR hrtrs es» i ees*e* .§ ie iu i Rulers’ fee1 feu1 S 1 ftR set feu feS stfu 'sesTe efeise’e it i uiur i§ usT i ffe §feuT>H era i, ye eesne is 1 feu r1 Reene fe

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (19)

UfejF 3 3 3 *3 I feH3-dT ut M O ^ 3 T fa fi3 i3 )ir a r & ,H » t0 3 ^ § ttft j§3tW * oTOS TO37 g 3 31$ FT3 §3* ut feufet 3U37 £ y 3 § 37 U7 IjptJ5rTOT, Fret FBore t Htj 3H US I feu U3 FTfek7 §HfeT ^ >HHf OrFg Ut fetSUH fe 3U3 feu URfg 3 Hddttl 3 3 7U f%g s Rf^r jt j

(5)16 P unjab Vidhan Sabha [18th October, 1985

f^d ti'd fifuj |SU!3]

.10.55 A.M.. (feFT HFT* H33m URU3 feuf TO, Hfeu. USS »FU U»fUH3, ?>

Mjreart ut grot re^ t)

3»f3H3 FFfeg, fTO feu M s u f tf e U k 7 HUtHT U3 ,§g to gUTOtf ? t U3 I 3 3 FF|> feFTT t $ fesfe ^ S 7 grj}^! ^ | R§t gr£ ^ gfelUH TO37U

fen t § re re uufe w zsm sarfe u£ h , fen 3a7 fe i ufwH ^fre TO U, 3H UH ks U3FT 0 Utu UU§ TO § 3 3 U7, feu 3 # US u fet§ .1 feH'UUT § U §3FT fegS t cffelUFI FTU3TU § S3T7§ TO §U 3 # S3T7S g fe t§ ,it f ut fen^ § fewfeu §st ufetut ^ku fei gfos ug ut fe^rf t §§t Hdc 'd § 3fTO old*! U'dl'ut § WU H" WT 3U7'dl7 fe Rfet RUTOT feu 3H ufus § wreu § 3uaft i fro § 3ts ut feuufu fegn 333 ut afs d 1 toUS S7S , 3U7g U k 7 fS 3 U3U U7 3H U33 U7 HFTS7 §, f u f§3 33U § fe ^ frf^ ru TufeT d I feu Mtft afo u t s # 0 I feu wt M m r e s ) u fetu t § fe Ot o j§

UU fife 3 3 TO Ut.TOU Ufet u fe , feu Wt TOut 11 HUtW feu 333k 7 U3 »fe

TO3TS T R7feg Ut 3 3 3 ^ § O tre $ f3RT3 3 fe s fe ^ S 7 U7utU7 0 >HU feOsUHfe

Ut»F HUtfe U U3 fiW feu g fa s 7 3TO fS 3 U3UTO TOHuf%R U7 U, 3 TO7 3 u § s u t 3 fro 3U3t u ru tu t 0 I

^^3H3 FT1 feu, ©JhIU1 § 3 ^ 3 T75 ^’UTO7 3U"U U7 I ^HtU7 U ?57u k 7 US M ssro fe Ut»F, 3 Orre § u fest 3 3 7U feu fo x 7@3 u k 7, §U 3 i ut TOtw U FI3Uk7U3U3U FFUS Hfet U7 utd l7, fTO Hfet ^ rH §T O g^ 7UUUUfeuf iff S a fe ’s § M3TU3 3 fe 7 FTt, u f u M37U3 0 §H 3 HU f?W , SUU-g-SUU §3-fU??t 3 r?5 >HKS 3t37 u fe U7 H73t f u ^ T O 7 UUt U H3Ut 0 1 MTO 3Ht-

UFft ufe afet, U7 feu u tH tu 7 U3 f u u u k 7 3 # u FTusaftk I fTO s e t 3T3U3U RTfeg § %3FT feU,U R 33 3U3 ‘^JUg37’ U7 0 f u UUUt 0 | ‘

UtFtU7 HU7 TOC fee 0 fe FTfetk W 7 feu U | U3 i FTU7 OrT R1??7 U7 feg S 7 • feUUTR fe»F33 0 I fTO UfFfe feFT Ut fUFfefet 0, feu ftpH^ § S 37s t e fe

§i u^ ?t jfHst w s t us get Otug ut 3U3t rert »tst afo 3uu7 0 3t feaut fro u7 3H -uu7 d fe arsut wfeu wf|u 3a, to feu 3uf uu7 feu7 1 UU- t US OrFg ut 3U3t set ats 3UU7 0 U7 @FT 3S ut Fre HUU U utu §3 U3 ©U dH'9 feu M7 33 U§ U3 I >HaiU MT3UTO FPfeg H§ TOlf1 gfew uk7

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (20)

^ * wlfcret ft fc. aaS a*. ^ • ^ ’rfH § f X SL T t 3 3i stf aiWH X-Sfl fs t 3Ht to W 5*9 9 & to «3*Saw feto, h§ fas aft >M afe sat* 9. *9 wfe*1* » ^ 1 ®* 5 5 # J , f e l 3 i f e f e XWftW S S B S 59 fea 333 t 5H H3 > 8 I f e l H§

« t e r t a s ^ fe tom 8 5 . w t ® fe»f'

ftm' 8 i wra xs>a ft irasra xn * ‘Hfxa'aaf f a® fea x-atn>r wfaxm- fw aft fcraWar aas aasarox^ie

rraftaB§fH3X3aaitwf i fa fH3X3<t?? 5 feaasa aa* >fi fa as^, S*j3 ft iraa-a j fen t n f 31 P « * f saf * f'a w,5. OT f fa * xast sftws j m - 55-fci* i xs w #**

fuss 5 Has* if® , ft ®*9 sat aa a* *a fa S» ® K 3\w 3 fe m i mr? fen r ’r m '§® f e i 3 th w 3 3 3 UT *ra Mm® 31*3 3 33*

£ BfrfeH 3 fW !H H" 1H®* 1*31* fe fe t fS l a w H’i %S t t f c f f

Hi I i r g fo s R fo M3*®1 u*3®t i t irasre i t 3* t * tsu *® t 3*

t feH *?«H3 S 3 3 61 S3 fo 3 13 3*®t W **H§ HS13 331* t®MT *» 33 1J

fe t f RRJHS t g l l f o i t 133*3 M*sft3* fe t f 3 ^ 3 3 42 ®3 ^ 3 13 ^

fe w i 19 s y f R f o s 3*®t 3*iH3*® t ^ 1 53 ^ 3 ^t fop s* ?'R3 oft 3H 3 ' 3H fo3 * I MR? 33 Mf33*3* 3*3t* feu H3I 33^ ^

fe in * ! t fl3 3 33 IS § 3 133 fH S i 13jt§ 3® I ^ 3 3*®t t 71® f e l ^

fe is t 31* 3 l l 3 feR § ©3M*3®* 33 H3T® «3T 3§ 1 1 ^ «T1® H*ftg i t

f la s ra Tft 3t. § 1 t® fS3 HH®* ^ H l 3® * & W * ^ ^^ tHBT fe§ 3§ fe3 fo r Tft f3 -3^H^5 § ^ ^ ^ T 3 33 fel®t Jfe? i IT g l Hof 0 I fHl®t R fo i t H»3t 331 i f o l t ^ I 33 fS3 §E^§^ V feH ? ! 33 M3 fo fe t f !3 ^ Ol^g f e l 0®t 3 lt 5 3T1H3’3 § ^

HM3H3 RTfog, fH3S3 3 1 ^ ^ t e W I ® W ^ 33*1 3 ^ 3 3 fe3T rfoT d , 3 t1H3t3 f e l tWte * 2033§ « fe- 9 33 31^3 f e l fe3 40

H1T3 33frfo®T ?}| f e r f e a j ? i r a - f e T ^ W f e fe3 ^ ^ ^ ^WJ fe in t fireet 9 » fe ft1' ^ 3 tfe foJ f ! 3 ^ 3 ^ life fer a l.feu 3?row ® . fe333T cftHT fe w feR t <3S 333 3 3 l HT1H Hi §H HT1H $ 7^S 3tTg ^ feu

3HHJ cf33T 3 fo ^ R3 feR 3 ^ MR? HSP?» ^ M3 3 3 3 l 3 3 MfeoT^ ®et H31 3 3 ^ 3 t I M 3133 H *fe3tH § f e l 333 f3 3 3 3 3 § 3 3 I f H fe lo f t^ l §H f e l fH33 ^3Mf3ofT3 f i t H3T 3t 11 M l35-36 R1® 3 31§ 3 3 ^ M 1 T1 3feMT

1 113 3r33 f e l 33t 3 # fH3H33t 33t" ®® H^t I H*§ 3113 f e l fl3H 33t ® ^

iH 3 ^ 3 3 H33«3 3®^ ®’feHTf ®3' CfoT 9 , ft MFlf H l 3 3 ^ 3» 3* H *t ^ >fet cS# i f e t I MHt1 foJT fe 31tg f e l 33HT 333 31^ 5, f l3 3 l l < O W f 8 fS3H33t ®t fB § 33 f e l T1 3 ?J3t" f l3 t 3FSt I feH f3RT3 ^ ® 31Tg f e l 3I31 35T uiT u §R faRTR Tim 3 ^ 3 f e l M3 M3 25 3 3 fH®r l l 3 3 S 3 3 33 HT3

D iscussion on G overnor’s Address (5)17

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (21)

[huu»u u s f iu u frfuf |tR ?]

fen UTH§ Utt S^ tu fe cSuT fUU* rlfe_j Htf fof OiFUfeU UUUofHS UU3 UUt 3 UU 9 uf feUFIUUt UUt SUf" frJdl r ife I HtSu foIH oFUS t fe§U cffe grgt § j

3 MUHS FPfeu, H1 3 UTU UTUf fe j oRFcIF fof feu ftfU3 t Orfm t STS UdlcF offe

tTTfeUT 9 , feu OrFU S 3 U’U ofUS^W ofUH 9 I ofS K1 MFJ3 U*FST H3 Uf S

W feUT fe IHF y s OrFU Uf 335ft f e r 5fusf 9 , U3 oFUS HfcHUU U S,3 * ■* @<Vi f> FiFU fU3 T fof fe#380 U3 3 UT UPUT S3 Ult US I frIH HU UT380of§3 tF

UPUT UU §U ddoft fof?' of33F MU @U UFcF fof? 1 Ugf offer ufecIF ? M’fUU feuuput 3 i fu st t Oh s *s utyu* us? 9 i mu fe"st ut huu u s feu w

uuf MFJS UfT su t‘ t< 5T MU S t Ut fofH UU HU 3 ' feofS1 ufeMT UHT HtS U S t

9 i feu Ort w w ut hts u s* 9 u s f n feu ut § u grau u u t u s i f r u if e u f

feH T3 T UofH UT fHHUHUUUT fHFTUH 9 1 fesf HUU UofH SU lt US MU fecf HfeUS

UUH HUTU US I fofGToi OrFU feu fsfH'SfHUSH UU3 cfu9 USfeH cFUUfeu OurUrU fHMTUT UUt 9 I Our^U ftlM ^ UU) 9 3 f §H § UcfH 9 ) M'HUS ?t '

.H"UUS HUoFU 3 UT3ft HfeMf cTO" ftW U1 u fe 9 I UUSW HrfilU MTUS HU 9 UfeF fr!U3 T UofH UT 3fUMT FTUUS UtufHU S r ife 9 §H feu 1 HSU ^ ffe

UHT H3l t US 3 * UUT UHT SUt" fHStF I f f HUJHS US HTUfMf S r?H3 T UHjfe TP fe HTsO H3 'Uf UUf U fe S # 9 I HT3 f S U fe fe rg § ^oft t ffer ?»Ht 9 I W fe st S feu s?t Uffer grfer gt fg f f e g^ofSU H’U fUUHd^S f f e ?U§

# 9 US feofS OrPU f f e US, f f e s f UTU MU OHUfe^Stl OrFU feu?U3 t r ife 9 ^ 3 Sf HTU fU3 H3 TS f%U SUf ^U3 f r ife I MU H fe^r UlrF feH3HTH OrFU feu fHMTUr f e §H 3 Hfeu 5 S cfe U fe MTHUS H3 ^ fHMTU1 OrITU 3" Ut Ufe 9 I ff(ST 3 f e 5 MU §J5 OrTTU feU ^ufeMT gigr g § 3 S»

H»U f9UH3 TS feu feH HU feu SUf ^ufeMT g f e I f fe S et FFUf feu H3I 9

fe HTS UHr S 3 U’H3 Hfeu US ST fF3 T UU USfe H1 UH H1 feO Ut fHSU rufe 9 I OrFU tF fHSUUf feu 3 U UUHfe 9 , @H H3 TfUof HfeU §

HTUT UHT UU 0 U’ofl HrU1 UHT frfU3 T fe OrJTU 9 SoF 3 " ScfRr Ulf feu feolfeufe ww 9 , tuHTf m$r Ufefe 9-i feu Hfeflar 9i fen ife m#M ffefe Uf H3T UU§ Uf I H HT§ MFJSf 0Hr M'U ?U3 3 9 MfeofTU feS 33I 3 t WW OtT U UHUTS utUfT MU M # UU 3 U5ff ofU HoF§ I H H S ^U MfcoFg

fHS3 3 t M fef ?TS5 H W feu fHUU fuUHU^S feu Uf S # USfe' H fe u s f e feu 0 t7TU feu SUU § HUf U3 HofUr 9 1 feuuT MSUUU FFfeu Ur H3 T giR cffur, feu feH ^ 3" uu9 US, f f fesr S #IUT f e fe MSUUU FFfeu feu u t I n s feu uf f u U M f s f ^ U ^ t H S J f e f s f ut ufUMrcffuf 3=ft feu H cfU feUH3 TS feu fUH UU HSU 9 H fe MU STS tfUMT 3 f § g gTfeHUT g f gf gg W i 3 f ggrg

tUU'UUf 3 Uf HU 3" UU MUIUiS fU3 » 0 I (ufOui)

(5)18 ' PjNffAB VIDHA.N SABHA [18tH OCTOBER, 1985

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (22)

3»f3>te RrfuR, US FT Ostafet ^ 3TS UUUT U* I Oufefet OutR ft SU*^ fUUU’S Ol 70—75 q3tH3 MRREt Ouferg) ft fSUUU UUUt U I fuURRTS

feg g i UU MHUtU1 MUT M§ Uf? UUtMT MS W U ^ TH§ UU M3UT Hi, §H 3* SUoUUT OuTH t tuFTS 3 ut fU^feM1 9 I UU >HrT 0UTU t feHT3 Ut §UU u fe

f g USU U t, UST U t i t SUH* U t f u feu USUt ufeut 9 1 §H Ut UUt UU TU SUf Ufet Ttut I FT FTHUUT U ffefeH SUUS ft2 3Ufe US I OhtR Ut UUUt U ^ t Ff UU 3'yfedH)tfeHS MTU utHufaU UTU UHST UTU5T U+ I fu st

Ht HdofTU RTf ? re UH ft HTHH feu fe3UUT UUUt 0 I fUH UUt MF? UTUMfeonu Huift ut i fu st ut huottu nfet Rrut Ou ’ tu s ruu uuut 0 1 mu. Ht.MTUt. UTS Hfet Ou^TU ut UMrfsttU S UT?t fu^ US I feu fu st Ut FtUU»U

RT# ^TH 'ts t 5 FPS* ^TH§fet W d UU feuH UU S S 3Tfe MF? t t s ^ Our^rg Out HUfe I fUSt Ut RU^U t t MOfS HUUf f e u HTS RUU uuftur UruugRcS U uruf M’S RTugs HHofT feu tu u t 0 3t feu RTS H’S MUR-

Ouu Bras ut fetTUU' ^ t s RTfo feu rtS MF? #U Rutt i UTR3U 3 UUHS

U«US M3 RTRHUt U’ S HTUUS HSU* feu fe sU T SU? 0 M3 feH ut ttFlfe ttH U sO l >T#rUTUi fe Rrf OrtrstS ^ I H fw u t UFfts fUMTUT Ol IFSt fUMTUT f t 0, feu st feMTUT 0 M3 feMTfeut ppi S TS ' #3*21 HfeM* feu fUMTUT US

uu UoibfRS URTR ut fUMTUT 0 1 UTUUS RfeMT UTS feu HU3 UHtS fe ^ 20 HS f 3UFT3 UU§ US, ofet 16 HS UUft US UUfe RTt 0u TH feu fURTSfeU §U3 f e t 32 HS OUT rg STUU1 0 fRR UUt MFff UtHfe UUU UT fe 3 TM fSRfU3 UUS U»

MfeofTg RT# US US1 ufetu1 0 I feR ^ STS S T UUS URTR ut feRTS URUTS u ts r u sfu OtTTR RT T gaut UU3r I feu ut UTUS U fe RTf Ortr u feRTS UTHU SU St 0 feUT § g ife w fe OtTU Ut UUUTUt S «3H UU HUfe I Ortr

t fUR’S UT 3ST HSlMT feu US fUUT 0 I MU.Rt.MTUt. U’S Ost 18 ^ 3 ^ 3

HMrfeRUU Ut SU? UU UU UU fUHU UU3 feu 22 i[3tH3 3U UUU UU US I RfeU

Ut RUU’U S feR U UU t t U’t t SU fe t US MU OiUU t fUR’S U1 feH STS SUP’S UfeMT 0 fr.H U SUt R’S S 2 S T litU:1 I »H? f t ' eU U UU Rt cUU’M 145 UUU ufSUS Ht MU US feu t u U 160-161 UUU U fUMT 0 I USU M3

UT^S feu T Rt utff 0 fUR UT ufe uuiu UU’UT fUR UT t t SU? U HUUT MU

fURtUU fe^ ufe US I URUt UUU RtfHU t UU MR? U f t Ufe Fit f f 20 UlfeUUt Rt UU fu US feR UT UU 85 UU0 tu t U fUTMT 0 I USU UU fe RTfeMT

Ut fUU UTS 0 UU FftfHU t UU t t Ufe US fe f lU RfeU Ut HdU''d UTU- UT UTUT t STS f e e s 35 RTST 3 1 fe s t uut U M3 feUS1 MU UTUT feet t s r s u s fun u u t uu ttj u s i u u fe u s u t uu 150u u t i ' l s i u u t

UU ts u t MU Ourgr feu RUUTU UURtU’ fRM Ut HdU»U ^ lO O gifefei 1 3feMT UfflMT UUR sun fefeT Ht I feR oTUt RT§ RfeU t 7TS S3SJ Ofer % | MUIU

MF? t t MfeUTUT Ut U1S UUt UT 3T feu fu st, UTSUU UUftMT R tf

D iscussion on G overnor’s Address (5)19

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (23)

[r u u »u u ra fe u u feW f u u ]

fifet s r a u u w f u § rra >mh u fra§ R ura § u u r s s r a ^ r f u ^ u s i fes* F ra tn r

u r u s f ^ w huh w h o a r e g u i l t y , f e w u r u I d , feu w u s 'U t f e f " u s M

>Hf feu U SUt U S ftTH?TU Rl, fe u o ra t W f? W S 5V 3 RffUH UfHUf U’H

oTUt H3T offet 5 I w f e Fffe Or tR f e n RUH3 W BEJ w € $ Uf >HU Fffet nfU’S t

u ra s t hurts ? ! rrafehtfi u T r u r r w w bj u Tu u l 3 i fe u u t r t t f e u s 3 i

UMUHS RTfUH, feu faURf R3 tft nit Ijfefe HfSHSU RTfUH feURfR MU'UR ufe»R 3feR S feu URT§ S UffoT RTUT UR sfe U Rt I W3IU MRfUR feu UUl oTHI ufe afet s* RTf raul HHRra utait, feflsr feral feu t s r# f e i w i >HgRu w u ^ ul R f w s auras' ul RfRH rhu ufufe u s few urt wfeg srfeR feR sura »?tu tuafe s feu ru fu3T rI i feu uttufel urasT f u f u # ^ feR hi f e w Rrs feral feu ts-rau uh3 u s i fes* rau? s Ortr feu r r s>hth Ru ffefHf »ft utrufel urus^T rurtrW »rt rth Chur ferafe u T srh’s ufe»?f fferau u s sar u s sai u£ u s i fuR ua* uu»u feu aifauu few wars rhIrrhuI sra ura fetuT a s s faut uuu f e i gu u§ rs § u urju w k hs uu § r s u ts u s ot Hra fu st uu fefe wi ufe fiuT feu» § urtu! u=r # rferw i fauRf

£|R»H U BE RfR3 3>*3 W U U E5T § W H3J RfenfT 3 T fes* UfSS»^fe . uras feu ufer uuT u*uul fefuu i* wnM us 3 feu t s u s i

fe feR H§ Ut l ( f u » ofUUT u f e w feR 3TRUSU W H Uf RSRfU RUUf U*

>n§ feR 3 sra feu 1 ufuuf fe far feu r^ ^r 5,' Ottr >h§ urthIw ul graralraul r u t H>rsl w r a l u ra r a s u 1 uuarT > n tfe u uus»raT RTfeu u l Rusrra u T

f e u u & fe W U u l w u l ? fR § % rc T 3 l f e t u f e R H UU l U 3 S T UUU1 UfSM1

a r^ u s u RTfe u u t u s ^ u u e u f u^ i Mr. Chairman : Motion moved—

“That an Address be presented to the Governor in the following terms :— *

‘That the Members of this House assembled in this Session are deeply grateful to the Governor for the Address which he has been pleased to deliver to the House on the 16th October, 1985.”

huh»U5) arafauu wb ga*3 (hr3ru) : u>huhs Rffeu, fr ai^usu w r feg fe feu Tu utrs u1 uferat fe urara ruu! ru yuralnr a w ^ r s lw uuulRHUUl Uf I fe feR >H^Ir S fee? S TUHB RH4 Uf fe UUls M5RR SUT RHUfefl

>H3 cu ul m lulRs § rafeu fe uu § feu uuls usrafe uufafl i h§ rtuhs

IjpfS H Sdl UfRfe 3TOl Rl>H§ R3 u1 UT H H t3T Ul ftTHS UHfeuJSST^f UT

HTfe»iT ufe»rT Ortr s >h§ ^ui uuu fiRfR s rag u sra feaug OrtRS feR RH5§ S RTS Rffe>Hf S feR W 3U U p feU ' tf.l wl" Rfe URfRl fesr USf UR3l>HT ul US § irar s u f eufe >Hf Sf ul RU rft Ul UURfSl | P

. RUU Ut I R3 ul ?> feu fu?> feu fe^ ’f s raul ^fUSl R'S ul UUR'sl fuul 9 i

(5)20 P unjab V idhan Sabha (18th October, 1985

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (24)

w r o rAuu, fara 3fe iprs Aset Tft * feeT At fo fesoras fen ■ fife era ^ A, Rgra 3* fere fen Mfegra, ^ Tn A fusTg >nnOtre fen >hh?>, u Rural »re wfenT &At rA nfnn A i (ufuer) fen At ueTU3t sfet if&ei rauut >h§ MfeAtH?; uraut At1 feRRra ns i AetireAt § ffuhA fo? I s R3 j ufeBT Ah feu A fe ijpra Ann! qt eTAfe At w§ hh uew fAm ArAgra feesre ue rhu§ f fAi esAsw nfe (ufuer) n»raHs RTfuu, fen Ah fen wuntns uraut »ru t rrt nfeAdi fere Reura § Agert i (ufuer) Afo?> erufAu Afw RRAet»e we wgHfcReeRs fen gAto* >n§ ufet d'fensn nairas s werafer geert i he) uraet nsnnanfey eh me ueeft unfen fsfefRRHgeert i arnasd rAuu A wnra gere fen Rg* 5 3 feu* A: .

“ . . . . but will also attach greatest importance to generating new avenues of gainful employment. The rehabilitation programmes for the youth, as also for such other sections of the Punjabi society both in Punjab and outside whose even tenor of life was disrupted by recent events will receive the highest priority. The Government will also take effective measures to disburse compensation for loss of life and property of all the citizens of the State as a consequence of events and agitations from 1st August, 1982 onwards.”

AmUHE RrfUR, »rAF fe?f STgfe At HOT guA fe wAP feH efe 3 Reura Arera nfeve un (ufuer) quraAAet, iff erafe emit* At 3 ura&tAfe AfaA feT feSURTA AAt>>e 3f §r A® fgUT At fe fere ftTOST hhh7 A, §R 3 R3 W Ufu?A RH fe TFgeP I fere A HRH SRHUfect gfR3 R3 31 UfeW f33 Hfeet cTHEt USfet fRR fee 3H HfoREU FnfUU, qt 3UfHHUT Ut§ At HB >fefeH3 HfeREU, ql t. At. U3 RfUH R3 I §3* 3 RT§ fereEE1 At3T >H§ rtrt RTfeRT fjpHT I fRR 3 1 uffeA URAtgra7 fe e qfetH Hf3REU

’Hfei enreH3 Rrfeu, fere At feefeAt fAufe funis fug u e At A, #r§ Aura1 uora rIrt rt | §r £ hu euA ue ufa #h A fe RAtnA 3' ufnw >ht feuT At, §h At H3eet feet 1 1200 sAfe efw uee us1 A, ue Au Ate, fen 3 Aus fe3T u, 3 U33 h1 siutw us >m§ ffer A for 333FT3T URT R RR Rgsre 3 1 H3T A I. felH 3 feu tA fe§ R 3 Hg oft^ fegfe

erV A U3 U3 ?fef u i ferai fee A Aofe uIrt fer Au ufuwt feu if§h fee fee u nife At 3* §h Era1 A srfet feueg A >H3 Art § uh ofe3 gra§ ofTAt eiV sretw eiAtw e?> ue Afee AA uh1 fe3f A f h At sfetg 33? AtAt i Hrasra nuAg fAui At A, A»;uh3 nrfeu, fsniT u fe

** ** ** Asre feu fa»reT ututw As 3 Hras »feT efeA' A iMr. Chaiman : Please address the Chair

RHSra euAg ffeu fes1: *• ' ** • * * ' * ♦ '** ife* jsJc ,

^ RgnjAt : feu AAt umAe e w g » re s 3 ^ut1 Ai

D iscussion on G overnor’s Address (5)21

♦♦Expunged as ordered by the Chair

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (25)

nuuruut rofgruu ro guru: umuhu FFfug, gut ms! afe $ fe feu hut FTfusFu ro§ to uu feu gfetM* § huh fto ro9 to i (tFFF) ijpro Huut fat 9 UHUfeTHT feu TO toruut UF >H7TO sffer MU FF§ tfat 9 fe fH W STu T O UftW f3TMT 9 I feH <TO fewfeHfe fa aft MU MUfeHTOrfeHfe )l|M l UMUHU FPfaH, T£FU HUUt Ut 9 feTTOT § fe § 5 g?jn §g § fe r I feu FPUT TO HUU 9 IftFU ut fecTOFit £ HUT75 oTTO offer 9 I HU U1’ TOt afe IJTTO HHUt, if Ufafe fa MU. HU UUUU fauf HfaTO5 feUSFU M5PTO §§ Ufa 9 UHUHU U§ I feU afe TOt Hn st 50f IT IP UMUHU FFfa*g, to ufa ur uuu huut 5 far §h Monro § fa*g uurfeMT tfu i feu fauur MSFro ufeMT 9, feu feu fro afe* to i umuwu jpfuH, fr tot§ uuf fateu m>u ut ut§h § sruigft fe life arfafro urur-rfa mu wfrot Mfe feuarfuut MTU ut ofefa 9 I feu TO HUoFU §3 f?>TOU 5 fefeH MoTTO TO -ftpjTO 9u I HUU ut feTOUHfe TOfe feutaiHU Mfe IPTO TO ftPTO TO7 HU fa rout ufa 9 i fa ufa §h urufufa faro to usft fa i' 1985-86 feu 75 srauM§ 1986 fa 100 SfUU UfUMT UUU UUUFUTO UUUr fefa U 700 TO3 Ur sgjT-

t ufeMT 9i uuHut ferouHHU 9 Hulrofeu huut 1200 srau a u9 ^rofgnuaFi feu ffut Off Husnu £ uuu sttof 5 1 fui ufa if mto fauu, uro >nfe feut-a?HU HfUHUU Mfe HU, ffa 3 foTUT fefUHfUH HIT fa UfTO feH IjfaTO f huh sffer i to umuhu nfara, diroro FFfa*g u ^uuh feu fefiw dfsr fen f Hu uuufa f us^t ror slfaT tut 1 sfet ijfaro 94 H3PTO ul

I fUHTUS IJEfa uy UHHfe ut HUoTU (TO TO TO? STUt ufetTO faTO TOfa 600 HUrT?TU TORF 400 H3FTO faUKt fJTOdff I foTHW§, umuhu FFfog, ferot u) guu su 9 1 frourotu nut ^ ferfe) ut huh uuuu 9:1 Hifu>5F f uur 9 fsr fro* f g grT fan UcFrol1 faut afe 9 tout 9 ufar 31 ofet t o § h 9 aiufe feu se furou toi h" wfeu mts

ut UTfH U crsftu gf f f yTggJ MUrfasT IFTO H75fe M§ UUutto TOfe feu huu sruaft 1 ugfesr Hrou hto ut fesroHt ut ute ut ro[ uut 9 1 fen to few u^ guu ugut 9 1

uMUHU Fpfa*g, fesr gfe h" feu srfTOl uruut ur fsr sfarg 9 fsnro §§HUt Hut UUT Tg gg) gTgfat 9 | HST ut HU1 STUU feU,vfarg 9 fsnro9 mu sfafatMT 9, to %srro feu mu hsst uf fet H feugur fnrT fUFF IFfeMT 9 I ifarg 9 fSTFTO 9 MU1 MUHI HUT offer fe MU FF§ grUUS HHSF Ui MUHT feM^ ut HU U# I USTUfTO 60% 9 STUfa fUTF wfa Hfero UH fe g 9 UU UTI MU Mro feFFU § feu HUT HUT TF# fe §H 9 HTH rof gsr ^ utUF MU §H hM fafUFF uf FTUf sftHU HfUHT ut

(5)22 Punjab V idhan Sabha [18th October, 1985

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (26)

H3S3a iffew 51 ufeW aq afeSH fed SO? asr H ler fa Htrfa MSTfl Htt fea S t Hfe W at oftHH HaaSat I qfaW atH3 Mat H ofasS'S fa ^ USTS UT Haa1 ft fof aH fofH 3W aaW | fea Hat wtedi aTat aa ftfel»r #t uafataife tifHtaaa, fa* a at aaa feu aH 5fTOT afeta* ft1 ofo feH grg fesf §tfs§Ha at »Pfe>W Hi fifH t aW IPH3" Hfea wfewa as Ha i fn fee feH as a* faaa at wrfew ht fa alnw

faaaat aaa fea as) afefat a Mt eiftiiT a Hat asfa a*s aH aaa* afeta* ft 1 \ *

a Mena wfea, fea a a s s h1 fea a fest a*aat a* fa aVre a faw a § at fe ta n e a s t s a fe ss* afete* 9 e*fa f a at w j s aH a w s fsa*

n t i fen a w a* sa fe tH e a t fea eat a a 1 fesa r a 1 fea Hat w ife 5 1 '

D iscussion on G overnor’s A ddress (5)23

a^aHa Hfaa, ufph at fetaest >hs§ tn a feanaat ast afefat a 1

uaa Fnaiw wftM* ata* aa fiiatfri* fa w>h HetaPHs at Has fea waa afetw aa 1 fa* se t Mara ea atfetHeat fe s afe >>?a f a a tw fH fea at process aa se tw ir e w ufre a fawa a fiw a* s*a a nas* 9 1

a awa: rnfae, h1 sa*t aarf staa w§ at a*fn a fea aa aatt aaat afeat a* fa feat at aa at flit aa, fa* § fawa aafe fen § fa w ist ihs aaa faua aa Hat fea fsa*s, ^ irafa§anfe Hfeaarer fat ire a* faire* t fen ais aT at wfea* a iifes* 1 as fife1 Ha a st fea aata aw aw fUt ft >nse fa1 as 47,000 afees%ie at uafa§a- Hfe atar set ft, fu Rice pfocurement Hatn. as*s afe* fe w

■ wfea* a was* 1

fwsfts H*faa, Fpt fewt faafaaat# fusst»f e’aw aetw aa, §af w ufet ant aa t >>{§ y a* gg aret>Hf aa 1 >ns®t ans ^ aat1 atitt w naat 1 fea s s w aa t aat1 few t afen fea feM tst aaat a* fa fen aa & aa aaa aaar afeta 1 1 Msa few fea uafatanfe Hfeaa asT fat ires w tsHt f >Hrus ta >nr a Hfanr aatasaftw Mt fawaf f faaa aat" ataft 1 Ha ast feasa^Mf wst feat fen a fe naana >nt waa frttw saratw aa ua §a: atw Haw at afjya §a”t aara t fa 15 fife t naa a yw aaa fea ta ujer sai war 1 1 fen s s air aaa fews tsr afetw ft 1

e a a a r t la a s s 4 »«Ta^: fea w .fe g st nawa at t s t i

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (27)

HUgrust <nufHg3 UU H3T3 : feU H* 33 gt ^ S 5 1 feu 3TS ut UMUHS

FFfug, Hi u fast grugt ut fa f a s T uufeuu feu uruu sfg fe nut u uut thfeH J55t Urgg S 313 M « feu 3 U?fe HSTfSlMT H3 t UUUt US Urfa

RT r UTgt §Hj fug Ut Htu U p fe M§ gruu W HU I HUcpU feH fes USUt

fuws uu i h" feu ut w e t U* fur fen t nit u"t huh #st uu us gifu FPS UU T O fHS I feu UH U^3 tfefe 3 UST UfetU1 3 I

US MUH US S s fe , UMUHS H^UU, FT U? 3tV UUStMT UfeUt tfi I

g>KUHS FpfUH, i£PS HHUt Ut S fH S tsUMU 3 , UHU UfefH fe s Ut TUHUUt

»pg fegtw , feU HfSHUUt oPfeH oftut ufet 9 I feu feU'UUH'U UfUST fHfeU g g g huu mu u s M u g mst? u s 3 i w it u1 fu^^g1 w ufet f a f f u muut

gt 3 , fen s e t fasr feu uu f s * s s T fg r g fe w fe w , f s * S & g 3 0a» § hut ?jt offer fe w m3 § s f gt w u feu gu 1 s T Rufet se t, 3 s t feu uu

u , — y

T?H ^t Jijj'3 c5Uf HUU HUgt I MUH* MU HfeMT S ut HHS USUM'U UUTUtH

3 fug §H 3 UT HUSH* fHSStMT UHM w US fefH UUT fu Hfe§SU SHUSH

m§ iu u u u u s r fa a s f g # w ufetMf u s i uhT uuts uu<jf fu gg" u* 3 h

MTg tg ufeMT 5 , u* g a gt w it ip u sh s feuut fu muut gt u, fe fse u e § I ffep fgu §ST S feUUU SUf offer gfegp |f e M^JS HfeMT S faH UUT

h ut HUseftMT fauu fu 3 a s 1 ufey u s r fa s T feu 3 h g a e w feu set"

g s g §c? fgu g a mut s u f uu a u g T i feu fuuuT 2001 fps w fuut fen g fe e mhT fua uuf $ s u m§ t u s u s, fea ufe e p fegru uusr

gfetgT u 1 ufpu auT uu uu u'M ui fuuT u mu h s uut ^Htg ^ fu fea

J-PHS feu ut FfU STS i » fe ut UUUP I

UMUHS FPfuU, feU 31S fecST S UIUUSU MUUH fe% UUU HUSt feut 9 fU

fesu u rfsu feuauut uth§ ggt 700 ssutMT s uufsui feu t FPiait 1 HUH

afetMT su tu ufusT ut utgug, su fauM t stuuuuusm § u s uut§ mh. m s . $ g .HStMT feufet AfetMT US I UTST fu UTS MRf HUTM* ut U I 117 ^ feFPH

STS dP USt 25-30 SUt MH. MS. §U. UstMT U1 JtgtMf g s I Qst s e t aftife

feUSTfHU Ifrguua ut g r s UU^ grufe US UifU s ifs fe S t f u MTUS Out §


UMUHS HTfUH, feST ^ UIUUSU MUUH fe% feUU oftuT 0 fU 1.5 UUU$ feH3utMT s uua f e t t p s i i feu huu HSTujTgui uuh 0 m§ t a tg O

fu MTUS fu u feu huutu fea hpu gHuit fu fuust uuhuuw ^ uu § feut s e t 0 1 mtt fesuuurfsu feuauut fe e suutM t uu huuimt g s , uut feugggt g M sfesut w fsua feg uh uu augtMT u s mu u s tu s feuFtuut feu

(5)24 P unjab V idhan Sabha < [18th October , 1985

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (28)

tyi esetw 3 3 1 fe3/ § hhs tsime 33f3*H fee fswe1wi yfe fa et eaet ee eesi Population Control esyey eatt d, >nwet eaet eeet d >n§ nrate wyet euet afet 3* tot et sael eerar §3 feefet 3# § M i

faU3T f^q^T >H§ q e y e 1 fSHHcftW 3 50 33§ Hfe wufyof HtnfeHT

^ 5 y fiTofU 5, § 3 § y a H' 3 g S T fe f e t UcSlfefHMUt d'S 3of

fHH e wfts nr ee 33 wt fefyy §3 3 fen eetH yyfee1, fen7 w eeeT 5 1

fqg ew fee 3 3W3 use fee 33 33, §y sea 333 >H3 fese- 3el S 333 ty sen i1 tne sre eefeei § 333 seeej efenp 9 1 wet

^ gun rt§ h"33 eefeeit tseeefee ^5 nesne e7 fumes feyfsar 1

enf3H3 3 33, fS3 3S3 frf33t 9, fee fee 3^ feVetfe 31301 §1

sfefeer yee eusfet eelH feeet % fee t o fee est s to d i fs3 saraet 33Y t esfe 3efe3t i 1 fee 333 fee fii fee eean yget y fe 3fqgt y feegr y33 3333 3 tlfe §3 §33 tpfsnf ee? tTy 5 I fee 3)3 33? §i SEt .scf, fe3 t o feeeu# e~§ 331 fee ys,§u3 es 7pzs set fgHfefer is rre eT 33 ey i 1 fie ire fee nrfenr § fe fe3 ^3 fe3 cT3t 3^fe3 is few et I 3, fee 3<st>>n 3333 3SlW eeMnn 331 fee fee se ei f t § 3 yee t o y M33 333* yete* i 13r§ U3T § fe tot et fefet HH3S ft I 33, 33 3* ySS3 333 333 3tt 33, fifet f=g FfSoft gfetW 33 >H3 yfe et fHS fey §1 33, fee et tot§ fe3ETH fee 33 33 3 333 et S3 5 I H1 3S3 § to 3TS 33 33t 3t IH3?t q pq feH eirs fee ey wr rftefel eey 3Ts_ 33 es t3ST, ni'ud' q§3 Heye 33iy, RF3 3 ^ foft mei f3srs efe 33 ifefe fee [33^3 Hieifset tes1 ^ ufto 3^ ie ^ fiwen ii h§ ee meee 3ns srfes1 3feT ft-fsr H3f3 3ts § HTHS fee 3^3 f3eH3'3 § 3t 331" 33T §srst feTemr ys" i i sfee ^ et y§3 § uy et d fe. fee y fe t mtks3 eet el >H333 et dis i feUte yet eye y fws #et i 33 irst 33f fHsy i

Frat 333 fee tfest fsi>»i3 v sft %3fH i, fee ufe et e er3S» 3T fe^T ffe y 333 ntst 3TS 3#clft I fee fee efet3f et 3>3S33w£ 3rir fet femiy et 33 f e ?> ninj t y3S33 § sees 33 fs*r i i §g fee §3 yet fee et ee & t o y efenr farm1 § 1 fee § fse wi

', Hj5of fee m yet ys et efet eee’e 3>s eeet y eet d 1 fee ere e^ ege fee1 sfey efete1 i 1 fe§Te eaet tee .fiftst Heet ee s§, t

D iscussion on G overnor’s Address (5)25

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (29)

[R3R»33l ui3 feR3 33 r3 >r]3 gfspHT ftpir 3t ufetet R3 3 # S rash fen w §

feu 33T RgSt S for feR 32? fWs fRRT Rr# ] •

R'feg, h§ rS f ( t o 5 srfesr Ofer a for R^t f e u S t f%g

RSRT U W t ■§. foTR HfeU £ R ^ddk'H l qtnSt feRRT g|fcft, RiRoTr IJpT^ H33t,Rns § feuu wi wt err 33 i Put iPRet |rr § rrh fenuRj oT3r} S i

f cSj 3 3 SF tfe??t3 3 3 3 1 ufefer | qtHRt feRU7 UTfet RcflM7 ^ HRT3 £rt H?j W feR U% feu fst RTR fRR fau SSR cffeS RRl 1st ms Si feR § 3 feR ur? Rt S fsr mrF fesr rr § must 333 r) rrt§ rrir M3T33&fRU RSife RTH§ RfRRT 3 3 f§M§ URTR § ?thh | fesr rr §§ Mc3 3 3 3 ^H3 3 R5 R1# 335 H0 3 UfeTH Si § 3 »fffl: Riufg feR r} gfg R^ UT ur rtS r[ ujRt RT§ RrfR f £ f5H g4 gjfcj 3 3 3T Rtrrt § , tfe TR |

H3RTR few s fifty feS1 (3 U3W ) : RM3H3 FFfjR, ^ rrrfHUOT3l S fe >mi Hi (SHU fe<Srfe3 HU 3 M'St S MR MUJ $ R§ RS3 RT HoT feraT S i MR MR? Ul dcSd RTfeR R RW § RS 33 RT I RM3H3 RlUR,.feU H W 5 WWK* S, feR.§ HR 3 3 S ft 3fufftft .feR 33RT Rt | Rf35?T feR1 ^ rFw'd 3 T2? 3353 RW S h W feR flfSS 2-3 RW 31 33?e 33 3 3 I RM3H3 RISr, ft Mnj RT fW3 R33 fW5533 33? fR3T§RT 3 W ftl f R 3 2 f3Rrft fetftMt | fRR( ‘OR felH WHS’ M3 RR3) ‘Od'si'ulR 3 tUI3 3 ’ I fe3 R3 1 foTRr §R r[ HJcSfRR RRT, §Rr[ HRSfRoT M3R37 R)Mt 3 3 3 3 3 I § 3 40 RfS R1 §H3 f3 3 RJ?fef3 3 fuinf Rt M§ fR W 3h3 3 R 3 ' RMiR R tl'dlddl §R 3 Mfet, @3 §R fR f3 3 3 # Rt RR1 fR RtMf Myt3 t3 R3 I feR StR 3 §R?> MafetM fejji feR^ feR R3RTfeMT S.|. St. fe3 UI5 fet fet1 R33 lf3 Rt tfea.ofU. feRf Rt ? R^w ^ feR R UfRStHfe fRRUHS, §R f?R feu UR? FT3 S fe H3f r} MTRR? RKUtH S I Sop Rt MTRRT 3 R? R3 t U3t RRoTU 3 H3 ufeof fRR3H 3 , tHRURt 3

R^ffet S i twRufeR RRoFu. .ssT r} Mnfet rrrir RRt Sfeff°f ‘Govern­ment is of the people, by the poeple and for the people’feR 3 3* Rt 333^ 3 3 S 3 t UTRt 3 § ^ 3 St, M3 3 33?T 3 3 3 §R 3 RTS •3 H3 Ufe3 HRtM3R 331 UiRR § fetHR T feR 4 M3 3 3 3 , 1983 RT fR3 3 5 3

fR3 Rt I Au MW St 3 UI3 fe?fe feR M3 RT3, RJRH 6 SfRMT 3 3R feR1

@3 TR 3 RRl'R 3 3 fRR1 fURiO I §R 3 1 RMfR fe3 fR JW ??UfI3 T3 RWRT feRf M§ M3t3 feR feS UI33331 cTR 3 felMr I ®3 T Rt R33TR 3 3 3 3 RJR§ UTR Rt RRT3 1 feMT fUTMT! H1 RHRRt 3* f3 R f3 R RR 3 M M mtRR 0

tP3 RT f3 R 3® ©3 MTW M3 feR St St MTR3 3 3 3 R3 R1 S I H1 feR

(5)26 Punjab V idhan Sabha [18th October, 198$

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (30)

3 UB3TB BURtR* fB WTO fee fRBBT BB'B UfBSF BH tcRF R*t, fsf§H3 7F B Rfe H" RH3BT RT fa 29 R3UB B1 fRB RT§ ^H 5 U r

HHTgof fRB MrfeMT 5 fRR Bb9 MR}' feU Rfe B5S § U<5 RT I feB fRB BB3 fg>H 6f TPW3 §" gntfg MtfeMT 9 I feR fe te ^H § H" URTR t fBflfeB fRBT RT fes* 9 UH M3 MBBBR Bb9 UrFU fe e tHUafeU BTF RUTU3

BfS»F 9 I feR UH ^R 3 fBBRRB UB3 FFB1 fBFF S e f e S vft 3 Bt V N ’ I >Hfl §B FF3 f?B RTRB 3 # BB I * MUB MU BUrFU W HB’HFF aFUftFFB3 BB fR3T I' §3* 3 RW 3 3 BftU BBB ^H3. faH 9ft'RtR Rft UBRRJ BBt"

ofM m3 . M ust rtb br ^ b ub fee ) I #3* 3 Ruffe afrit rft sr o fHH 9VtFH-BT HHW B® oftB1 M3 HRUH B ^ B B fe e fR33T BT tpTB^ ofl3T I

§B feB MH RR3 fee" HM fRR fe e MTRHt RTO BfeBfe UB3T RBB 3 T BB I @7JT f; JHRJS RUtM* 3 BUS S 9 fRB T fe e HRRT HU H3Rt M3 HBB1 fe3

H3Bt. 9t FFHB5 BB, feB B3 URter HRS B1 BH Uft3T I H‘ R3 rft

M§ feB* RR3T 3 UB3 HB1BBB1B fRRT' BT I

R3 Bt 3 Mo1 93T UH efts1 9 H" MBRtR UBBT RT fa VJJF3IF B BBB1 fee § 3 T Rt n^rgni | foR HURT S'S-H"UB3rHT RTfaU R MB R HU H3Rt rft BB

fa*gi 3 f 55 BB BT^R BT fBMT?) fB S^ B 1 BfBB1 Bf I fe?F B7 BR37 RB3 Rt 3SB B

Bt BB 3 B?5B O T B MB feB BR3T fec^BcS rFBB 3 I Rfet BBSl BS" MBI feR?m fBSftBMT t M§H"BB' fee MBB oTBBf B r f e f ^ f B i t ^ 'd lW

UR MffBBftMT fRSHlRT=ft U^bT ?S" fe?F f ^ BMTURB fee t iF M MB B M ^ t e BUt Rf§Bft I feu utR BBBt B B tB 3 I MR? HB= fe e BfRMT RtfB

fBR 3tjjg ’ # f3?T ffR BB I fBR B1 feeB ^H ' fBFF f e f SUHfe W 3 I ufesF

fBRt fBRBBt MB B’BtH BT MBT 3 faH fee MRt1 FFB RHBUB BBB B I M UBt UB grgijTS gt 3 B’RB BT BrB?ft MBREF, 3TBleTBT, BtRBb! 3B3t MB §B 3t M§ feBTRrt§ 3 i fsR m \ MRt" u^ b bbmi i fee s e t Rfet bm ^ rb mb bm b^ r b

D iscussion on Governor’s Address (5)27

BHR1 BBBlft I . . . . . . •

eMBHB RftBB, H" RH3B1 B* fof I^Tk HfBRBB RftBR i f BTrffe BlTut B?5

§ B ^ t B H HBftBBd I f e r f B ^ ^B'H B UR fRSR^HBlt BBBRftB I ‘Mb ’— y — — O —

BT m m 3 BTRfe I ‘3 ’ Br H3WB 9MBRBI ‘R’ BT H3HB 3 RBBB I ‘Mb T Bt H3 5B 9 fBBtMB MB ‘Bt’ BT H3SB 9 #BBB I fRR 3BT BT fBBT Bt BTH 9 @R 3RT 9t feB B BU BB I fBBR3TBl RfUBB fee Re 9 R §R BBt RBt BH 9 f R § fee BU" BBt" RTB'fet i feet etR feBT 9 bth fee HBt eet 9 1 fedt a w fe ^ 3 urtr b HRS' fee BB9 fBUfet 9 I BB 3B R 9ft feBT 3 Bft3T 9 §R 3" §3* Bt BBBft MB BUBf fRU BBt 9 I HB BR3 fBB RrfeU 3 fe3 U«5fB»F fBRT Fft fe RBB feBB

fer® feg giH tfRWftMB BfBBBT R MB>BB R3 rft MB ijfetH HfBRBB # BBfHMTB

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (31)

(5)28 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [18th October, 1985[hbbtb fenuTs fR u it^ r ]

9 3* f3B feu UrPU W HRS1 US UB3TT I TT RHBRT 3+ fu feu gfe 9 t" 9 9

S fe U fast BfetBt 9 I M^H HfSRBB RrfuR 9 9 U3 US 3U fsf3T 0 , §U offer 9

^ §?>t 9 JJ3t UHt HUT RrfUB 3 # UM RT HUBt I fen SBt f e t S H'%J £=3 u it btuF 3fo sT u w ui fsr fen mutrb y st 9 u f f e t ^ 3 u s ts t s r s b s tmbtu BUST ufetuT 0 1

BMBHS RrfUU, US H" d'HlTS rft 9 BRfS 9 BRB fUH BS M RF U* R fU Rt# TOHi 9 I feR HSU fBB RUB fes fes utrft US, fes fes feu USUB 9, fes feS feU UBHUS, BHH' fUBRT, U r ufer MB MB 9 I lj9n fBB f§S fes BtrT US I feR HSU RT UH 3T ut fRB 3 3 MT RT RURT 9 RofU feu feSBT fBB MfBSBT UB7 Uldt tF RU I Cjfsut fes sfetBUfRUt | fBSB1 S Mf3S3T STS BST§S tT UH RfeHS UfUMT Rfe M§ §R tUFTR STS UH UtRT sfa g#^ |

H1# feu R BRUTS t9 B1 BTRB 9 feR fBB UB B3BtMf Bt US I feUBgBtwfBBSUHB 9UH S BBSS UBS fBB UhIm* US I 20-SUfet UBTB’H R fu q)H3t feBBT BTUt Rt S BSTfew Rt, §R Muts UBUtw RSIm S ggtRSr § UTT 3 B §

UTS S5T UTsft HUutw UBS U1 9 s f 9} fBBSUHB fUR JJoTB U S}99 h RT3 feR §1HB fBB UBt fRUB S U f9 l

HUHBUt rft Bt SU Sfeft §fUR S U st RUS# 9 I fes* Bt HfSHBUt S HU

BUt 29 R3 U3 SUB feu feHSTR R S^M 1 fBTM1 14 MU3RB S I H3SU HH3





feBfRUl 3 " RfufHMT UfeMT 9 MB RTB fUBRB'S BT fRU fRBfe UTTU fUB 3 1 RfUfHMTUfeMT9 l feR § HfeUBst 3 B § MB BBH U%t STS fUB" BUST 9 , fen UTB BRUTS rft BT 3TRS HUHS 3 B 3 R fetsfe 9 I feUBtR SfUB^ BUST 9 _ feR




fRU1 9 RUS US MB U8t fSB fUBMf 9 RUS US I RBi §U' UB B# US3I 3 t 9 s f fBB BUBTUS Mfeaif, 9 STBTRBS BT #31 BUBT BUBT USBTf I fBB § 5* S RRS


· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (32)

u§utHti f e u g w s u t 3 ^ feufuFTuuTufetu1'fe i wu3tfeuuraTO nfe ^ feturfuut, fen to 3 feufe oruut 3 fu nfel mt§ u h^ s Tuh foTHH 3t 3 I UUTO3T feH 3 h ^ MUU MUT 3 MU f s f feu 33t Ufefo^U 3U t m u u su F U5T u feter3 i

D iscussion on G overnor’s Address (5)29

umuhs rufuu, fen 3 ?ro ut fr feu 3t 3 tot ufeu1 u1 fa tfefe feu fun uur <TO fTOUBS 33 US §H U1 feUS, HSHS feH W T O 3 UTTO feu SU? 3feT fuTMT I oTC?ts MUHfSHUUHS • fUH HU* feM if^f 3, fejTOUrU & fsfU WUt Ul HGltMUU MURJUTOS3TjTOUfe feUUBTTO U ^TO HfetsfeCll

umuhs Fnfuu, fen 3" >ni h" feu 3tot u 'Uut u* :

The question is how to keep democracy alive in . . . .Punjab per­manently, and never to have a challenge which may upset the democracy or make it topsy turly, how to keep India united in one unit and at the same time how to keep a permanent harmony between the Hindus and the Sikhs in Punjab particularly and in general in whole of the country and at the same time how to stop once for all, all those innocent killings which are still going on in Punjab and which have still not stopped and tackled in any way.

UW25 3 39*5 TOi Hi feU ufe UUSW HTfUH S HUiM toI UfTOT utfu§u MUufe HfSHUU US, §UUUfe: TOTO. 3. M3UUtU 3t Ufe 1 1 US §3? 3 df dS'd 3 grffg TO HUS §U 3 fUM S TO ufeter Hi I

feH 31 muj vr feu srfusT ufeur u* fe f f fen 3" ufu^ 31 mh. t o 3. feuT u* §H TO MHf feust fafoT feul SUf 31 3ut I fe t T O ' 31 TOl fHfe§feut 3, TO TO. 3. UHUH fTO31 TOl fufor3fUUl 3, HfeMi s 3 t fafeufeut m3 tFUTfUMr s 31 fafor^feuf 3 1 to 3 3 feu feu ursre u ufe u s i uuuu feu t o s t o 31 fefa§fuul, uuuu 3" toju fsTOu to 3) fafor&feul, t o t o , ute 3®,3) Frfu§fe3t UFSt fe UT^H TO H^feUTO TO US I When we should havea feeling that there is an atmosphere prevailing in Punjab which is absolu­tely carefree, which is absolutely free from fear and which is free from all sorts of security measures so that the people can move freely in Punjab.feBH TOfUMT IJTO 3i feST TOUUfel ST55 3U fed 31 SUT Hof3 I UU UHU feuMUUfS'HS feu! MTTOt 3 I

TO H1 8M{ Mfe HFUUU 3 TO UfTOT ufeUT U* I HU TOHS UUH TOl M feu faTO UUl UUl 3 I fu S 3 ro 3" HUT 0 fsf 29 TOld UTO 3 TO 33 3 UUfetH U UU US tu UU 3 3 UTfe'MT3 to3 US I H" 3 f3 s UTfoTMTU Ut

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (33)

[rbbtb. forays fnuf fes"jfaBB BB fen fen B BB BfeBP fB#tB BB t HUB FTO HRS U3 IH" 12 >HB33B RT W 3 BBB BB B* I BBB BTBB feB BrfBW Bfe»F I fBBRRU W fe>HT BfeW I U3B 3" URT SaTB1 U fsr BB R f33 BrfBW’B UBB BB I WdsftBdt fBRH R SBf 3 feB BBfetH Blf BB I feR RTR ftp>T3 Sfe Rl S3 9 I feu faB3 >HB WB fe} feRfBRH R BH BB BB B3 feB RT§ RH RtjgfBBt SBt UBBT BBI FFB fBFT HRSB, feRSllI |fe3 HH5 § US BBBT M d l H' RRST B RT Uf fe RBW §" 35 fBS HtBB BB RrfRRBB UR BBfBW fgi»r I fu UBRUB fSMT few feR fee 37 BtTB BfJMT Fft I fBB RSUB feBfeB DlBHt BTBT fRUJ BT RBBB UB fS>HT I fBB RJBBB BT3RBB fee 2 BRBW 3 fUR3S feyfe HlRfee M bs >hbrb bs" 37 otb afuw ye fsw i fee bbt 6 mbbbb § HSUB fee JJBTR BB BT3THB Rt Ufe»{T BBt §R Rf STR BfBB fee RB fRRf I. ff fBB UUB BBS § Bt BB RBB1 Bf fBftB fBR fBB BS) MI RS 3l“s BBl & !

bs, Hi. slisuHfe Rt as ?s bt i fue Rf Rh Rt Beet R b yuleRRUBI feB* ^ t yut fee" HU UuK1 WTBtBSBB >H§ feBRSBt 5 I feB BB' ude ufHSBl 3* Rt BH 333} BBBJTI H fHHSt UBt Bt fHS, ufei UB B fHS Bt WTBfBSBB B3B} bRI" BB RBRt I .feR BBB feR f t fife» Rt RfS>HT rfT RB, MR I feR BS RBBTRBfeRR ftpTB tsr TTBT d Io =

B>HBH3 Rffea, >f BRUTS B sTOS B UB 3. 13 ?S W§'~W Rt I #H feR fsfaw RfeM RBBTB 3 BBTfett UB^ W fs SBt U3H M3TB fBBt St >HB feR RSTU feB SHtW WlllT UBST RTg f}| fefe»{f S fB HRfBBt Bl BBRBRSBTqr§S, RfeBfei RBt t cfgRT M§ W RBfy>RT tur f ^ Rfef M RT

l{tB BBBBS UBTUBTfuniTB BBBtBtfefe t>K3feR§§R Bt UBSt SBt feB BBH 1984-85 BMB, 1,329.80 SB Blfe W 1TFBBS 1,655.75 SUBlfe BB fBBt BThI d I

MaiBtBSBBS RBlBBfRBt B >HBRUBB ?> fsfe>HT B fB fBR fBR fBRTB Bl Bfet UB3 BRiB d §R § feB RTS BT 1800 Bflj>HT B RBBl B MB fBR Bf 5 tB3 BHfB B §R B 1550 BUB BS' UBBS U"B BB I feR SBf H" BBfetT fe UBfefR feBRRB fee >hb >HetBfBSBB uafe§R fee ufeet esf efete) u i Rfet 50% feBBH nleiBfBSBB B B. I 75 3" 80% SB BBrfeB t fBBBB BBB BB I URTR Rt§ BR B"f 25% BSB UB1 BBB1 9 I feRSBf RT3T UBtR Bt fofRTB HRTfBBRTB B1 UTBB. tfBBBT RTB fBBRBTB fee WUbI fUB BR feB1 B I Rfe fBRTB B >HTUBt fHBBB BrS >HBf Uffe§R BBB HfeW BB fBBf T BB I

(5)30 Punjab V idhan Sabha [ 18th October, 1985

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (34)

D iscussion on Governor’s A ddress (5)31

qiHjJHHfuW:- ** ' ** M

Mr. Chairman: This is no point of order. HFfeyurs Hfeu U I

huu'u fsrgiro fHui fes1: fr urstu'uu7 u* fsrOuiu w fUFns uu infsu ru ■31 fa TU7 >H3TS' oTUU7 0 I .15. >HH. t. feu UU Oofe>HU Uffe§H 2128 fUS 3TTH91 usu7 feuuu uua>nu uafe@H 1900 fusarH 9, unto7 feu feu 1920 fusaPHU, ULURU'S f gfeu 1305 fUS3PH U UU UtPU feUUU 0U2>>fU UUfe§H 2715 fUS 3PH dl UtPUfeURU 31 fahPU7 Ol feH S^ R1 UUfeP fe RTS FpfUTtf7 S fHS UtPU U fUFFS uf fuU3Ut SUt US UUS7 UU3P >H§ §H S §H ut fuu H stu fi>H fUU>#S Ufett US i §HU) fUSH HUthP feUfeH 3U7g^ut SU? ufOst Ufefe7 lfeu ufe feffe fu^Tsufe ut S 3 !h

umuhs Hluu, fen 31 »tar h' 3U7# ufeT fen u |fi f ftws uu7 3: 11,12 >hu 13 Os unpfs7 t o u7 fen fee sftss fus feHus'fewfe uar- um fphsu, fen feu fesfe u’u 3ur§e f^g 0 fsr feu sat FPU fefsw feu, fUR -337 gjfe fetoffeg tufhPU § feu SoP S RUfeH tst 0 *fU fewfeu7 USthp US'I fell HuVfeu H fHUU feUS7 Ut Ufas7 U'UU7 Uf foT feu § UTRt ftTUS7 Oh1 uffcW 0§U 3aut U si-fu UUUHS STS1 UU3 ufe 0 |i feu feU UU, feu HUS US 0 3JS Ufr Ufeaft I bfe feu ufo feuu oFaTU7 feu ut ufu unst u, feu£ Oh sts u us fuu7 farwOfeH ut feHUstfruHS' fUSUS SU? us! I feH SUt # UfUS7 UTUUT U7 for feu ^ sut UU 0ht UUST UfelU7 t I U>XUHS FPfoU, IjrfeHUt HUS7 Ut»F feHTUU7 U7 U fuUU U137 feTM7 0 §H ^ SUt U UR7 Ofu ^ STOfeHW HUU U7 UU3 tut 3TS0 feu sts fesr feu othu7 fef f rf hus7 uto sut1 uss7 ! nrui1 utfe utfu H7# U UU usfu UTUU 00 feu USU US, UUU37 US US Uf§US I feHSUti h1 orfus7 urgu7 u7 fsr feuu7 feu suss-ius-feHUSTfeOfe Oufuth t # feu- sifes fetsuftfe OaruTH feu w§fe fuu7 0 fu -t sts h hus us us. Hit >Har U USSU7 feUTU7 Ofeust Wf fe srsfs7 HTfeM7 s-fesrfeof STHU7 ^sut1 ifefets oiuHuari feH >0s3H u feuufew farw 0 fsrfsrn w& ufe»n7 SWHtHSUSt 0, foTH 3U7 HTSS H?S US^S USM§ fSTH 3U7 fife7 feufes7 hus7 u7# ursfH ust d, feu Fru7 uu sths feu fes7 d i uu fust uus7 feH UTRS feu feH H3SU Ufet 0 fH -t :HU7U3-feu H W^fe 0#U UU3 ufe 0>HU feu THHT§fe URTfs ut S3 0 I feH § US RUEPU S fWS ^S7urutu7 0 1

♦♦Expunged as ordered by the Chair,

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (35)


[Ran.'S fsTdUTO fAW fes"] •feH A 7 5 At Hi fe<J offeST nfetF S’ f<? fens SHaf feH aSftTH U’dfe

snf nntfe fen afe aryans1, nsns >na n.fiitPTO § >ia fen n'dfe ana ^ *AAtw ns, ass »rfe as As* nr At fen Afen Ashs art (ufet)

: ' ’ i1IgtHanjat: fns" hAsh, nfetfe w ara i

. *Hd€fn farafes fmu : #. t. ns i s>hshs Jpfen afe} aV s

?fefs wj aranr sfs»r fear afe ns! naat A1 »Fnst aHntfnA’HMt A afe *ofn r gtfgT nfe Ant aHfefsA»fA!, aysas’ Hfsa, fen hhsh<s afnA ns * ■■ fed §st hi ana nst wrfen 3 fes As Gratae Annas fen A an f t fz>’ —ht nnt nt™ snf Ai §?A At Aar A fa f t sntntfeH fear nfe i fen afe ns A1 anfe afet\ nnraAs nAna, naans w faws nnrfsr gfe^ fe far s .fee fas fen mrsi-fs wAts nt fen ns Asj w fg»rs ass’ nfetnr 3 i „ jAte feanas- n fsa A fen iyans § feR afe v mw ntfanfePHT A fe T ’Hfets’sat fen afnA sa’ w mrF ysT fw s sfeati feR he! Ant asat A jfar naa’S s As* A ^ hA feR n* yaa ass’ nAts* A i ^ |

' . I• I

feR A s’s at H" fen nt afns’ nfen s’ fat HsaaAt A At § nates’ j& HHsrcwn at snffAA afe i An nst fen 30 fife >hh ns fen nates’ *' j snt hhh’s urnnt snt1 1 h* nsa nr fn^^ fen afe nt nwOe’ n’sa’ s’ rfa As feH afe ’fens’ fgws ana Ate sa’ f rhh>s um y^ntn ata i ^ I

' ifeA na% n»tnHS rrfhn, A1 fen nt atfes n far An fes t fen ~ T

arn s ar nlstw nt 1973 fen stfe ant afet At ^ s^HtHst On s |nt hsths aftnr nfe »r§ ^R t snt ns fe arnfe A n ©n A t feR nH § fni |sifew nfe 1 feA s^ nMnAs Rinn, arfe??t nr ns tt§n 7-8 res f an ■fenr t§R ns § nt hAhs arnnAnw nfei feA nat §g A unfet >nt snt1 . !Hnt d ^n wra RHfes nfet s7 arfet ns 1 A1 nan’s ^ feH afe ns nt fq>His Hnrfe T nfenr a* far .fen- nfe ns ntHrnjs’ fnws An1 ^

fen fen A1 arfnsT nfen1 an far nrcnt Aafersnt, nwsH’ snt, Rnn’ns’ afet, n’ntnfe snt mn nrFn A feam A nfe At sfet. snt, ufea At nnart A snt fen Hnam A 53 araaft nmt1 fn tfs nnf n>fegss amfe l ;

(5)32 Punjab V idhan SabHa [18th October, 1985 j

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (36)

ggtffe fHUI fHHUTH MSgHU (M»UHUU) ; UMUHS HrfUH, feH S g f

Hg-ofig H fUgS 5 FFST 3 .HUtH utulMH ^ ^f e - f e g offer I §H StTH W 5 RTfUH £ »FUH H ^ S p ^fgg g §) H®t f § IJ^gg^ MH fUSf f^U sit» F fnlUT S 3 feUS US Ut

S a is 'g W u i £ h Mu fiw rit huu, few est u f^ M H H H u fet w -

^rii S T gf fHUU ifer U H fu g s 2-3 FFST S" UTFH fife UUl»F I f u UtTO

U ufasr W 5 , FUSt STS UfUUT Hi §H UrFH U Sot1 Ut»F UU H F HS M§ §U HUT tfeU fet HUof'U Hof fsfetu F 31 i K fUH fe S S tU T i HH UfUT

UHH5 fHUf Hi SHlgTS ut M3Tgfet US MHS. STS HUH* p f e ^ T ^ r

SfofS tfeU Ul HUU^ S UHUUUl S TS fgU ^ 3 U i x*flTa ^ HH® § US ofUS Ht HUfe fH HHS S fS H ^ S UT MHS UfeT I §U §SU S fe t3 of gfe afet fst fu s s 3-4 HW fgu § u Ufus^gt gnjutw .fin?. UT t e a

aigusa HTfuu s w u s mhuh fgu ifer d i fes* ^ ^

UTFU U fgU MHS MU U’S S Ut UTSH HUH fsufet I feu feU feSH^H i t^ uu fu UUTU fgu u § h i s afsar t-rust nt t u mhh m§ u fs s s

3 3 S UT >HTUST t€ t u lsr i t SUfargT uuf, f u UU UlST UTSS M§ MHS §uf u u s u T gun uul i t Hfefe t feu arfnF i S s H? ui§, uiuu*rfu»F

% fgu fHaruur nugfetMT afetMT i § h i s feH i Hfe fuu7 few 1 fu fe s -

gnFfeuf OTg^f UM UU uuf HSgfet S # UHt I jp 3 f p § ^^gTSl guuuu § ufTO USTg gfg, f e r HH fU Hf HSUU .fgU fHU SHgW

£ 3H s?c*te US % STH S 3 Hr H§ g l SUSS fufU§fUUt MZZ t HfUH fajUHTU

offer faiw i u U5 i t grufu^r §U HUH UUUfet i I Wf MHt" fH UU^ T HTUU fSUS Ufe UHTH Ul §H HUTS HUHt>HH, HStufet, HUHit HH HTHT

UUUH friW SHtgrS Hi S UHTU S f« ? U’STH f g p UU t fUH >HHS t IFUS fgU §ST 3 fSMfer | f u UHHT gt ufeg UUl HUT H SgrfS gTH§

>Hai UU I _ 1974 fgu U r THHUHfel ^ HUUT S3It Hi >H§ f B ^ nfe i n f iu Soft §*fUUHU oftHT l9WH»§n;A gt n it husht ^ s 19 Hufe

f Sf S USlu^F I 4 VH3IHH, 1982 3~ UUH qq HUU1 Ufe>HT §H ut fU^THH HUSHT STS Ffe tft S UlHtl tH HUU fgU fe u ? HHUU ufeW Ht

f U i t §H i s ut Ufsai uruut S MTU ofUgrfeMT | MofTSt U S UHHT WUHT feur 5 fU

fHH Ut" fsSUMTf^t fUH HUUtH UUU t tfe. H‘ UUgfet TFi H>fU HUfethtuhs MTg I u s fu i. fuu fu u i USTf u t 3S fin? fsu THUTSl u s utFTSUTU ftfe UHt U§H fe UHT USUT U fU UrFH U Ht§ SU ufe fHU US, fUU US, HHSHTS US rF UU W& US §U Hfe MHS UHU US I § 3 VHFH fgU MHS UT gTHTgUS UTUU US I UtFU fgu feu UU HHS-U(TUH UUt Ht, sfe Cru HS, fugs fHS HTST fgu UU HUUTU UUHTUT fHUf Ut HfSHUUt Htu s f u a i s s u t 1 uul I u s UUTH f s t uuufet utsth f g r f s u s i a>uu

D iscussion on Governor’s Address (5)33

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (37)

(5)34 P unjab V idhan Sabha (18th October, 1985

[r3r *3 H3Rt3 fnuj fH33*H, u fe t ta ]

^ M * d M§ fRH R* 33trTT fe j RfRM* MR'tft R tf Rt RR*33 Rtft M§ §R i s

^ RdHdfyRR'3 w i Rjf fad HfetM* 3*s §R3tf ww 3 1st d i ijrtr

t M* RRt H3T* Rt R'dd R*3 § 3 HfetM* H3 3*0 >HRTSf RH R tw R3 , §R

^ Htft fetf* § HMaTR*3 Rtf* R*3tR* Frf §3 fR3* £ s u f fe=TT I feR 5fHt

URTR § tfR* d fe?>* § f3RR3 r }3* »[§ feg >HR fegq] ffe t § R 5 Uc5 I RTst

^ HHtf* R], Ratals R* HRS* H*} Rt RRrgt r s § fe s TfRM* R* HHtf* Rt

Hd ITOH5 R3 3}3*dRRt H*R 3 # fR3* I H*§ fHR StCTJf § |S HcfRH

3T§, faOR *fa*R § R*tf H3 §3 5333*3 Rtf ait R3 I f5R r } faRTH

<5U( fHH Hojdil R fetft fRR RfSM* I tTHfoH MR. MR. Fftofut £ feg" h r fggr

3*fH3H § R*a fa*g fR g gTS RRrI m* R* fggjyg £ 5f|gr gf § H

^ R5H3 M33*Ri fRtft f%R I fafa RRRt £ fo ^ r fe g t R33l d,

@R ft3?M*fe3t S3) HofHH Otft R*RtRt d I fRH fHsfHS fe g fa o # SR RRTR

3V T O ; ft I3 t M *t33 §3* § # 3 } 3Rf§tf Ri § rh ofter RrtaTT i fu gs

URf H*tf* /§ RH'f^RHRgiRT fRUf Hf3H33f 3 # gS* Hd, §H % R*R 3F?333 M>t

fU R*HM*R 33}1 d t | §R rt Rigs feg gf fR fan T-Rg gr^gg RgRTg

S R3T RRTSf Rt §3* d fgR fRR 33* 31^333 R*fUR ^ 3*RR fRR 3 fR >>131-

33S RrfRR Rt I fife* R7 §3 3 } fRSRS 3 # UhI feu" 3R fR fife*' Rfa*

§331 RIM* RRtn* fRRgW fifsHl R3cf*3 3 *H*a3 R M w R3 § 3 Rl RR R3

fR3t>H* I >H*R3R RRS RS R3 filUR fufe* fe g fe*R R3R R3 *R 3(§ R3 fR f R

§ RR 3t R3T 3RS* § R3 R U3 RR3 , § 3 Rt RR R3* fR§ 3 fefR §fR f33

’HR1 } R*33t Rt R3R*3 3 Rtf R3 I 3Rtf U»{*fR3 Rr) h »fR'St U*3?t Rt

R3R*3 ^Rtffet Rt I m m t R3R*3 R R-Rfet R*S R RH" R R3*3 M*RHy3

fRR RSt 8 fR tf UWfe3 Rtf 3F§, fR3t few f33 R*tf R3fR§ 31 R3 »f§ ife

-3f3 3I§ R3I fe l3 afo art R3 §3* Rtw* fRtffeaTTRtf 3ltt>H* R3 R3 ■ MR*tft

R3R*3 § R*tf § 3*tf >H*ftf R*tft R3R*3 c5 §R RRtH 3 Rst >HHtf 337' Rfe* I

§3 fRR RdR fR >HRTtft R3R*3 3 fe j fettfUH"3 R* RH R3 of}3 * Rt I § 3

■ fR33t>H* fRtffeai* 33 §3 R33*3 R* fRR 3H3* RH R3 33t>H* 33 1 333H*3

•THRTtft R3R*3 7> §3 3 Rtf RMfeR* Rt RRtH 3 H3 R*tf R3 3 rt 3 3 3 rJht • d I

RM3H3 R*f3R, fR3 R*3T3R 3*tf 33tR3* Rt aftf R3R 33 I W Rf3R* 3* fR 3 Rf faT33t R3R RR tf t 33*3 R3* tf3I R*R3I* fR fR3R RTR fRMT r

'33ttT3 33* >HH. >Htf. t . Rtf f »f*t 33 1 H" >H3R R3R* 3* fR 1967 fRR RR" >HR*tfl Rtf Rl R3R*3 Rtft 3* R3 dfetf fRUf tft £ 33ttT3 33*3* tftft fRV fRR- R3HR*tf*3* Rl RRIh R*tf RRRfet Rt 3 *fR ftf3 33* 3} fRt ftfRS

'R t ttf RRtf M3 H*3 RH R>3 R3 RRtf I R3. ftf3* Rt R3R*3 3 M*§^ 3}.

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (38)

fu huth ge us fes7 i hs ust WHug-igrug fee feg nst Mustes ^ TOSfrg §gfei’ unet egg fegt h7, u HFf/fcnr ^ §afeg hs t uerfes us fest i »fe t o feu t fu §g w m hss feu su3 gfe T ufengti usfgfefe ts7M’ uitst fen uuu gsfet Htfu ug I uh ssf t, ug ngfest s u fu e7 use nfet u7s7 us | §q »ufetfT UH gt Hf U few h7 fuffe Hgfet HUBS Ug fs§ 3TB HU I US feu’ ^

>fT t §H e7 USS HU U W US fes7 I US SUSt US e7 HSU’S MSt U >H3 fSS {US’ e7 UTSS HUSU SS fg>HS fes7 ufegT7 |

3TSSUS H'fug e MS3H fee HUS’ e7 3IS U7st 3TST 3 I HS USt fee fug 5 HS7 fee feU fH3TS H^S SU UUt4 ufe»rT f3T>H’ >HS €fe 3" ufus7 H3‘ THU’S! HSU’S Hf §U 30, 30 HfS U?$ 3fe HU I H4 HTRS! HSU’S U tusts u e ’ u'r fu fee u s ^ fu s s u fe e 7 s s t i

fedluiHu nfe etu sh ^ us fee feus u7st furs’ 0 i h’s fes Hsst FTfeg U fug feu foTUT Hi fu 4 US’ e SSS ses ufu 3HHUHS offer i-PSUT’ I feu fugs 28 HS’ fee feH Set HUHS U# U HfUS’ fU§7URSS e7 UUSg s fe s u g g s t u1sh7 rft.i h uuu ufus’ sfet e u s t s ’ u fu n ss u g ft fesr S§ US feu gt 77,78 U3U 3U$ fee W ^ -cffer u’ gue7 I Hsf sues fugfus’ us u festafeu set fetuis sut’ fee us his feu7 fife’ §

us7 uu74 surer fas gt ufegt ur gfet fesr

s s h fesHss} e grg gfs usu7 d i fug4 su ush e 1 H§g 5, is% USH’ fe ss UHS fee uer 5, ug uuur fHstfeu 3% uui thft}1 ufuef Ut°

.fs HUTS fn s f surrf S se t shh f e t - h s > uut1 fe§ H^Hfe U’ ut UU3 e7>H’ fits’ surfetTH’ e s t a ’ uu i feu urru u s uu’ fssugr t i feus’ W US Ufe>H’ u fH U ust feHTUerg} US' SSI USU’ ester 0>H§ JHFft1 >hth u se s ’ fu hs gg s s u Hfensgr fe s i feu u s § s u g s ssur^ u s uh u # e s s ’ i h s u s g i g i usur$ fee e s i nrstfeuusfe Sdl’few’ erg »H3 US gg gg USUS Sgife rTS I

fee t et gfs d i fifer feg ufes’ fess e»s ife ufe ut fgest feset h7 >H3 ud gst ust us tue Ht s’ fuss! ssf #e7 h7 i us feu feuut io, is feu’ et hsus --Hfet 5 feH e hh4 fge fifer fee 16,17 uis fuest sfeet u 1 feuut gruu grst feHST test § w sut ^ f h 3 us stg’efe s$ erJie uu 1

ssfeuss et urs uts! ufet ti ssfeuss .er HHSi 37WW fee .uut4 ufeu HUt I feH U ust SU’ UHUSfete uut4 US Hoft I feuu

D iscussion on Governor’s Address (5)35

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (39)


[HUH'U HU3l3 fauu fTOUTH, M ^ ttu ]w i ferefe 3 to H a ^ g ? f t t f 3 fug iTT fe3T- XiB fe y .S t ie s 'U U t f e § 3® H^fHTJt Ufe 3yufHU 3 f e t TF<5

'* $ f ^ t ^ flfatf 3* fife™ 3! ^ fe3T 3*t fefa fefe fuV fe3 HHT jstff Soft 5 Spgl 3U ® fe U3 §U U U ^fe 3UU TF® I fe^ H a i

^ T ^ s t o nuura u® u# uu t u r j& & 3u 3 -« V g ® < isi_ H u u ra !gpft fgr fa*gghtf ?F U® MH j f e U3W UHtW ?F US I HU UfeS

3 T H3H9 fen 3 fa § 3j fe r e fe t i s ’f s ^ mh1 uu mto srafei

3 fe%HUU!M® US fC S3UW S 50 U3ra 3 3 ^ * ?

rFs >H3 UFP3 Hfefe 3 fife fe3 fesTTOUfa 53F3W tF® I SfeU ^ ^ MryglH® 3 u_3 3! M iw 3 fa huu* 5- w tra U, feu ut ut® m T

offu3 UT r H35fT W fe feu UT® 3 fa HU U®t M*3HUU fU3 H® 1977 feu fa® Hteu 3* huu 3* f e ufew ni l fu^s f e H fe fefe 33! fu®

HTH susrur fnui g! Huura 3! uu! 3 uu hu fe®fa feu feu fa ® * ^ 3!H3cf ®uf U®!l feu UU H3U OUHiyU feyfeM T® §H HSU 3 3 3 >Hof‘®T

ngura Hi 3T x(m trfew fW Ht uu fus® ufe Hfe feu §h uOu 3 uuut 3cr u!®# yfet ®3!t TO 1980 faa * r HU3ra u®33 -fifat 31 feu hto! H3 3t ffe U®1 UU®! 3HT3 frfa 31 S fe f3U® UM 3 U® «3!sTu ifc r ’ t f W fe w Hh w r # £ 3 § * ^ 3* 3lfe yuu ®fui>HT

ufeniT 3yg 33! fnfe! ^ 3h 3uT wfewfemiT, fen ®e! 3 fys®!H3cfT3 ?®^ 3 1 HUH5UH ufe UI§ f u u s HUH® USS, feH ®3! 3! H HUUfU

3 ?yfe! fefer u i .' S ' v

feg A" uufe3 qUHHT®W ^ ut UufelT fe fe^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Hera w T yuHHferut S 5* 3! Oh ufe Hufei feH 3Uj u ® !3 3yraH3T yH

u fe h! feH 3Uj u! wfl" 3 HH ®3Ffe»{T feU U §U H3H UUfe I feH

Hr® 3* HTfe® U»iUH3 53fUH, y feli® ^ U HU yu W m® fe feu US sr a fe 3 fu MU. Hi >nfe!. 3! U3fe nral fesH 3! hu!3 w u ifera huu u

ora MU feu MU. Hi. Mfel S 3 3 f e f e t ifa 3 3 -1 8 3fe3t S fl ^^ tratfew u fe 3’T u3t U3’U f e f ufe 3fei fa- feH1 IM F^'S 8 l HUUTU §U 3!uu!3y_3 S 5 § .1 «faB ^ u feu 3 fu UU v S gWHS 3 l UU0TO3,' 3U3U f a r 33! UH UUTf^ u t , t o UUUTOU3! u I uuy- H3 fe feO1 u y M3 ufet. 3 fa feu ® fe $ U-fuf3 Mt HfeMT f a ^ U fa feU ufeuu® 3! uuu! ®3! 14/15 uura ufyM H faw tf f f e 3 1 feu uu! u!

fa ls e r aife 3 m3 fen 3 3uu ^ v u f w ^ fe 3 h 3! ^ uu feura3! 3feuil i X feu Ou3t efu^ fe fa feu ^ W ufeM 3 f n 3!

(5)36 P unjab V idhan Sabha ]18™ October 1985r



· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (40)

W ® set w ff •* « * * * u Jftfgg offHH3 i t 33HU >Hr3 tut'H feu 3 3 tM i l t t ^ t , H „H3« at f e S ®>fS 3 ® « ajra Set 8 3> feT■-*=& aiol ? feu RuufeW ufeRu g^'few >>ra nromra mua ■& h^ _S f uu a t e ' f w a i Shafts HTfog, § h h§ ^ ^ M 3 3 ^ u j i Haf *| h hh § tnsr -Sura i feu ^ feu i ftuhs us ^ f e u^ fe sfl utkW u3 fa ffa w T te l i t to e s t e - « ™HcS^t^ TOt, HOT? TOfe TO »W3fl TO HTO^at I ^ ^tHSr'ufeW 3, UUfet HS§ fe M W ^ ^ ^ UU fe j ^ J * sHtggr t l 3>HdH3 H-faa, Hf fe3 fH3 3<* ^ T O ^gftf3 fiw T O faRH UH333t 3 I @3T f w TO u 35 fes l, ^HU feU Ufew U f3 fa*'3 333 31 ^ ^ 5 fa3 300 >HTRHt

Rrgfat cfl§ I feUS HRU^U H3 f s j 3 ^ fe33»Ffe3f 333 ^

orfHTO ro-few fiwrfri W i t set’feara i t "!* ^ w e t .f i is a a ^ J w gfeu *R? U3 feH TO 3 g^-5 fa W ^HTO jfr*< 33HU WgUUTfHU

31 UTI U TO I TOfar 3T feu 3 fa' 333 §H. fa* UU faR 3T i t gg ^ 3

U TO 3+ §R 3 T O t ^ RUT H3333ttt TO I .

fuu, 3M3H3R'feg, WSfeVtW fifa RUt'UR U3UR3 itT O i I H^Tg H3^

a t u - f w feRUTR fTOTO' fa fa iu fo R ^R 3tRtf <5TO3* § 33 H3UH 3TO 33 §3* 3 i t R3' 3»3 I f & ^ 1*HcfefHW 3131® Htfa Hi t H3 1982 feufe* HUSH' rS t fg ji fa W^^HUa f S t RUR3 3) UUtt 333 fTOt r! I fcH BS\ H' RH33T 3»fa ^ 3 3 UfSH

U ?3 3R g s 't 33@3T t f e ' § u i) RT^utU >M3 3 3 ^ V 3fR^tfTOTUtR 33 3 3 3 3 ,f3UT-.w t H3R331H fa3 w f s S tHRt ^ t

utuIu’ i I

W dHSR'f^, fe^H^HS'UHTg'g i) TO 333)3 1 IfRUcUU f ^ ^rgir fo) um 3fHR3 H' >H?5-3 RU 'H T>cfe'§ I H; WR SH ^fa fa3 H 3 tt^ H3 Hrfe°( 33, §0 fHUK’Hfa t ) TH?i>H3 3TH tf l o.fHR3 ^t»iT 3UH3 »1 3 Rfe feu,H ufHH3 Bras §*ufas».<S s a f e : Hjfe feus-3fa » » ^gfe3R*il 3 f3% fa tfa 33HR WZ lu lfe t i t 3313' Ofe't |

i^ H 3R T f3g ,^ f33 H*®tl?5<KrSfeU33Hfe ?& ? *' 3»13H3 f33'3t Igin" flfetf" ife>HT3 'U3 Hid U>HoH3 df33 tH3» 33 §H fUU 3 '»

fU3 3 I fe3t ytgiUR gruut .fe>Hi 3R'3 H'B fa3 ^ 3,000 3 3 3 ^ W '? »R5tS i z i l , fe33^TH3»1RT f33RT^ fa3 VWZ . ^ 3 3 I ? ?faR3 sU'UiRSTutR Hit3'Z533 3 fe tth) fUfe>H'3 3 3 t i t t t t T H^it 1 «_

D iscussion on Governor’s Address (5)37

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (41)

[TO H Tg g g tfe fWV fH3 1 'R M S l t l ]

* § 3 ’S U H S l l t d f l R l l t H it 1 5 3 * d fol § R gt

f W 3 t t I B'W" l i l t 1 5 1 * 3 fRUI Tit H it 5 5 § UR 1 1 OS H I fH^T

§ i t 1 3 ' d f l § R R f l l g ’ M '5 ' 1 M»5 ' 1 1 3 U l ’l 1 flTM 'd | )? HH9 3 ’ i t f l

fH R R 't i t f lS lM ^ f e lt g g ^ H f l l s f f g f s i r f f c grg fegg fqM’3 fggr r t% | ft.

fed ¥t 1 3 3 t ofgfgjr f l 1 & 1 3 , 5 _flMT3 r, U flM '5 ' H 5 - R f l l t § fg»irgr g g gr

U'fe>)iT 1 '%, Met fU3 ' 3 i t M»3 5 3 'Btn l l t l I f lR 3 3 T MT1 HU1 5 , 35j g l § gt

^ fR fU H 0 , f l U S ^ R 5 3 I'§ 1 'S 3 'fo f l i t ® 5f Rf# g n u feg f § g ^ g ^ r

5 3 1 3 , 1 1 1 f 5 t § M R?3 5 ' f e s i 'f e l j f l t e t§ 3 t f l grgr §

H5r§^ > *sto* ^ n s ft a s i . f ira i s i t t f i i g i i s i 3 i t t 3 - 5

HR3 W lS'H*Mt l l V l S l t l S ' l l l l f e i T H l t R i a » l g g ^ r g ,g )g rd l ' =

§>MgR3 R r f g a ,T l^ d g r g ^ f e g . UdgicJ Sfuigri f t n t e a m i i ' H g t

3 1 5 f l 5 M’f 3 rd 1 H ?=l l r l H ' M d l ’S t g ' H i t f l 5 M’f 5 '1 | fgg fgg

i t j J S ' l ' l t g ' d l M t f l l f e l l ? f H U ^ r f l f te g g i ^ r g j^ggg H,fgg

3 MrU3 M3 i h f i g vjpn i t 3 *MT i 3 , w e f s t g f f g ^ r g g ig g r gfy>H'f5 M<d,

H 1 3 3 ' 1 1 1 ' 1 T M l 3 1 1 1 3 1 H 'f l l g r M l M 'l g r q g g rg ofggT gr | £p ^ rg

l a w f i M ' f s I ' S ig tH 's * f n m ' i h *r 3 y i T 3 3 T 3 's , M 'u st f ie itR f if e it

*'E ^ Hlot-TigTRHggg of§gft >H1 MH?flMtl 3RS UTTfR tSql g] Rgr ggg} d, fl3T 131 1'5*H 1 31? lfl5', MR? I l l 15 t ifggff d I 131'g I

•• ^»>13H3 R ffll,. H lrg t R U g r ^ d fe

IR t MR H§ 1 5 5 g r H R Tfg g ,§ | fRl^RoI MR 5 1 1 3 1 M U R § if e M ' fSTM'd

H ^ H l R H ie tgtf,,- ^ 3fo f3 tH 3 R»gH5 I S l i r ^ r ^ M lt H t e t i t it ltM ^ 1 3

ftTl^ 1 j( 3 M5 =(' d H R MR1 '3 T 5 r, )?i RR5 T 1 * fg g gt 1 » 1 M l t f l l g t 3TJ5 M 'lt

d M 1 H" R H ig r g tfg 1952 5 ^ 9 7 7 3 1 fR3 3 t ifH R M StfU l R rfg i 3 R1 5 r

1 5 » ^ 5 l 'R § o fM TR R lo if l.l^ oit3t 5 l t d , ^ 3 St tfR R f l 3 l gtMi R H i l T ^ t 1 1

lltM T 1 3 , f i t M3 1 1 1 ? l t d 3ld I 1 MTR R U ' l l ? ? f lR l 'R 3 1 1 M3 3 l t §

t P t 1 1 1 5 ( l f l 3l) I

f l l 3 1 3 M5 1 d M 3 3 U 1 R 'f l l 3 3Tfl3 H» 1 5 1 5 ' f 5 Rf, f e l 1 H i t Rtg)

1 MI1 R R H »1 3 i t ofei Ht | 1 M1 H3 R’f l l , R; RH3 3 ’ i t f l f R l l t ' l i l t 3fe d f R

f H3 RT1 H5 1 3 3 1 ' l t 3 1 5 ’ l f l 5 ’ 1 ’l t l ’ d I I ’dllR R U 'rg g g g , g } g g H

M R l’3 t g } 330ft g r flM ’5 l i g t l i t d I t i l ' 3 1 3 M5 1 d 1 1 UR-1

i t 3 3 l t g ’ , t l l W R H ig r 1 ’ f l f lf l5 RH" 1 9 8 0 3 ^ 5 1 f l l l t 3 3 l t l 5 3 1 l i t

d f 1 1 1 3 i t H K 'M ’^ 5 5 S d l (flU I3 ) l i l t 3 1 § f l i t g t M t g y ^ ^ S i j ^ f ^Jg

H3 l t 1 5 » f 5 § 1 1 1 l t d Rtg 1 1 1 3 1 l i l t g g§ lR 1 3 ’ 5 t >^g

(5)38 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [18th October 1985

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (42)

USS § UUU ut§ 3T§ US I fHU 3H? >H'U gU Hof§ U fa fuSS HH4 feu UU'U feU fast 3UUt US) 5 I

■ ■ r

feu" 33 aat tufa' ut 33U) UT HU'S d, a’UlUH Hua»u fan #s at >nfet, aatUU)»1' g'H§ a tut CBS U'fe 3T§ | fuffe UattuW ygfe*,! ufe»,r fSH,qT5, fen set a-TgjH Hua»u £ unm ut feH g>H§ gu3 urn uufuw i feu fes*3f u t feu uaka §‘ s § u*u as'a us*sau § ua§ ufe ua u» 5 »?u fen ?th§ awt nua»u &uhh» ut ftws fum S i fegs!taiuiHHua»u at feuatfa1980 3' 1982 33UUtfH HUa»U £ gt Hfa fesfe SHUBS ^a»gta3S at§ I Has us 3fe, uhu3>s usfeufe, uu fua § huu fust uiut >h§ uu at uu3 mu aH feH fesft g<Hf att gfe hs i us at u uigusu *|3Uh wfew 3 §h feu u^i fesfe g'H§ uts fe mst ur ijuu aus sut fau* 3 i uuh4 HHUUf m fa feu fea tfea sta 3 >hu fen s urn aus^cBS au& mutt us i fen 3' fes*g' fe?r fes'faw feu feuat fumfifets ft, f u u»st tfegint fen sgusu waunfeu aut fuuu sulfelmfeiwi HfeHuu'mfaaat £uV feumitss msttsu' gtu<|u i(#u ausf mutm 9 3»fa fa4 u sa fewm >hs,:h urn auHasi f tfeual uHts dfHau'st aut fHsura* f t gHsfan 3fj uggft i fa*gst>na>j?t Huaiu ?> ma fesft feu ut fas uwfeu usr fu§ Hsuuftfea tut UfWj'T? Ut aut1 M'f fet I fH U'a g’feU'Ht I feu wstnuaiaulw 31 S3 U'fSHW ut HS I UU feu WUStw stut»fT gt aiUTUH § Ut HUE US fef ua ufsutas sisd fumstaftuu umu ut autt g>H3 ma mfu>>p utumuu utfutgfut 3 I fug u HrS a TdJH UrU'H fuur >>?U 3 H'S 3IgUSU U1 U»tT feUf 11 3iguuu u»u ts usat u us u§ cSH’feu uu uafuaHSU? au§ usfa ’HUHUut >HUHUHTUtut USUt t »?U 3Fft"guf Ufa UU'S’UfugS HH' feu UU«U feu u t us f h utfuHg’ut 34 feu uu SU? Ha'U I feu4 3a fa fest t UH ut 1JU»S H3Ut feuur Sfet §U3SaUS g-fs»ft §feg‘ftM' >H§ f 7$ | HUU fut I feu SUT Ht UrUtU( I »fHt4 H'U UU»U ut U'S3 g>H§ 3'Ufe'H U I >HH)4 H'U fes f uufu ut 3autuas»fstt iH'fuw ^ fks a funi U'fsf t i ai3s* ut tns7 >Huu»ut ausf aut usftsissul41 feufeua» us hh#3' u»ufe stfet u sufei&f UUfH»lTS UfeMr H4 HHUU' U fe feu HU »ia'«St 3U' feH ut HfufUU | U3H ausf. UfUf US I H'gr HrfU»fT U1 UUU t fe MHt4 feH HH?t S frlU Ua»Ut§ I H t u M'uutns ^stau usfesr gfet faU'ufamat u»uut hh?§ s feu ua*fs sut ufeu u 3*fa umu feu fuua u<s»3 feuia us, uu»a u ust feau feu4 fsafsw t, feHS HUtfu>Hr TTIHt I UMUHSH'fUU, fet'ua HfeuHUa>U Ur 3>Hsa t, feaufe mfuuHfeu Hua»U34 astH3iT au§ us uu uu u»h huu nua»u s ut an§ us i feu aut usft sfs sut41 us utifetg § usa fustu g'Ht nfeu Hua*»u 37aua ufu»,i fufef t >j?u utsaH g>H§ gTa ut Om fufe'd i feu

D iscussion on Governor’s Address (5)30

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (43)

H3?5 3rH HSH'f'SlW ] ■ . . . __h»h« firawsfeofti I u>3 f33H3'3 3'fe? »rai3 >H3 wilH«fonT *> tHst Htg fUi3H3'3 3! 33fa! 5f3 9 I 3 ^ 1 33T'J&3*&£ U3« TO*! 3» ^333*3 3$fl origin I H'3' UH'H 3* 3l U3S53 9$ 3 f ^ ' 3 331533#3IM feHSl f3Hg«3t K'§ H'fW §5 I SfSfeg 33 3!315‘eM 3151 I 3fa5 HH3t *5. Hi WHt. S feVBt 5 >H3 H'3' H«f3»P W fa f $ & HH3t 333 B(33 3!3fHH33l3 H3H'3l H3cf«3 3!>tf' f~33 t#fl>HT 33 1 j Hl ^ lU I h 5# fe3f 3fa?>' S3' H3lH few 9 I 33 ^ 315 gel f t t H33»3 3 3H513Hl ggilafo 33?3 i 29nsraa 3f53* 3!H3s<«335are!h! >*3 »m era I*? WU #3 5§ fa fe3j ?> 93 3! cfhralHcftHt 3 I fe? 3 fa*' ^ ?Tfe>},T

H3-H3 33lafg 33? 3M I U3 33-3 33' 3 fa >H33'3'fe3 33 ^3^]H 3S1 #3 ^grt 33 33 >*3 »iH? f33 fa 3' 3 fa H33'3 353! 33» 3313tftB'fa ^ 35' 3# I . . . . «.

3MHH3 f3f3H, H ^ H’3cl 3 fe3 3* 3?5 1— 2 firf3'3 3531,HTet! gt FP3f33 fa'H'3 »13H3f3 H'33'l >H3»5t 3*33! 3 f3Hfa3'3' 3 »mJ5l>HT 3Hl3T H3T »13 gjt T ^rfa i^rg sW TO I fSHUH'H 3lHt3l 3Hte tTOB' *3tt§ 33 I ' f e i i t o f3H-3^33lt 35fa fetf § fera’Wl^fflHhB^.^ ^ I f333»fH3 HH3 531' 3 fH3' 3!U'33! 35^33 3!hH3 33tH3'3 33‘ fe3 33t fegrfawSl HSf*. ^ 3»HHl3T.-ertgt.3?5lU«33t 3'3 HI33 fa* 33 3' fa'H H9 fe3 33 I §H 3' 333 3 fa fe3 31313 »13'H, HHH3m§ 33 feH'3 M§33 fHH?3'3 3'fW533 M333 ^»33'3 3' 35' 513 »!§=f 5j Ht t33l 53l 33533 3+1 f333f33 33 fe fHH f33 3" 3H >H'3'3Ofe>H' f33 f3H'3' 3 53 33 331 1947 Uf35*, H't 33331 fe3 3^ yTt H3 3Hf3 3H ^ f333l 33^ »!§ 35 f3H'3 3 H# 3^33 ^ ^ ^3H 333 33 1 H't 333 3* 5§ feftS T O , >Ht W IT U3' 33! 3 TO fefeg fgnsl >h§ y'sl 3t ui'3 h! i Hal H3c-'3 f 333! 3 fa 33! 3 fasfa fa3m*?' rfe»TO* H353'fH55fal'3'3l3!»P 33 faff33f35'«' HSf^T3f3»l' 3ln3f33 f35'oi' f3H«3rf H33H 3 3'5 531S' 3 I fa*ggl H33’3 3 H'3 faV3 H33' 3 3‘5 3fe»l-f31»i'3 »53 m3^1''f3H 3 fe3333^' 3fo 31Hl>HT H3 §3* ^3W 3 fS3 H3i-'3 3333 3# 3<fafer 3 53f S 353 fH5 H35 fS3H l ?1 53t'§5l 3'3l3! 3 >H3 H3l 3»s! fa3 f3§gt5 533 35 3*3 33 >H§ Sf33l3'3l 3!53 3 »13Hl5 3 U'5l 3!»1'H'^ §fH3 33-fa»l' H-#fa33fal' 3fa gi3!>nTH31

^ 'aw feHS erenow: 3»i3H3 H'fa*g, h1 ufe3 3! t ug5< 3'35' 3* fa f33H#HI. H5'3 3 5H'5 3M3H3 33 33 1 ni'fe»l'fe3'3 feHTO'Sf 3 fe“ 2 H3oft 3,H f?fa3l3'Hl? falTfa H3fa»1'5fa33Sl fa*g H33' 33«5 33l fScf


(5)40 Punjab V idhan Sabha [18th October, 1985

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (44)

D iscussion on Governor’s Address

* qi HWU3t: ufea tft, few 5' UgB £ I •

tffeg H 3 ^ WH HSWifelW : U»raA?> Wfgg, f e l 3TO fgggt H35T few gfa gist a feast fefe A wh feg w ant a? i few few watw Rsgf § fuu»ra gtw few Fit »e fHatw gw wa* gfaa afears wt gwaa fe »tai feg few gw awfew as i few feife ife few feg gw as aatw us i few w fewgT h§ fe fe ws a w§ few w fesrgr g} gfet w a i feH sfet feu fes^ ggga 9 »fe gfet ■$ so-ff a, fafegisa fe afe a gag wa wuw fe gfe a >gfe fawas fe sih H3TS gafefegggas afensfe, gag fe fen nag wg fgnro few gfey A i

qt gguifet: yfea fe, hr? yfeg fefegisu guyaTO fe fe»faH?> aa 3 i feg ittalga fefea iW5T taw siaiwo faaTA ?

ufeg gggs am TOgurotw : awra gfeag, h" gfe crrogtfea7>i

$ gw faro gwuM: fewaA?; gfejg, feu fe fe g ts u g u u ig ? j fe fe»raA?> aaa?> v a f e a rrs few fe tow g w g faaw h§ fewfe fewwfe"wd feg

fefe fefegiw jsarfeT O ^a fegfeg f e f e f e g is 3fe"OTTAi

iife a g g a s a w H sguro tw : fewjH?; wfa*g, feagfefe aw fg fear fe■ - . ■ ■ / ■ • .

fetgtswrf1 jot A gafg wfawfeufow wfe fefegfsa ggtH feg fewfe s e t Rf Afe w few at fetgtn sanfew fe'gu fg yfeg feaa fgga gut" war Rt feg w feare1, few fe fe#fe feg fgg fefegina gu to fey wq gy?fe afe to gu fggfea® ira fe ^aa faAaa fe Hwfygfew S feyro feut Ht fg feg w t ut ggt gifl St >ng g §?; ^Hwfgg wfesai Hg hs gg §g it h" io fe^gtsu w qrugg gw ^ Hawa § tfw Fft wi" §& ut feuag nt fggfet et wb gigs feg fe§g#su wfe sat gg i h" femrefet wsuftw at fg frot ^g w fe§g#su grauaTO w uHiaH?; fa*gr w gst tatwst Huusfet feus! Hat fe§ut saft a at nt §h § fewfew 1 1 ^a A" »Fg£ gat f fes^ st A^ gaw aafen i

qJaAHufea sferw : ** ** *#

ql Hunrat: fea gsi gM#a wa ^B^a wif d i aife mtu t Haara # fey t in i

♦♦Expunged as ordered by the Chair

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (45)

Vf33 TOSS HSHtofoP : UFTUH3 toto, far 3°1 WE U# yys W toy S feu FTO feaUUU, UUfato, yfsfei t f e s fe 3 t o yn? tfy gffij ,

H3 2 FTS f c G y ts STOUaTO feu U3U U»1UH3 U H TOS yrHcfT fHfeW Hi »)y H3 T HUofrg y 14-15 TOFU I f f w § W offer yf i »MU w fe 4 T O l J t Sfyfe 3 t fey

i ? 5§ 3T UUU 5U tF3T U >Ht fen W TOfto EW S U f to U I SPUf f a T 3 # #37 tF HsTO tt feg U)>JF H t o § fu3 t y yrs yf3Mr fgy^ ., yy iyfo ,

TO fesiSFHU TOS S3TTO 11 fes* U H3»F H of feu 8—10 fetoftsU S3FU U3 ^ ^ ^ °ft§ to t o feu arutef TO fesiTO, Isr^g^ f e ^toRiro U t o H" hubfu totote TOto fe feu w g u t o fe to ^ t ofTOtfiTO fUMiy # 3 ) # feft'o) WE US TOfe t o U feu UU fEWTO HtPU tyr to |

fen iSTUTO '.fesfe feu SfHT# TO §S* ! t o r §37 UU5T73T t o >H §ftto fto fe s fe feufeuTOst y t o l u t o t o i

tohuto fefug, u t o u t o y ^ t o fyuHros y) tsru i t o w 3 to y i to fe u s

t o c r a s t o f e i f te to w fey a i s >>r§to>>F. to fa n fe u s husfu s s t e gy s>®

HSof uuuf u t o u t o n y s i s ffto h s u sryy) i , feu sTu s u r t o w feTO fu t o t o UTI FFTO FFfe*F TO yyg yyyr § fy ^ ftjUTO'S S fefe aiHUH3 y ) t o H t o t o TOfert 1 (tftfa,) fen 3dj ^ ^ § , 3 y } » ^

’’f t o 7 u 1 fen ss7 fey t o hus ul faifeiut tou) 5 t o into t o ihius yyy tvyrsru ttl uuu fe u to u fUTOUrgu} TO U3 cfeoft r s7u sur # y^fcf t ofpfroF uT U3U uuutu i (yfyai) ‘u t o guu t o yuugi T O fto 3 t o s d t t o srarfew t o r t o feuoFu t o ) u tr >mt are) 1 u >huhs Frfug, f e r 3of >nuto5 i 3>H®U U, HfuUfHW 3 >HUTO >H§ U3HUfef #H S # 5?U# | yfTOF S t o y

t o u f t o i feu t o s u f u t F 1 fen t o t o TOopy f f e to fy»ro t o u) s u # 1

UFiuHs Rifuy, u s y n fu to feu a isu uh u uu to i f to Hfuto feu SHyutMi

TOUt U^UUhMiTOI f to HS1UH ^ fes-fUS, UiU-UiU t o TO feu, feoffesuuTnfe §f u?iu7 ufe7 d 1 s y i a t o d s u HfusrH t o y u 7 ur t o u s 1 t o mRUofrU S fen yiR fy>HTS t o r UiuTur d I s u f ' 3 1 U HUofiU U1 HSH» § R13 t o 5 1

H S R 't , t o SU U ?S3 y s ' t o u i . t o t o uufearr i fu u u ^ is u7 »tryiu7 s^tos sfyy § yfusi HfuuH s tos uasr yro u7 uaa7 d tou tot1 u^s yr °fa§ 31 fey yss se7 uar» stotoafti u>>iuhsRifuy, to)"to#S3 sT hhif e 3 id , feH SS7 H 3U131 U TO TO ^tout | >tfr§S t o t o f e u rfSHHUUm3 1 §) mt_ oftor fe t o fefe arsi t o ‘ u h" artout to, fq^ry t # ytf# y ^ y ^Sfto TO 3 ' t o yur u t l H 't f e s fe t o §t, UD1UHS Rrfto yyr fe>n»y to»uTOofru s to r uiutur d 31 fe w fe §) ufu pfefe fe tom ^ 3 to7 o?73) # 1 u fuu (yfto) 1

(5)42 Punjab V idhan Sabha [18th October, 1985

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (46)

*■/D iscussion on G overnor’s Address (5)43

Hg^rg gjyg? fiRUI ftPHW (S3P) ■ U^HS H* U^U^H H'fUU 3 3'HSf W 2 3 uH' 3 W f e d 5?TOt U*; H3 U U U U frN S^S UUHHtuet fen tf

WIof'B feu feo? U'SS HS'H HS, ut HUtet S' tU® §?p ^ feSTg'H Ut f^ 'U lu lH U S 3 HIT UtT'H^fu^.VfW, Hfe'HW, HH®H>S* *feUalU^ ut gE?3» »fe>tfyH3 'feUH3 tTt ^WUS »fe ©S' ^UHa'H' 3 feEr?‘H ©t ^ ^ 1

§>HUH?J H'fua, H'^t U’HUt HHy3 © 3® U'H© UH UUUtd I feUUS 3" 3TS SUfe Sn^fev fUs^St HTcff fdH'-d t 9 foe wft~ UHHt HUgH ^ zF8 ^TH§ 3H * 0 $jt | fny oH-T *tfofT6l U*U<?t £ H 3 S 3 ^ 3H offHT U I HU^FPfUW §

U3 ' zsfoim S'SU ©U rlt SUnfe 3 fy®»3 M'U’U f 3 'Ut I ©H t® H'Ut UsW3U) UhI h) I HTH S'SU rft 3feU’ “U'UJjT' HUUHU3” feH ©t HUr I f S'SU

tft § HdlUStUHt I H'UH u lu s U UStUHt, ufel'Ute'fe'usV , m s' ^ >hT uet^T i"tH ©I ut3Uj uh ©t uihu sfet u«3H'ut stu n t feu i ®h hu i nufe u i, f a g ^ f e , l| s M u fHUf Ut SW US U'H yUUHUfe y u m ii fen sut, U>HUHS

H'fua, tfe ^ H W U U fe W m fH fe U fey UH 5 fl fUH' H3 3 HU m 'few ©U

fofHH1 ®few g fiiw s u fu i ©u»fe# fesj u w u s feUS °ffeu§US I h u h ,

feUHS H'fUH, 100 W UHW § U®' feu U 'S ' few S' 100 feu" 80 fey HS I UUU io o w h Iw s w ® ufet ifa w few 3* ©h feu so fey us i auuH'utworuystw uus 3" awuuH wu'u ufew i i f e uh w u ufe^i1, ©h § ‘ afe®*H nfeH'f f e ' f e o/t§HS, ©UH) HU'S FfeUW f UU'U I U^UHSHffeu, 3U»§?T U3< 3 1 &u u»»iu u u suT o3S s s i § R t n feuT fe w u tfe y n t u w § Hg US'S UTS3T 3 'fe HU U'Hfe' u t su a ) U H t UU f H U5 UU1 HHr SUt*HS'fem* fei^T i y u 'y t hh' y s » f s i n feu huh me i u u fu n ' u lu hih

HS, W 31 HUHH15 I Hfel Hfe HU HS1 fe§ 3T§ UH i n t u >H»U»H § W HU1 HS»@S 3 “ HtH fesutu UH fU3r I feHH fesU’ d ut suT u'fe' unfe ■ fey feUT few '

fe i/m it m sT 3 U S ' n i l H%u»?HHSHtfuH, 3 U>m f w s fuHafe ^ n fu ^ ’t mH'UU'm fe HUt y*uu1 HHst U’dUl S f3S HS'Ufei7 HSfei' 'HH f3S HHUn fe i f e s ' n y 'u lM 'feu au sH 'H u u u i , huIu u u )hh u u yfe u ’hihh s fen U 'H yu feuy ^ u ' i feu m su H tv fern fei»i' fe y u fe lH y ' sufe y ss» u»utu’ i huu’H uug'H ' feur s feu ' fe y fe it hu1 hh! m e 3 y s s ' i yu*it n i m s* n i u u feufe‘»Mi u H U 's w uh feu n s 'f e ^ ' i fu u ^ f s fey ' s 'n n 3ife»t' i nyt s- su<fe> ' yHU'fe»i' few fe yu'«it naj a s few u' feuuufegi', f u u uferni U3t uul HHS'y'd(fews) w usW sut>H '§ U'feHuys U'HH^i wustty' UdHt1 ' urns uhswhS S'-'1 s »i»yH feu n s ’fe^' i uu

H" t;, yUfit Hi SHSHfe^11 HU, U tHHS H'fUH, Urfit HHT yfe^1 3 'feu i nu feuy uhuhs, su l utu Hfenuu ul uhhi HH»nt i

feH 3TH S’1 H‘ H'H3 UHU1 U'fW HHt U’UUt HHSl >Ho',nt t 3 HHHU U Un U’H3suu) u i u yu'it, Haf yfe>H‘ 3' hhh3 u h® y h§ afe^1, fuu^' ?>h§ afew

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (47)

(5)44 P unjab V idhan Sabha [18th October, 1985

[H3tTO aw#<j? fRUf f w s f )

fFTtr 3 »8§ * § fem fa i &nS gfe>*f , aoraAs a»fea, ftg a«fe»ft § y 3T*

U fe 1975 ^ T HT3 r fe>HifS)»,r feafe-> V § § * S t l f r e H3 cft $ H 3 t f e W a M

* * #H S U ^ rfex t § ga f H t u W c t e l ^ i t f f c n y t t

V tm m tf; Safet f£ft I jfef £ Hffqard fcrsft* * * * * * * # & ^ S U t t ^ f e w s a m r

W 3 6R,S f ^ s a u a s ^ a . t o t o ^ a u u a a f a g f e ^UU fouat Ifrg^f f s t f Ham s f¥HH3 Hafel A I f a #55 aa^H a j»T a fuafat

* * 9 * * * * * * * y^ t : ^ m f # f e s # f 3 c r w i M . g f ^ ^.a, i g m s ^

y»H?t3, wfHznu ataaat § fesfet uuTi f a t g fe a a fe atamTumut ar Htfeur

? ^ Hj M t ^ * * ^ § * * * * ' * 3d a s fa w a r n , aa? w u a fe t at fe r a ^ s -a u i a M fea u ^ m t £ u a a # Haas us i a a f ast au $„• feaar

m rm r fe t- a-3Ha§u i f e u u ^ t o auas ,# g d * i f f tta tfft.-few a

— ^ IftfefHW-ST s f e * ,§Sfe ta d fet f tfe fa « * * ,» * * t o * * * * # ■ r , # ^ , ^ < * * S

f5of a'UHU: at at at, f a 31 f o r 33HcfatFrtl

H a w ^ : ^ H S rafea, u rs1 U»pf& »r e i f f feu ’srfeT ut fa Amu afar- 3R?ush « a § ut asa i a feu qgH % ^ f e g m § « * ftgr ^ oTUUUUS, feu t s t fe S # ft| ^ g i f t

- ^ feuuuf sat feaaas aufe i fen r f a f#% w rTam fegajrau ftfegr? uam | fa r fe fe t w Heratft, f a ? fe }fea s u § a i fe ^ a ’ afer §u t aBmTw t a Tfj i u .- "

, fea u fa f#a yam at asuu M 5 H fe ^ w a rgg feu aaa t

' ; ^guTTfugr* ms hhus m n ^ s .a f , f e ^ § # ) g ia u u u ^ H h ut faw gr ufetn # ^ t rufHT # i

^ u m T ja m a ^ : ^ u A ^ H fa a , a r s u a fe

a M u i ,j H3f feijur graft # ) u? warn ^ j f h) a s fa afet ^

^ Tm i fea faa fe^r ar^r ^ f fHT| fes^ s amH

^ tn# ?a§ Htna a^ ft , fej atuafef fer ^aaua°fafa§ am ufeife u s i

q| auma}: fe^t s feu faui- a w ?as au7 afe aM i

auatu fAuj f e w : Amuhs afua, ff at urauum % ta f#% ut fausTfe uuuafaui s m r s at am Hoaa w $■ & aga ^a§ fa r fer»r #, §a§

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (48)

D iscussion on Governor’s A ddress (5)45

U tfH fe rn r , f a OHRr fen fROTR ^ HU UU I Pr fd£ feu

dfRR SfR fURT Rtfd HR4 MHUTTrI f?R RU U HRR1 Uife»p RT fgjj) J>>p

H'dl'W 3lV U Hofd'few I ftTUUt f5Hf FT# TPS dfe ofUt MTRTR] # # 3 RRTfv i UTU^t Rf , Wfe §R W TO t Rt RH f tT3T5T HdU HH§ dUH FPUf>Hf yRdfef»f fRd7»P, 19 HUfe ttdl'd'd HURT RfeW >fe fed RdiRT R?R >HW5 UfRW »f§ URT

U H t^i RUT§ RurRHURfed, »T3RTR Ur§R UfeuRTS R1 RRRF RTRRtfe fy R fe

HUUH URTRH UHRRfRUf s fe fe ts H? U fife MHHtTTft fed HURT JJdF y HR SWRi dUTS dRUfetn} >HHRRdR RTgtfT offer tf, fq RUUt R HURT sgjrfH r RffuutRRdH RUU ?H§ ulsfdP>FRll §USfetffefe1 HR Ufe»F Rt »{§ f^ R | UfeWRt RtT RR Rt IjTpUHUUt ’ Rfftf ^^^UU'fRRT fR R1 RT^tP URST UR fed1 U >HR HU7 RRUr I’fTdUt RHS7 3 >HR RHdTR7 feuf 3' RIcS7 253TU7f W I feu SHU7 ufe^H ^ R # felfe >h§ f ^ f | yR UTO U<Ht offer

ferW Fft l feRfRR dfed r r V rt ofRH <?R fRRT fRPH7 Rt I ffe RU U U feyR 7

RUR R^T RlfRU^rfeR-Ufre Rt>HUtr tffeF 5, Ufet'dt^ t >>f§ qUR) t ufUR7 §fUATOUf MRJ# iPHUt R7 RU7 Rof t HR? »fe feR #RS R fdH^U T

Shri Om Parkash Gupta: On a point of order, Sir. In tlie Governor’s Address it hhs been written:

“The tragic assassination of Prime Minister, SmtY Indira Gandhi, which was widely condemned, caused deep grief in Punjab as elsewhere in India; ”

feST £ hfURR tJU|R dfe7 U >HR ©U7 §’ >HHHtUHU U HR7 fyu7 dH UU feu § ut dR7 offo RU UU I

$ R^UrI : UTdRT H7fud, fU 7 f fed ufe § w Q s Ri fR § I

HcfeFU flhifW : ofURT fife R4 RR ufe»F HURT fdUfeotIrt fuf>>F r1 forf'1'u ijlHuj- feRRT gruff u ufeu u^ w uIrt Rf i r>huAuR’fUR, H"RUTRT fU>)PS fRR^fRT RTR RT Ri fof R RS feUdfe RTRUt ITUUt IffeMtR

§ RUfeUfeU RTfUR R UTUR iR fUR feuST UFf ift >HR f RJ^ oflRT r} fof ihrT

feRR feuTR fRRTR orfegf fefTor nfe >ht§ u rtu r r u u R tf oft srfuuaf fsr Rfe URUUT RT dRfRS R uferui d f R fedtr uufet cSUT U5U RU I §R UU fRd dRoT

RTUTTHPURfeURo, RUfe URURT U § d ,§ t gfe; fR§ »fe fgU ?Fij& gifehPfd URTR RT Ifiui' d § U'U RUT HTU fRlTpUT d u fe §RR7 R3Tt UiPH R foTRife RT dU

UfUU fUR FFtoF I feof IFR iferR § f u S c f RU frltfe fe 3r§Ui HtJU O'U f fR’iFU

ufe UR RU fy hfR? ufuu uu? RUU RUf MRRR life feu fpRU HR feu RU UR,

fu u T r ^ucfu uuyi f ru y § d u t >h§ fyu1 fy >HRf su fe uu u u f fe i ui » eI^RUf feRRT UPd] RT dURTR cffu? I feu ~dfe RUt§ § ut Uffet Rt I

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (49)

[ w a u s tu feui fuwH1]H3 HUtU1# tUHUUT w feW H tiU U Tra # US UTRU S'feW Hi I §RfUU

ire tn la fe H t, UUH #tUISRt, W5UUU HlUR § H § utUTSRt fURR1! US ut feH HST 0 t UfewtffofUU6HUtt W ^ lf iP R #ftRr?> § fUStU S U UST ffUT fh (fe u S S u F HUtU UU, 3UH >H§ Uft w UTM s t f f e t HU I feR SUt feU Uoft

^ HURT Fit I THoPSt 5 5 S H*UU»fH3 fe[U3TUtw fufetW 3 UR yfe

fs&f Ht'HUSPU t f e H Uoft HU# tfUHSU I t t u s UTC* . I t 3 u t t UU3 t fuufey t u ts u f e t u s T feu7! fug1 u TfausT u tuH fsR U U H t,#R tuu te tu »f§ w t e u u Rrftra s tw ufet-feSorHsu f u s s u r o H#ut fuu 3T§>f u tw u s t ruut fsu tw , uruuurfuw f t# fearuu ruu7 fe u w t R§uut § ure1 au^r fu#11 fu?>t 6 fUUfUW SUR fU U ftfe t H1U f##TfaTMTf ’?f u t ut H3 SUTU^S tfl t UU yUTU t f e 1 Ht >H3 H31 offet Ht f t feR#} feSUWfeUt fUHHUUlH tUU UUU ¥ UHU1 SUt


(5)46 Punjab V idhan Sabha [18th October, 1985

WfF HTU3 ofU’UI ft 3IUfe WUHtW-S US HTUUr Ul feur UtUT Ut #H HH“ Ut HUoTU § UTut#T Hi for HUT § M UUU UTT3 3U3 orfHHS fecS1#1# sfUH W S# offeT few j- fetf 3# offer few ? feR UrR3 ft fer# § U3*Fftft fHU orUf3f HTt WUS Ut ufetUTU Utw UU ! (HH,HH) I §RUS #t UWH #t vp?) HUSr yJRU U Ut §U Ut feUT Fff H ft HU iff t ftUT Hi I HUST l£HU »fR- Hr§ fUUoTU UUf 11 §HtfeUT Rife ST3S HUH UUt U'fsW fUU US it#uu i feu fr uuF prfu fuuT, feu uu’tf wust yppu uust i{thu u ftUT Ht i feu fw s UrF HTfe T t uft r US' U I feH 3IS W feu HrU3 UUr I ft ffe? HTuf»lTor stHT srUHU' fet ut §H HH' uf HUUTU U' Hf I H’HH SU* f feuf U M’U H’fe>H' UU UUUTH fey UH § tf3T fep>ff I feH U% tjHUf feuu Utyf W wfe yfejttt MUHH 1JU1U UU Ut Uf US Ut 3TU# Uf UU U UTH UWH # H'FTUT t §H HH US1 few, HtHUt feuu’ Ulfet § UTUtUT Ht ft fufH t UUUt UU §HSWsut tteT i u tu feut utfe 5 fenTu uut ut feu h!u' uu uuf n't usf i feV# UTUfeoT THRU1?) RTt 3IU I 36 3]UUUTfu»ft fUU US-TM’H ttUT fePHT, #U U"oftrf gfe i ruuu yu u's uu uru i (rh, rh) i u RTt ur ul yu’u hhu! Hfeutfeuur UFUt fRUFft>HU uut ut feu R'Ut»ft UJSS'Ut ?U UrUUUlW I Ur UfUUU'U RTt ufei -r fyfe ul uuuTul uut sT ut yurs huuI uTwys'i HU UUl I H\ U»IUHU R'fuu, UU't URST ufeur Ut fe feu R'UT UU RUUU U1 sfSf H3TS ursl yruut U UU1 uut1 ufew, feu UfelUR U'uut us1 ttUT fUITtfT Rt I §R UWR yrgul u uu1 ufe T fuR t uhrt ft uruu u t sfe f tt gs'utuftrw I feur ugi gfetgt UUS Ur UUT Rt, U# HUtMTul t HUH UUo U' >>f§ UUt UTfrTW# uutut uufeu § yuH uuu u< i fest u1 snu feR yTuut t s mTystw uut s s utr§ feu uu uTuuT MTfewT-fuu feyt t S3T#S UT l us ut UTtftU aiTtf

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (50)

R3 Hfefar® Rt 3 RRrg Rt RH¥3l gt3T ft I ft" Rtu'rt rt fa R feu

ftUfr.RrfeR TO 3T Rfo&' ftt fa t" 3Ut" H3 35)>tfT Ufet>>fT>>it RUU 3RrfeR R3

Hr U3 fa f" H 3W afetw ? Rut RTgut 3 f RUU3 Rt r^ t Agfat ft >H3 RUgfe

^ S'R3 ftt &3ftt 5 I U1#" @U Rtu)>>{t rt HRSt U# » {§ RTg" Rfa)>fi 3

? g n ffa*g 'u .fts r - rust a # i r R few 3 uu>H fa*gru froftt o 3 *R<fe»it

Rfa>>fr 3 fH3£ t o , f a g s URTg 3 rt f a g s 3 gut" 1 Out ipuftt ruto

tf ¥& ?TR§ 33R t»ffet ft M3 3 3R t UUdft I R RR9HT ftt UTRfa offat » f t R3 sfefarH R t fa*ggrg u fe w ft.w rt" §R § w w ftt s re fe g u tR f u u § r

t faR S7 »fR *1333* RT^Hf rt uut»U to I RH§t fa*g fOu 3 fegfet ftg ft

- ^ ‘?l Og 0 Or jr 3U3 utu fefa>nr ft uu f tfa f g fn ro fa g feu fe g fuRT fel»g ft fa uu 3W f s t fa g ’u gfer rt# i feg 3" ftg s u r t ft fo srfauR ft) 37mU Rrg cfet" § I ft" RT feu) gu far fafeR RHt § § fR3R>HU U ft MRS rI rt TTt I feft fa g URrg RT m r ,ft; fuRRR»3 Rt r^ t t I

g>MUft3 Rrfeg, UTRITO ft RTR3 fa*g wfeu—8 § fefw ft :—

feu .gg wuhr ft) afs ft fa fa*gg) Rugrg 3 fRUR-faugfuftt g igg g ? Ost*{T RUfe* *{3 ^'tW ur u Qa<iJ RHUT, UJU >tft 3 3

HU3 fRRf R Ufetft W S ) RUgrg ft Ortr § fuRi r ) MIUfa*gRT

f H3 Oft Out § URT g r o 3ftt * {§ fOs* 3 3S* RUlf ftg 3ft) *ffe§ to 1”

3I^U3 U RTfeg ft fggu g)RT ft fa fa*g*y) rrrtr fRRT rtr) 3^g) § 33 HU3 t^RUrg gu gfet ft I fRU3kt Rg)Rf g r ^ gugrR gR mg) g )f

fg.gf>HT t o ut S3 frotyfi UfehrtT I feu ® g RgtRT rstQ"’ g) fat" ? RTRT RRT RT fgg Rg)H f t S Tfe>HT RTfeur R) fa fa*gt 3 fa#" R U gr^ r grg |

ft, g»m ft3 RTfeg, mOtu fa g ft" feut gufaT f a t g g utrrt^ t rt^

fa g fo fa w fgpHT ft, >HgTHt, RTUUt §H § UHRT RTgR uugft THtRRTgRt

3Ugt MTR3T yuT RfeR3T fttgft I feR3T gfeR r ftfew ft" faRT RrggUr |

5 ^ 3TH HT®. >HH.Rt.) RfggTURgr g»fuft3 RTfeg, ft§ RUTRTURH ufe>HT ft faft" 3TSU3U RTfeg ft 3 T C § 313 gg t I 3lgR3U Rrfeg W U i

S^RR fgu R 3UR gft U3, ft" tc5f HSRt ftt iffRT guRr rt | f e t UutR3 t ft fttTUJUf RT fggu oftRT f e w Rt I R»fuft3 RTfeg, feu RRUIU rt RUHRWgffeH SRTft ggrgtjRT gfet>nf TO fa f g # 3 ft d dirt A' SUT trtr t R ggg rtrt

^g g g g , »tr3 fa*gru-ggfau gu R gg s fa u feu s f w fep^ ft'fa'tRurat

f^ M ft qUHRT3^ H1 3 R?5 3I§ U3 I feu gfe 3 fa 3 Ut" ft J feu grgi

D iscussion on Governor’s A ddress (5)47

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (51)

[sfl 3*H 5^]grate Hep gsraW grdwTO w fg fgwug gra ^ Ah H33 gg tfeg H35 gt ¥53 H3 3*733* t g?3f3 H* oft 1’feg* ufew ? fel 3*1* wffura g3HH*5Ti*3t rafuntw gratttte 33, hhh 33t" ggtgratt i h*# jyrgf fg<7 H33 f}ftf33f At Ft3g*5 fsI3H 3 331 33}’ 35 3 Qdld'dl 33# H<S-l*fEM* FT) I H33 fl3 HH53 33* t I ©A WH te>Hof3t 35*t rf*t 33 I ©3 wij »fTU3 ftPH’H itetra ggt 331 us ©g it H35 ¥5 fgw tt i w# TO gt fg §g H35 ©T ©3* ft©* 3*1 H* © ©¥ 33 # WF# W*¥3T 3¥-H¥ gteT ora H°ftt i f?H3 fes'i*. gfcjgg fit fgg ¥5 gsfgg* Fit i ©3 g ^ T gH3T gg fgptfj g | W 35 gfe>HT 3»13 ¥*oft 3' W §©I 3t ftetf* 3 I frRJ3T gfw t, ©g it gg teg’ ti fen ggt §5'fit feg 35 fgi5is hw t 333* MifggT t gg g*5 33 fa*g 3 # if^wi 3»raHg HTfog, Hratte HH35* 15 ©tt fgW 33f ft©* *R*f33* I fHH3¥3 3 fe3 ft53H3* t FTHi 33H* t tw*©^ gg fan t ura fg g § Ate 33 3 # gtef mg wgra Hi# gte t 3* ©gt gg} ©f t »i© ©h§ gra 33 3# ©t* if i©h 15 Hggra 33s 3 fw gt ^ r gigfeT g 1 ©g t gfog 5 3 t H3 ’3 3 3 p 3 3 * A >H3 3 3 3 3 3 * 3 te © 3

g g } M gi;H3 f i g 3 3 ’ 3 1 ©h iggr 1 5 fg w 3 ts * g3 3 ggg} 3 1 3 3 3 *-

Weptf nggra i n gran H'feg ©g Ag 3 5 3 f ig g?t H3 § 3 1 3 f g nra* gg3fyw Fit >H3 @3 §g FT3H H5t >M3 F133 HS} 33 f33T fUl Hi I 333T gT315 ggrgj # grai gg g}g # gg fog 3 sgira teg f(3 fter 3’5 gtte # gg fggFf g git H3 >>ra tte raratg t gg} gg 3 gTg} ft} i g w Hggra fgngegi i^ gratg iggi 3 ggHT f3ite M^gt 3 fg 33ra 5tt fgg ggrai ^3 ggrai i gg Fragra 333 g^g 5tt gg 33f gt3T tegT 1 1 §h ^ 33}gT feg gftw $ fo >ng grate fogr § ggtirsr § Qg gg ggt it 3 # ten ggt t i > Hfggi’tt wit ig srat d fg grate iggT te ggt tei? ggfon #t H33t gt 33f d i h1 gg3T5T HTfgg mi 333} 333^3^ te fg 3 »rai gt fete t Ftfo§5S gwH iggi irat fgjHpggj tn irat fgH ithh fig foftw 3 ©ft 5tt ff fgte gr trateE gggr te >h§ fgg 333} ggg 333} gragr 31 fg ggfH3 ggHHwte fite ft|5 i?|g ©gr 5# graft 331 fu 3grat fig 3T5t>HT ^ H3te 3# 331 gjte 3gra fig gg Tsut1 t 1 grarais fCte irat Ftgg 3# t 1 |5gg fig ggt H33 33f 11 fen ura 15 g|g fgw t s T grated d 1 gte it ten uragt tt Fragra ggtt t fedgnte 15 ©ggragtHrf3T5 www gggtd gg Hggra 333 w g’Mg ©3 >htU3 ifwt Fpf ijgt 35 gfot 1 1 h irmt oft§ ws ©3 gg gg# graft 331 fgfgggra 3 >nraTg 3t 38 ffh 3 git 33 gg, g»raA3 tefgg, 95 jrateg grate 53 graratn 331 gsragg t gg fgsrgr tesra t fog* Fit mh ©g hh fps gtet grate 3gfH3 ftengtenp 3 ©g‘ ©srfoH* fgp«T »rt § firai rate t Oh ftiiFt ite ff§ git 1 38 h»5 »PtPtt ftid § 3 git 33 3H-W-3H © gra H35 g* >nfggra te ftere* h

(5)48 Punjab Vjdhan Sabiia [18th October, 1985

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (52)

F P B t ' g 1 f a t U f a feu* S § H 3 f H5 ^ T - W ^ F S . » f a § H s t f u f a H S c f t § ?

u sl sraisi S i fa t 33 *ras Bra3T srafa fa fa U3’3U3 f a s f a t . i u t f Sf a g 90,000 ufa>Hr H 3 B P3 t UiF?> f a S TTH1 S U 3 >>ffl3 U U f a R S 3} |

3 u T f e t t aist i offaruH h u b p u frrau uuifafa 3 33H * f e ^ G tH >h ^ 9 ^

fa3 r fefa s e t 1 5 33? fe w S i H33» H U U ratsfafa arafa *aa* * ^

yfat Ht I f a3 3 T » 13TH H 3 9 »t§' f a s 3

u f a t f e a r a r a t e $ f a f a f a s * S i f a n n i s m §■

j f a f U*ST t ^ g g i VtfTgr urafa 33fa3 § fa fa faS* S?l' U S’- t3T

fafa gittu HofT g S >HH? f tfa f a s f a t f a »fa 3 H f f a fa ^ TS 3 sffa' ^ ^ g ^ »fgf 3155 g n tf t BT3t W 'f ' t 3* §H § HU 3 U t f a t 3*©fa feS t S 3 T

gtgfar t >tft Gfa fa 3 ’S 3 H ^ '33 fa tfHH Bf3 ?S S 'fafa S i fa3I3H H3U3

offa^t Fft fa fefa fa f g *[3 Bfifa. HTSfa U3 38 H 'S 1 3 3 3 lt 33U 3 f f a t s f a 1 ? 3 3? Bffarfaw 1 WT? t3 f a 3 3 t 3* fa fe fa BTUfa sfaHfa 3 fa fa**® ' HH5$T sfa is* 31 fE3 aT3f a 33?FT3 Ufa? 333T ? S H33(3 3 f*W 3 t 3 *‘3 T3 iS '

S i*% n n * * * * * ** *

¥ r5r3 3 S S f a 3 f f a U :

(feUT3 ) I .

jjj g g r g f a : fS3 U f a U » l Tf3 3 >tfT3 M T3 3 3 3 3 ? 5 i /

H3Sra UUffaH'S fifel 3*51*5* (HH*3*) : 3M3H3 H'fuU, Hi S3*3* U33IS cfggr gi fa 3H? H§ US3 S3i HH* fS3T 3 I fa3T .few 5 fa HUH US 1§ 33, U3HUTS*fa UBSifa UTStW 33 U3 3T fat U3HH’ST USfai 3lfa S‘ *hS 3* fa ggj5 US 3T§ 33 I 1977—-80 fe?3 H3Hfa >X3TSl SS fa H3U*3 fa ts1 ftt fU3 US fa3 U3HH’ST H333 3Ei Hi U3 §U St fau 3Ei UUHHW 33i'urai 1 1 uraiu 33is3 H f ts »n§ fa fu u3HH’s > 3# 1 1 1977-so 3^-flU 3 ’f e H 3i H 3 S S S 3 T Hi I E i s U ^ t H 3 S 3 T3 3 fH § t t i H 3 S f i t 3 3 i 9T l

§ 3 H 3 BT B J W H H 3 3 T3 t H S r3 l 3 3 ? S i f § 3 3 U 3 Tf e H 3 i H 3 S 3 i 3 3 ? S ’ I

f a3 3 T vjfosi f t 1980 3 3 U 3 Tf e H 3 i H 3 S 3 S S T Hi § H 3 t i B33T3 H H 3 B P3

t U S BT3 f3 3 T S I 3 3 3 T § U 3 Ui H 3 3 S > H § 3 T Si t t i t t H 3 S S 3 3^1

g r g g g y g g f a u fenfTs'f S 3 H S i 3 S 3 Ui U 3 H H TH T 3 3 ? S 1 f E H S 3?

f a3 UT g g t f a g s^ r a i f a g U 3 H H TS ' 3 T 33? U 3 i W 3 3 § t fS3 U 3 T^ 3 i W 3 fa)-

e W 3 3 >H3 f? 3 3 f a g S U H H ’S ^ f a s f a t f a t U r a B H H 3 Bira U U ^ U U 3 S i

>H' 3 3 i S § H f E S ' t 3 S f W 3 3 3 T S T3 i S T S i

( f e n H H 1 H 3 S r a 3 Tf e U f H U H H U 3 S 3 BT3 ’H Bra 3 3 H 3 )

D iscussion on G overnor’s Address (5)49

♦♦Expunged as ordered by the Chair.

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (53)


RUUrg ugfsW H fHM WWP :' fUUUT UUtUS't 3 5,000. W UUUT fSM» SfeMT

S, feu HWU UST UfetUT 9 MH fe?? S feM’U ufU3 UUUT fHSST UTStUT S I feu u utstMt uoitMt f e n ! # S u M u s feu S u u u lw u s 1 feuu fe t f ofUTfslMT US I §R SU t 3U feu HUUU US tFS US M§ U§gt.gt.§. u s u tS u s 1 fe s t 3 ytslMtufetMt u r u u u ipfeniT u few S 1 uu" §H § UUSt S y 3T .feg4 U3 SU? fHStfT I UU §H S UUUT SST S Rt §H

-s uu Oh f k s s u Tu tu u s m§ feu s u f fu § r s mu Oh fu§ u rs 1 f f u hu t

UT fu U fUR UutUS u t HU HU u fe 3 f § H S u fS u US fu §U H3 Ur RUUt- gtSU S t I feu §H Uutus S fuUT TFU1 5 fu ©U 4-5 R Ufu»fT S t I U UUtUS St HU HU Urt Ht ©H Ur RUUtuftU S S Sut ©R U Sf UR S § tUU US I HH W RUufettU Si S t Hf t f e U<S UUUT SU? fUU I feu HU US feu fSUift u s u W fg^TS S1 © i feu 5'UUU ut.fesuM ffeut u s uut S i ©u fesuM 'feut US UU Ufet S i H" UR fUUT r1 fu U UUfUS St HU HU U 't 3T HU U1 HUUt- gttU S S SUt ©H§5 H u f w UST VTUT 5 1 feH 3 ? 3 ’UUU UUtUSf S 331 UUU US I 3 ’UUU u t utn 19UUH u u t & U ©HS fuu feu U 'ST S t I feu© u UUtuS S UU3TT 3 UrU S S Mr I U ©R S UU0U § UTS T S t 3 t f t f e u s H3iuT S i feu fuuut 3 Tu u u f £ fen feRH u t q fu s t Hufet uu1 S fen s RUU'U SUHSr UTUtUT U I H" feu USUt>Hr feW S utUHfSRUU HTfUU s S u T3IT feu u s u tw fe>HrS HU USHUU S I ^ST S feH S StfS1 UTutU’ S I

1HUT H" feU UfeST ufeU1 Ut fe UUtUS UU'Ut £ f s W S 1 ofut UtUIUR I UUt s u f yiut>Ht M§ w s t yrgst S ^HtUU'UtS UUt H T ^ t US I US feu Ut3TUR UrS § S t S ufeU USfe HUT MU'Sl UTUUt S UUt yiut^r u s , §U3UTt 31 THU HUT US3T, US 3U'S MfHH UUST UU3IT I HUT UfeS Ur H3SU S fe fu st s RTS uut fu n tw US ^ S t SUt S 33I Ul3T Ut fuUT S I uu tu st u t fuust HRtU3 .U § WHSt UT3t HrI uH HHUU U SSt UTUtUT U I H' URSr UTUUr ut .fu uu tu st u fuS U3 RS fu g s t RUUTU US feu SU uu tu st s U3 WH gU UI§ 1 feH u l feSUM'feut u s t U’Utut S i UmUHS RTfug, H"feR US3t STS

. m i s t Huutu H3H UUUT Ut HU U ufetH UU UU 3t H1 UU Ut US RUUT Ut Ii :

^ R unet : u f ut, u s 1

RUUTUUUfe>HTHfetll u m s 1 : feU Hut HSUt.UU S i MR? Ut UfSS Uf, Rt§ UU URU HfeU R'fURTS ut UfSS USfe R’U HU'S S U3T UU S M§ MR? ffrsT Ort u s t rtuS ut § u S s u ? ruS i n u t f s u t S fe feu gnj ^ u S u

‘ MUIS RH‘ S fuu h1u U?yfeT s , RUTR u ly T u r S M3 UU ofet HT3tMi -UUU3* UUUT S f u UUUT s f e r S M§ feu §U f e i UUUT g g UtRt § I feu R'H §U

(5)50 Punjab V idhan Sabha' [18th October, 198f>

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (54)

5 fan 3 S S aTS 1 3, Har3 '•?) afSMr 3 fHMr 3, fH a s am 3 Mt f a MRJS ( 3 / afew s i a'33 H3 3 ? a3Sr 3 I fast S7)T sfH3 ffT33T a33T & M3T3 fSH 3

■A ,§ f w m ffru3T am MatH atsT 5, nam at~sT 5, 5a Hra an a a s r'----- ft f n s Hams fa s frRi3T am s a rs a s ^ s * 5, Ham al as'fm T ft Mt

§u w a s l m s 's s a l na a? aas< u 3* § h t fna foam aaw am t f a i a s r a # 5 1 f a aam srfaMr w n a s f 5 i faa faaa felat amal fe s s a

v 33 fear s i naam 3 asm a aasm l aa fsa T 5 1 fast 3 a'afna HamT s 3 » a ataT Mt fan 3 m asm § aamal a lsv fa^t ufaAsa mfaa s H§?a

* s i sMsat attt Mt fas am fas* 3 w a rn aasml al3T i v fast 3 asm stfaanml 3 3am ata i fast £ Oam s i h?'s1 3 aarn al3* Mt fsH 'a ft

t Cram aasml afaMT i h1 a fasT s m s T at fa asm s1 uH3Ts l sat, asm s ifaasal sat, asm s aatsst st asmt sat, fas aaH H W ?tas'fs sa l,

” asm s afas mss am 3 aaT a a s sa l s HTi asm t aa aa a'few alrrfgiT 3t h1 hh?s t at fa faa am afar sat1 1 fan sat asm ausjaa s s s H t

'" tgr uaaiT 1 fen ^ hh s aH a a s a 's T am faa hh§3it faH3T aalam Mmst, fHasa s rs , Mmst sars s ts faa aam aaa f am s t a r 1

h1 was asa HHrs am afasr smsT at faa aat Haa sal1 a faa aasslw faa aaaa, faa Hka ai s h§ ast sonatas ala* s t 3t faa arsslMt feg as, fas hss aa Mt faa aaat sr as 3t hh? s§ fa fea waT hhts st asaT 5 1 fa aal aaa sat1 5 1 §a h§ as5 fas 10 aTss1w as fast aigua aat aTs 3 5 i fa sa faat faa1 afaats ar aa as aa afaat s sa fst § afaa fas aTs sat1 fss 1 fa sa sT atffsw fas as M3 sT HfeMt fas as 1 fst amt fa sT Htaaa .sr ijaa a m§ st at smta s ijaa a 1 na fasm fHffsnas anat s MPTs as sa faa h1 i §h s sat ?jtj5 Hra s ra 1 fat fast gaar fsaT Mtfat aa aafs3T aa aTMS fas mss fss at fa fa 1 saaT fsM1 1 h fen faHH s fsaa Maa aH as, fast st fasaMTfeat aM S'a fa faa an Maar fuMT a Mtfaf1 fuMr t i faH uth faMm t s r sTttsT t 1 .

h1 HatMt si s s aasr at r HTf hhts fas as naaml aals saa aral 1 1 aa AatMt fas al naaml asHlMt s aats sa aa fstt 1 1 as fawat

gw mt faar a Mt faH fas aM^faa HHTfaatMt ami1 fasmt s w fnssl a 1 fanmt stMt mfas fsaatMt sfT^t astMt hs faHm fn s1- as hs aa 1980 fas ataran s1 naam mt aial fst faa fat afasr aH hi aa fsaT‘ Mt faa fHHaH as aa fss1; 1 am175 ijatsa HH’faatMt fsaalMt as fa astMa asi sat £ w 3t fwst t aa an sat1 Msmt i h1 asst aas1 smsT=5at fa «ts fsaat t fa 400 aat st ast smtsl a Mtaml st am an fHssT

D iscussion on G overnor’s A ddress (5)51

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (55)

‘[HIU'I Uifu»PS fiw iuist]W X fe ' t 3Tfa ferns WUl) HIU) H3Tfeu S HU I feUST UH § 5 T 0fH rUT ^ $ S»S ut iirUTS U tP5T utu)ut 3 I

US H1 fgust £ UT# £sut eras) ufeUT UT I HIUtI S UUTIFf e f e t 3H?UH gfe»P Ht W S ft" ut HI UISr u tlF I feus) Ut I I 13 IUU yu UflH IP^I US fe l UI ^ ufefer t I fe l foH'S s fe u s l U' USUHS «'&& S it feu# UUH'I IUI 5 5 0"U US, feu 5 UTPI lfu»P H W UIST W $U r 0, feu HUH feWU' t1 stu U flUSt HIS S f W UH S 5 S i) fuUT

d feH HIT feHTS S feus) fW U 1 fesif) I H" UfU5T UTU5T Uf fefeu <WUU*U U?Pg ut fUUUll yfH§, UtPH ut ISfet THU, OtPI £ fU3 T UTTg^ HIuTynit »f§ UlliTST Ul is fe t S i) UfelT ffeli) I US UI HUUI, fUHTS

% u ruut 0 far u?rg 5} h iuti hts ) iu s rs t u iift >h§ H'st s iu t utift 1

*feu u fe u fu t u s fu u til sut1 feu uut, fu utit feu s sir uut 0 1 M 1US fes* £ (oPISH U 'll) t s feHTgr) feu su? »P HU s f e feu f f e§ IIHIHJ UI HU US I SU? fesr s effect US fu HTl) HIoPU & I SU* § fe lt) U3T d fefeu UU feu tt UU S3 t SuT ifel SU* fa»PS feu H »P a8fo»*us; i u su)4 few 3# wu§ us 3* nrs tt su* s rHf us hus* urutu» rD 1 feu us) uift its uM ifet d feus1 u Os) § s'hu fen uTfH feu hut 'fB»ffeT firMT 0 1 Ourg u fuui 5 ?th§, fuHTs f u fuip h ?rH§, Huuuf .fuu*

?^1§, UoP^igf § fjj3 T % ^ Os! y TH§ feu H3r fe>HfeT flP>fr §H ^W E HWH’fesPS ^ >HrU5 »TTU3 feUTU feH UT H feu MTU US I U>HIHS H'feu,Mfn#rfST"gryfer fe ’HU.Fftwst iM s # # t uut,feu§u util s # # tuT f t fu ? ? 5 :?t S # UU iu) I fen S it Hi ufU5T UTUUr UT fu HTS U 'W ut

i¥l'fe y!rH§’fet >0ufe? U5f ufetUT U 3 ’fuifu»P ufew H'S WT fsUS I fe lS r ?u fe3T- ufe^f, :u>huhs HTfog, H^fU-UTgsT t s y Tu UIU' UT fu uhT fu ss fesfe ^ w f e ^ STtSS UT Hfe fUHT U I' 3UTST UUU HUH USS' U I

STUIII3S fHUl (nrUS'Sf) : U>HIHS H»fug, feg UH? u ss u u fe sfe § SH'fe^t S tH 5 UTHfe fU3r U f t £f 3U'Sr USSru) Uf fu 3H? HS

TITUtH fesr t u H1 gfISI •§ fe sfe Ur lfU5 S'ST UT I ff fH UI[T UT SHT~ 'feUT'UT fe t 'fu ss 5 H'ST §' S' Ul) uurfe3 t » lt S 'U l) Si Iith)^ HlW ;uwut ^ l fesr gigiUHl #SU UIHT § HI USU feu fu ss 5 H'S* feu US'u) ignu uufuu' 0 1 Mus»sf ung feu st uu»fe3 u nr§ st ue) s ife u fe

UHl) 0 I H% UMIHS FPfefg, UU'S I'U? tsu t UIST UrUUi UT fefljST .'■STfSTUT % -3U'S HSHTfs»IT 0 >HI fu?Tfeu »iTgfef 80 UIHU 0, Hi) tS 3 )t ’fu UU" fe) UST SUl) ut ife US, UU) UHHS u) I S u t f U 80 tfcfUt fifer ^tfe^T :^ fe s it U'ltu) 0 UT g) >ncffiy) US utfusr § ^g) US Utift I US)' 9 «?"

(5)52 P unjab V idhan Sabha [18th October, 1985

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (56)

USfUHHSf H 'S H5 3fUS' 0*5' d f 3 HU f e S ' t fe% fe3H g # U3 >H't ftTFfe

H 'S H'St Stf'gt UHtH U3 UU7 U, feH § S57 H* >HUHU' 3 S 5 '5 ' feUH3t gfe) UU H'St 3U7 g7 HSgfef H' US7 I »!Hf fHH3' HUS Safe UU fe H'3f 5 h7h U37 5 ' UU7 0 UU H's! u fs g S 357 faWH 3 # f5 3 ' f e w I Of, 5WU-

— O '

hh H'fuu, HU'i u'uf' ufe Hfcnuu H'fuu h usst uu'ui' fu fen ufe g s f53' 5'# I 55 ' HU' fes'3 ' U3 feU' h7 3' H1 feulUTHH stU'UUHfe 3

WSHU' H WUU u73' 3' ©S' HfeU' fe 5 HUU 9S'fe>H' H7, §U U3 fUPtf' U >rt§ US H'S U'H 55t UH' HU? tf I MH? feU' f5 HUU g'H§ UH HU? 3' faU3t 5Hfo 33} 5' UU7 t , §HE' 3 h7 qUU Ufe'H'g UU H'St 35t HSg'57 HU? Ufc7 I faU3 S'USU UUfe' 5 feHUS'UiH UH, 5 §3* H 3Uf fe'H fefHH S7fa3'- fSH 3U5 U 3' H'H MUT §U U’fufe UH fe H'S feU3' U'feH3'H .#5 #S ' 3 fe flU feH 3 1 >HUr U'feRH'H Ofe' 0 I feH ^ S3t H1 HUU'U U'H 5H3? 5cTUI» f5 §H' 3 33l fHUIU'Ht UU7 5'g I faU3 H'S fife' fee HUS' fgU SUI Ut UH, fU U ’H fH' fas' 5 HUS' fgU1 Sfe UH UU ufufe HfUU' fgU US I fen Ufs I S g7 HUU'U Hfq>H'H 5S> U'Utu' U!

D iscussion on G overnor’s Address (5)53

. feH 3" Wi H1 feUufeS' -5'U5' U' fe H'S §H fe s '3 fg3 500 U1S Ufe7 § UUfe@ S'ftfe'O UU fHSUU7 £ 3 feSHfeu u7 3Ufgf| S 'fS 3 ' f5H £ H'S H'S fe s '3 5 fun' % S 3 ' § HHUS' 5 ' H'UHS' 3UH' 0 fUU' 5 I 5 ut fU3 ? 'S r fHU 3fU3' d f5 >HH? 5' U UUt US 5UTU' S 3' §U »«?HH'U fe"5 UH fU fHH' H t S Uf3?)i' UH, O’S' 3* fetU53 S S§l'f5U 5 HUU3 3Ut 5' UUlu, feu UU3 H»3)UIS 3 I 3»U3 HSU'U 5 l/H'U H'S UU SS f?5 feHUU' uuul U, §U g'USU 5 fUU' 5 SU' H »f»us} 5 H)h feu" UH S S 51 fS 5 '5 3 ‘HU? fuetl feu" 33 fe S 3 5UIS U'Sl U'UU HU}1 -5'HU5, fH ' § 5 S S U'Sl 5'S ut ul feU‘33 HU? I feu feust SU' H HH.’s S, §H US ?tfu>H'H 5S ' U'UlU' U I

UMUHH H'fUU, fllgS 5 H'Sf 3* HU USU feu feu fUSHfeu H33 gfHU? HSl I ftTHW H3U' USt»!' US?i' HH, §U UU'U U'S3 fe% UH >>iu UUtW § 3UH' HU' tf ufeHUH fe UUl H35 H'S* I feU H'UfeU UHUt'H' 5 ' f?U3'UH' 0 , feU U3' HU? fUU fel»i' I 557 H33 H # Usf, 5h7 fetsUHfe 5 ' 5HHU? ufe'H' I H'S? HUU'U H fen U'H gS g7 fe»i'H 5S' U'UfU' 0 I

fen 5 H'S u7, U»IUHH H'fuu/H1 feu UfUS' 5'U5' U' fe U'USU 3 fe sfe fee fugs 25 —30 H'S'-. 31 urufe' h feu feu, 5 5 f e s uhTh f e is uuM d UU U'UIU T 5} HU ;'U 75, 3TUTUH HUU'U t 'HSH5' ^ Wife W5H7»I' H 5H!h' MS’U 3c fust, ITJ-its fe‘H 57 5, fUfU5«gu7 fUF? t H'H 57 0, UH S S 3 H'U' 53 373' H'S' fdU' U I H1 5fe HfHHUU H'fUH H UH37 US'S' fe

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (57)

P unjab V idhan Sabha [18th October, 1985(5)54

[U'asuuHsffaui]faa fHH UTS fat feSSWfeut aug'fas fa ffaufaW g sW USt»T* US, »T'fe>H' fau fata ustw us ? ffaufa ufats § a s us, fas* u s'H furuu'gut fa, uhIs fs* s ^

fufat H't I -

u>huhs H'fua, h'uhu a s fatu feu afufa us fa w it1 fufa* feu s?3 n a s u s us i hs fss» t feu ast wh fufa us faa feu ft huh suT fa i fa ast Has 5 ? H'hsu sut1 5, H'HSU fa 3* Has sut1, fa fenufeut 9 3* U'aUUSUt1, feu 3* fa*gs Ufa H'S* feu fes* fat utfat fetsUHfe ut U'SUfa I

U>HUHS H'fUS, fa S'UUU fa fesfa fa SU* ut»T* 3U?fau* us fau h: »1'U S UHW US I HS fantu fa fa faa te l JHUty'fsUHfe fat UTS utaft,uhhs fat ais utuit h* fast uu 3ufat fat 3is utuft, faa a»uuu fault fa sa* s Outfa fufat u»%att i- s'uuu fa sulfa fat fetsUHfe fa's feH huu»u s hus» U'UtU' fa I fS3S7 UfUU' fafeW', UWUHS H'fua, H; 3U'U» fog'U S’UU' u* fa 33? HS a s s g'Hfa S'StH fufa' fa I

u"tHU UHfat HHte Hcnus (lUU'HUU): U>HUHS H’fua »13 HU H'U fSH U'fH fa Hfau H'fUU'S, WT H" S§ UUt nfe Hut ffaS S'S feu aU*Ult fa fclU3' fa*gS 4 H'S 3 1 H»fa ufa»s feu HH»Uot, >h»ush fa u»ustffaa fuga'us w few fat fau H muuuu s fen U'fan feu >n* fa, ufa»s feu nua'u as» fa uu u taw

SS SS 3S ’ Afa I H'S vp»S H3Ut qt U'fafe UT*ut fat »tfa HUTS R3 UUSU feu[ Sfafe'S fat fat fas WT? sut* fa HUfa fas* fa HHSfa fa URU3 aufa fefas UR'S fa fat sut1 hu! h'u fuuH3's fa au' fsv fa Mfa fas* fefafat nafatws yu faag* ug'S fu3r fa faui fen ys fa, feH fan fa uhu» uhu» >nfa fasu* sut4 fat faa nafa i ufa7at>H* g'Hfa feu • aa7 ya»ua fus fa, afat u* fus fa fa utra fa sa* fa wust fugst ufe ufa fa faH ??ta fa s w » fa ffan feu ufa7a fa fast nafat au7a ??# au naut, fast fas sut1 h»u Haul i

wfa u s wr? fautfa at autfa i umuhs H'fua, h1 3U»t U'fat1 sfeu >u7u ut u'fan fa asfat au*aft fa fuua7 u»u h>s * u7 U'S' fu>u' fat, fuufat aua»ut JHfet fat, fan fa s s t ya fa fan aH autfa, utpgfa Hg»utfa »ifa urna fa auu» UHU» tu ts I H't Ufa'S fa HUgtU aU'UU HUH S3*st fa HU'S feu SUS g'B

, ffaug fuUH3'S feu ut SU? H'Ut USt>H* feu HHUU HS I M'fa, ljftT MH? feu fas* ufa>at>H* fa feu fan h»s s> s tu ts, gst>H* feu ffaufat h»s ufa'at>H* ut ufus* fat, faH H's fa auau'u uuts i it1 afeut u* fa hu s u ig 's fat fa fen aufa Hututfuut u, fan fa f s ua'fau s s t H»fa"feu utu* austm* U'ututM* us i fas* fa HHafa fa uhuu aua Hutut fuut fa i fa HHafa ut»fa afatusu US, M3TU mfat1 S '^ sut1 au*i 3* H't HHffa >Hfa H3fat fat HUtut U' fast U'feU'

’sut1 I





’H' i

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (58)

H' H3 §" llfU5* feu 3U*3ft fu 313333 R»fUU 3 M'UB 3>HB feBH3 33 f3U» d sf33 §3* f> HlglM* Urns faU3t»i* RH'iTU 33»ElM* 3S ^

'fiJ33 331* offer f r fefe offer & Hr USl RUH' R3 3Ut* fUR7 I feU frlUUt HUH Ijpr 9, MR? feH 3 HU 3U? 33 R3§ UU faU3t>tf* Ri§ RrfJHB M»§B ‘BtM* gfer 33 fet1 sfefe t, 33'H S, fe<$* ufa* § ufeut 53lfet TU R5ful S 3* fu HUkr |U U HUH Ht U5t 3' 333 I

feU fel RH'H I5'Ul MHUfeife R3H fRR 3 R*33 U* ut M§ RUB H* ul §H fesHt Sr 0*33 Htafs 3t H* MH1B 5fe3 »fi3 ulu»§R § 33 R*33 H=f UUU’§Sr UrUul U*, H* rffeU M»3 Hi U»§R 33331 U3*3rt foffu §R 3§5 3 feR HUtU 3»S §3 §3 f3 fife feg §0 3H 33 .RUB I ffe feu gfetM* MS' sffUM* feu TT'afet f5M»§3 3'R§ U33}«5 UR R3 333 U»Ufe U3 fo§*f3

K — as

Rr§ iferg ^Ifu^iU1 U»U5R3 fife feu 3fuul U I HU MUIB U®U 3I3UlHy3 Ht UrUSH3 77% fife feu 9 MS 23%flfU3* feg | fen B53 feU 335 fe#5U - H*3 333 Hi 5 3 11 MRl* H M»UB fife H 3R R3'§3 U3 3* § 3 UtM* gtgt»fT M§ ufUM* 3 5 fUM'3 § 3 ' U>ulu»5 I §c§* yUslM* H 35fe § H^RU 333' gfefer t [ fe^HgfeH U3T3»H 3 5 fUM'H» ftjM»3 § 3 T U»u1h» S i H* fe tsU - H*B HfeHUU M3J fUUMRBUUfe, §U 33 3Ul* U3, 3U3»5» R»fU3, §3* 3 5 H3l 315 UUU» H33T, Rufe SfastR S feu RfUM1 3, UfelM* 3 UUl UUl H»3- cf«ul 3 3 '§ 3 l U'Ulul S >H§ ufet^r 3 feu URB« U’Ufer S fe UIU feR 3 3* R»3 R33f 33Bf U'Ufer S >H§ UfeH* 3 U3rs l 3 5 feR 33* 53Itf5> U'Ufe* U I feR # 3 r5 Ul H" feU 3l UUfe fe 3T'H R33*3* U» UH U3 §U offer H»t I 3pH R3Ufe § u i Or fu§ R»B 3»fe §U »rUIB W3 3 feR §' U 3 3'RH?3 I feR S 3 '5 Ul §3* Hr fife feu 3fUB H» IJ33 ufer H»t 3>fe U'UtH 3U'R1h @U fife H 3feH* Ufelm* 3 ufeUUofUU 33 HRUfitf* 3fU3 I fife td 33 3TUM* >HS Ulufe* 3 W lf533 3» 3331, §331 H3 H3 335 fetsURH 3Ul" ofd HofTTF I

* D iscussion on Governor’s A ddress (5)55

feu HR Hi 3T5 fife feu H" U3 S >H3 §U feu S f3 fife feu U3tR3 »fe HlRfet 3fel>H* 3fer UlUT HlrH* U3 »fe §3* 3 6 HUt RiH fH33 45 f35 >H3rH fH5HT 5, feu 3U3 3U3T U, feR 5Ul feU 125 f35 33 ife UfeHT 0 3* f3 §U fH5 53irt 3H 33 RUB >H§ 3U3t UUHt RR5 fe3>Hf53t HfURR 33 RUB I feR § 3r5 Ul ft" feu 3t 3U*3ll f3 H3t35 R3T3 5Ht f 3 fife feu Ul 3MT3U3 UB URjlS U3 feU §U 53 §3 ufu R3B M3 §U RfU3* 35 3T HUB I §3* £ fH5 fURr § UJ3* 3 HTB Ht HU R3 H1 33 UfUHT S Mt »{i§B RTS feufeUUt §3* Ht M33ift #R3 UhI S, §U 3t 3T 33 I

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (59)

[O tdd IH ^ I ddt3 HU’tJcS]

31 d*'d FFfUd 9 >HTUS d'dd fed fed llflHi7 Hi f l fd37 ddfdd, Id id - 3d dfed7 f%g gjTHl5 I T 0U33 U3 I H" ifudt T f l ld d 7dUd Wf§

Tif fafsw fed it §u ife 0u3 ?F3 f if f i ti] wlw 9 s i feunfu- r|H ofd'A'af fsr wit* 9s7 set id 3ur id d9 >h§ fen 9 3^ ut feufeifoTHH d7 Toff 3 1 7 373 fedotd7 UldF I HU1 Tdsid d7 9dfw 5 fed 3d*

m9 fe d u y d d ^ i fes* te v f i f w f e d i i ifef gu^d §9^7

9 >h§ id 3# w ^fet i §g 9 dtdd7 9 fe i ^ ft t § idfedd t 3 3 T d d l Ofe7 5 , ig f f d H dlfe T 3 9 f33 d dUH d7 I d l Ofe7 9 I

fed feH^Hf^HcS M d H lM d fe I Hd7 Id d ^ U d d7 fd3 7 FPd7 Tddd 9dfW •fel3WJ offer dfe Hr3 Ud]>HT fed fed fddfw HU337 fddfw WS I

dlddSd Tfed 9 Wife d7dij fey gyy >H^W dfe7 lU tw 131 H* ifudt T f l fed7 WftW dlS7 d 7 Idf dffed7, 3Uf ifef 31 fe ld tlS feV3 fH'dH3 31

ifdf d1! 1 fed7 fid IdddPdt fdWd7 9 I fife* lf3 W 3 dfdd7 fid 31 W ^S7

y# §3 »mfe wife frfuw fed fg fife* fed ut sir ufad, fen 93dt§ # 3 Wife Wife f l’fdW df 3ddd 9 l3 ll df fdfew fddt dfe >H3 § 3+ 9 HH7! ! Ut &37 3 § t 91 H3337 Olfefe iM w d7d I 3tF3 9, SU7! 9,

UU33 ddfed 373 7 Id l'd 9, feed 9 frfdW df feddd I d l fe37 3 TF3 I d l 1 M9 dlfddt 9 9, 3 3 9 9 fd37 9 OfdW 3 yd33 ltd 1 tF l I feufdU3 H fU T3 3d9 U3 31dt ^ 3Uf" ddddf I ifed fefeHddt § flfet

fed Hd WJ lldT dfe I fed 9 3T3 uf H" fed lUfeft f l fed* 9 y^ldH df Tdilfedr d 1 ygg i f r dfe i fin ngt §9 >h§ tto ^ Tdiffedi d ygg

ltd 1 9, 9 h 3'dT feed dl if u t I fe3T dfnf ffelcH dldfife ^nj tfd19 >Hd ^cd

3 WS >h9 lir a H3 fd§ TT3 I fed 9 ed3 uf H1 feu lufeff f l fe3lHf>H3

Hdd § fdMd" fgW3 9 9 »HOf Tdlffedr Id I V

fdH 3’dT fifet 5g}> r jjgsff^i >vfef>>rt >Hgfnf UHlfefnr^ Tddfw U3, fed.

’ 9d3r ddd fed >Hd Htid'd fed IW ffe i ddrfedf>Ht dsfnrfUdf>Hf U3, 9u dd dfew fed dd dfUT fed )-F3 Id d f’H U3 fed 3d Ut dT UtTd fed fife7 fed U31 d'lJfd7 U I 3 fl3 fife7 i f e ^7 IFd fe37> Od

3Ut' U3 I fe l Od df IHf U3 ld 9 Md ddd1 H 3 df IHf U3 ld 9 >HH

»{fdf>H,33T U3 ld 9 feu 1H fife7 fed 3Uf U fdUT I fed 3dt d d l7d 3 d'dtd7 9 f l 9 3 7 IFd dd3 fel3Udfe dddf U, Ud dddW7 U3 fdUlfM7 f l fed 3d7

9 hts 3 td d id lw U3i fed 9 if t u dgfdsf i l 9df dfefdT 9 Md fife7

5 H7dd3Tdfd ld 3 7 dTJfd7 9 I f-fe7 fed dfdd df7)-!7 dlff>H7 ltT3f'4{7 tT7 dldftf7

U3 I d id d d lTd 9feH Id 37 fed 3T3 fe l d7 TdlSFdT 13 if I d l ’d d7

(5)56 Punjab V idhan Sabha [18th October, 1985

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (60)

fOTR utgfT MR 1H3 UTH mHH fifRR fHH ROT I fifoR RRaft RR} RR RrfRR -

rr}" fe i r fen i n mr}" fHRfefesr erfesr h "r r*, RfeR § r * r »s " hr 3" fear r r *3 I §R erfeof fat* t r s Mm fe} W # MR §R H1# 3R fe} WRR HfeSfT I feR

fete Hdof'd r Mma- feg feR h r } fifetR} fe i m r}" ■ fe} w o t feH feg •

inR*iy'®R* § feRfeatT R3*ar, font <j} s ^ a t |- . ., . . * ** 5 w" * <y * :■;

feR ¥ 3 . HRRR fe ta fe f e l § R * HRRR* § MHF 3* 3} HR WJ- RR HR*3F

HR" MRf §Rv* R }rtH3 HRTRR RH fOTR H R W 3Tm} tfetOT.fef--aiH RRR f i t HR 3* §R* fe FPRHR RTRHRImH ft#HUAfe fet afeMT#"fet fit I §R HTOfe HR fo[ RHRT RT RR RRai 3afe} RR I fe fat* £ U3 few ROTS

RR, §R* RM fif ffe}M* tfefM* RRRHmH tFf£ Rafefefel URRI fe, MHRiR RR3R OTQ"'Rt ^ fj} $ fre R fe} Hi3RR1h}R STafe, RRR-W R r } fefaMR RTR§'

MS# fat* fRRffefM* §fe}M* RRRHm* #H fefefe I feR MH? fefi 3R tt RTOfat* fe # H sfefe foT lofRRtMT HR} UR life, H3 R3 iferfeR* R1 feR CjfRR .O T '

fefefe ffefi RfJ5 f a t fe UR few A t Mmfe Mm R MRHHR RR HRS I ffeR#)

RRfRRt MR RH Mfe}.R}.Mfe}: fife" HR H"fe RR, feRj'HHfRR} fel fHOTS} i t §R* f e f g #H Mitaft, §R R H f H R RRRt fe I fefi 33* RTH M fiK fatt § < HfoRt <?R3f} Hfefe fe Hof*i I fat* fefe"' f 5 t HR fifoR* feR RTR, fefi fet

RRt§ Mfif fat* R R} MRHR'Rfe RRt§ I feR UR’feR* R f5R feR RHMRR '

RRR ^ R’r1r t 5 I §R HttofH OTfeR MTR feR RTH, R'RIr PrR WM^fet W Zac - “* T “**fRR RTH MR RR feRRRHHR fR* RiR RRR ^feR R HRt RRfH RtaF I §Ru* § RR 3R* Rt feRRRHRR fHH RRRf} I RR" fat* HR »TUR Mm f ' 'RfeR* RRt feR RHRHai 3*fR R3 RRRR ffiUt RfefH Rt MRRfiffeRt Rt TRR RRRt fRR* MRfet RRt >HI#H* Rfe* fetlM* RR I

^ • uy

Mfif feHRRR* feR MRfef § RfeRfil R*. WRR.R Wfe RR Ife* fegf.i R* I R^, RR R feR ROT Rir}rt S fR Mfif WRm RT feRTR . feR 33* ROT d I RR3 HR} afey RT IRTRT HRrfeM1 Rfe 3* H" feR RR*3ft fe RRR Mfif faSH}# afe* tS M* ; i|3 R3*ai 3* r}r r# Rian t h" Rfe r} iw rr} r* fe RR#R R 3 , R t MFfe feRRRR R* I fefi HR} Mfif §R feR* fe§" RT RR*;

R3fe fR ^ RTH RR} 3HR} ?R MR §R Rfe* HR RR}§ feR, RTH RtRR § : ROT § RRRT O T RRfe I Af feR i f RR*3fl fe RfeR* fe ^ fe- 3R3P3 fe RTRR

ufe RR, fa t* feR fe W R} fe I feR RRfef RSt S # . fe, O T Ran- 3FRaft R ^ • fefe} fe, ftRURR3}M**i} RRRR RR, fat* feR RRRRRt RROTH i f ufefe}RR I fefi HR} HR} ItH fen fe fe MR}" RR UR tT* A t R3 WRTfe3* RT feR ClfRR

O T fe feR RROTS WHfe, feR RRRRR} RRU3TH WRfe I R # 3* MR fe}

gfer fe feBRR fefi RT'talR fOTR R R*Rt fe 3* #R #RRR#} fefiffRR} 3R U^RR*

„ foisduSsiON on G overnor’s Address (5)57

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (61)

UH»Ut Hlsfe H FiTTj]Ut UH§ feu SH U3 fSST 0 I fen SUt feu Hgut t fo fOsTt feu w f f

S*St*l* H3S3» tu f e I feg feu UUtt fefeH feHUfeut fe u »fef fen U 3Ufe, fHSHUUU U feu USTfeu USt W & 3 t f e f u U.TUfSU §R

^ fuu fe u u u i f e n £ uts feugr SHUT HUTU U[ UST t § h 5 u t feuuaH frufrouft, §.>fe.>HH. UUfeT feu3t»,T usafent, §ut u feuuauifu fesart I fen Utf f e f u >nnju wut w Hfeut feu uusM uu, fen uat ut t u *fuut feg ^ fe*ra UUU^Nt I fU3t feu ^ Hfeu UTH§ §Ut i Out *fST§fe ^ T grutsT d i

feu HTUT aPHts Hfe^T HW § I WB&3t»ft UU, ufeUH Utfe ut f t f § 3H} f§U H^t feu H UU§ HUfe St HUUTU f e s s t 11 H" U r f e ^ HfeHUU HTfUH UTH fUUt UUfeft fu ufc 3 4 Ufe f u t § uausrt Ut STTHtu feu S »P§ 3^

§ u ^ 1 W H UTS >htust u fe5 anns ^ ^ tir tO u u d, u u t feufetUfefeuHU S 3 t Ul f e n s u t #UUr HHUS fe Hrf e s t^H H TH U W UHt Utfut»ft UUI UU feU HU 3 5 3i U? U RUST d UUU >HHf feut U3TUTHT U u fe tH -g T ^orut§ i u u u y s u u ^ t § u t ufe^ Oh n m u t f e u s h*s u t ut n rfes Oh

UU UTU HUS I * U t Mnjg W U f e f e gfe Uut ^H^T g igu t f f HUcUU UTH" Ut UgST UTUUT3t fe feu HU fetsU H fe Ut»P RUtHt feafe feu feu ifefjfi oT<j t3edi I *

($)58 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [18th October, 198S

fuut st*ft H3gt guu uuTg uu i feuur fetsuifu u Onr sarsf fe§. fu HTUT ut ST»f »PU3U HUUU UUU SHt S3I feUT Htl Out feu W nt tifeT ijw fe ai3U3 ut u f i

2-20 S S U WHUfeu (feHHRt* J^HUtuU ^ IJUTUaft u t UUHt HUTSt)

yfeH U Ut.§„ 3t.§. uaiUT Ost fe>HT 1 fen SHt Oh §H Ufe stTH Mfe WTUUU § uuu u afe i Oh ut u s u u t nuut ^t hOhu ut u nut i feut fuu uu fOut ut>HT H H3UT uu, 'fsu tu n uu, t^ ut utsu utu u u f u#aft, feu uu

fusr St fetsuOfe u # u Hust i uh)' 0 0 fe arusTHUu u i uu»uuu tts gut utushu 0, MfetMT u3iu 0, us-uaiu 0, § & grit § sraHUfet Hfeut

feg SUUUT feu UH UUU Hts uu UU tu t ? TFf§ Out UH utfeT ^t HUSU u u f 0 i feH set i f uutaft fe §H tu t w feu feu ggt u s i feu H it ^ THt STO U j m H S W U 3 t HTU >HU feu SUfeu U.HTU Urfe fenfun & afeu u uut utu u u tsst u # , t^ uutsHO i s u !hu u»h gu htuu

UU I t?p Hruuf UTS aiufeu UH UUT 5fU HUSt d I

feuu? sfs Oi feifeu h fe>HTST uuhtu uut, tnu’s aiutg suf tuu^iU 3fe UU I UU UU HU I Oc ' U HUUTU US" HSSt U HSSt HMTUHT feur

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (62)

UTA RTfa §U Wy#U3 UR* fell U RuAfe* feu WUST RUtA UU RUS I fSH- feuu wRHfoRUUHs s At £r faur A yu As suf ire* fa Au faRsr u Ihruth

a. s sr — —

uus§ i vr ruutu § uururt fa gt.At.Au § fesRuuuRsr fuA fa fas* suro1ftTRST ftTRST SURT3 Afew f } §g foRTg ^ §331 §331 R^ggr § fa*gi rt# RTfu fan 7?s ifesRTAt ST 5# I

life S?w grR§ RtH*3600 UUA yfyB* gtgyj AAt Al US TO' fa HfAUFAt suAt wo ufet A, nut feu uprfuR A fa feu M rs 36oo i" rut 1 6000 uy§U Rrf R* 3fa fgyr | uyfa*g % 3153 3} »{gf gyt >tfRT RRJ3 ygfe, fRH 77H fHFl fe#3Ht UUUA ST U Rt IRfatfe#iJUSRS&)HU A&R §R HSRS 5, fen A Ufa £f RHUAt U* fa feu HSUS 50UU§ R* URT fa 100 Uyfa RUU UU Ast UrufAt A RTfa fa*gy A'RtuyR yURSR US, Au WHS A U^H At fAt »fe feu BS Ufa yT ggg |

Ufat UBrfsUT ufHRS Afeu fRRfetR utRT A, Au if RHUAt U* fa fyR* fa*g 325 *fU Hfau* feU 375 UyA feSUH gfe feB UTgRUt Bfets § AS Ufa UTUtA us 1 feuwAwu ruu uu sst ufetAt A i (ufet) feu R* At U RUUT A A ITO'U A RTRS URTA RTS I A BU* § URUPU fHBUTT R* At Au y’UUUt BTsts r1 Ays w russ i

feu ufe A" m r u r s A utu feu u fa s t ufeAt u* fa » rA s u fe r »b r u

faURT fa RTRU WJB R" RU ,URT A, UU flFR feu feu fey IffeHUt R ^ f R|U HB Art g fatg r § >jfe fa*g RUB UHfe»f* fe u US. UfetA US I feu S» A t fa

3IUHt y f RT S ^ , RTUH U Ufet RT guf, RUUt ifel RT fu t I feR UU Afe?A

uAh»s A #A us 1 ufewj At y^Tet ufet s # ufuAt>Au hurts u iAA us 1 Auf feu feuMRR A fa uufeufasHteu A utrs ffesr fHRS R^S URT ufetgr § ^3 g fasAtuU A UTRH A feu Ufet RUH URT grgtgi A RT ut gfUMT At URTRt sfa ufu Ref At A I >HFff tftPXT A fa Afer fa*g S3Ut>HT S 5—5 faswtuu A UTRH § URS gTR§ tlrST OfeT §| feHS’S ffA sfrAt >HSUtft #RU UAt A I HU feu Rfet RTfeg fey US ufe UU RS fa HTRH RUS US UTUtA US RTfa RU UTfeu UlftstRS feURT RUS I HUT RR’g A fa H»RH R^S At UUU US UTUtA US HU faUR UU Iffenut >HU fHRH RUS US fS»A feu yRTut ut Rt RuR >hst uuu ust urutur A fa fu Rfeur feu ufa gfat gfU>HT A S'S uututus feu ts RUS I

feu ufe MUfHS A Ufa feu At U1U ufesl ufaAt UT fa fay 25 uu*u^ yrysRS u ufe, Ay feu u- muArs UTSU At UfU US! ufafar § 3Tfa yg wfet HRTUt ufat uy RUS MU Rfeur feu >£fu fw feu Ufa# s uut 1UU

D iscussion on Governor’s Address (5}&

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (63)

[uI hu uwfet HHteHU»us]Hfetrfe feu Ut U fesr Ufeut Ut fa H§ »fy£ u s f feu .feuut ^feHUt,

f e s s % ufet HIST Ut UifetHS d, §U. stu SUfe d I t u H3t feHUUHU feut & j fefUHUS Ufefer d §U SUt" t fP u p ^ U S felfU H ' p p US I fee ?fetnut »fuu 9 fo n t u s t feu ufet h ist ut s u t (ufet) u uhF ufetwsuF

’ fe u UT fr ufetHS HfeHUU HTfeu § feu feHU $ p f e t I u u p g p

U3ut US I fe feu u f feu HUS P feu t U* I feu yifauu) HUS HSUU U£t UTUfeT t ,f e g IjrfeHUt HUS IPUIJT fife feu UST grgfer ^ f p faUH HUS gfe»PU,

feUUT S feu ufet UST u rutur U WU feu UTUU'S jfeU3T l£ffeHut HUS u , fen § fe^ S US'fe*P UTST UTUlUT 11 fen 33T fife ^ fa*g f p 0 i^ fap;

UST UTUtUT U I fife HHUTS HU feu, HUHTS T feu>H§ Ulfet>>P f e W feu UTSH Ut HUH SB 3 , § t UfSU UfU US TPS Ufefe US I (ufet) I

feuaTs fe feu ^ u p u fest ufeut UT fe fe^T feu feugt muaitd, feH&HTU UUS'Ur u p feHUTH UU7>T UTUtUT ^1 ofet feu* feu HTHHUSH

ut US HU. feu HUH t u SUt US US I feu UU ura feu T*# u fe tt us 3Tfe-u t t s ts feuutMT feHfetw saruM u^, fH.'«r u w u H t i '?

i$ HUfeu : HUT T ufafe Ufel»P d l 3hF U fefe W1 UU I feu fife UU


u i|3 UHfet HUts HUHTS : fe 3£J5 HSSr ft | fp fe fo fe UIU3Tt § UU'QS ■" ^TH§*feU- U fest Ufeut';Ur fe fuU3 t»F fegt' fe u ! >#UUtSU U S ,' f $ i ' UT UUfT p

ffetPH U £r U p p U I su fet SHutSU Ur fe3 UTH UST urutur d | fefet fegfeWTUT feHfetW fen S>S ut tsuM us r guur 5T g r jTS § ( ^ §s # d i ; ' * • ' ■

*? 1 . A'' %Mr. Speaker: Please take your seat. Thank you very much.

*• - < .* J -V t*T • ; r . i

HtHU UH*ut. 8 » te HtPus : ** *** **

qtHUtUU : feu U UU ufe UU US, feu feUTU^SUhuUST I unt1 ;HH* f e ^ #HU UU UU U ? feuruu S # U feur I ■ , , - . -

- * ■»- ■ \* . <■ •■»;» * ■ :f ' ,1* fUPHTSt aruusfcfolfsu (fufeT grfyg) ; HtjtuU HTfeU,. .feu feUUt UlUUSU

>huuh feu uh feTfePHT h1 fen t sr |^qret fuuT | feu * ufet fp u u t ^ ;ftU T p t fe fpT ?> feum -t utsth Hums feu ufet. wuruis feuT 51

f e s s 3 HW fe u fe s t HTUHS t s HTUt>HT ut UISU Stut»P % opU^ oput U’JJTH

♦♦Not recorded as ordered by the Chair*

(5)60 Punjab V idhan Sabha ' {18th October, 1085

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (64)

uu’uu ufe rs i fe s r’h >hr1‘ vt u'uuuu wufes* s gl uruu ufusr fu»r ifau§ UW3 fUgB 3 FP fgUUH US, HT?1 RUU'U £feu >HHTS 5ft3T 9 fsr feR Hi fesUWfeut foTR HUUfHUUU H RU 3" 3UT§ Ufjlul 3 I fug ftTU3* #§UU fRUf gfe»f 3, §R 3" U3T 8faPHT 5 fe feu fRU3 UTUSTH 33 US §R feu feu RTUH§ US Hfebtf* Ur UU 3 I if UUSW RTfUH S HHrUUUTU fUUT U* fe § S f £ URrUfeU feu HfJH UUr Ul3r UI fHU3r RH?3r offer 3 feu gt U§feU fes* i w 3 l if feu feu UfUU' U> fufRUU fUg8 3RW feu UW3 feufe US, §R t feU RTUH5 US RTUl fuffe'U US»fe »P§3 uMw fes* S UUh w ? suF UUSUftw I

$ fUR3SS HfeUT: ul3HV U ^ H MURtfeufer U ?

JjlRUlera : H" UfUt tu feuT Uf l U3r faUT ufefe ufuur & I

fawnft wussW uiftra : if feu wur uu feu* r! fu fugs fe s fts feu URfg tfT 3T# HrUS UUTU ufew 3 i

D iscussion on G overnor’s Address (5)61

Mr. Speaker : The House stands adjourned till 2.00 P. M. on Tuesday , the 29th October, 1985.

♦2.30 P.M. 1 {The Sabha then * adjourned till 2.00 P.M. oh Tuesday, II the 29th October, 1985).

\» ■:

19778 PVS—Govt. Press, Chd.

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (65)

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (66)

* i

· PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (67)

 · PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA i ' Friday, the 18th October, 1985 The Vidhan Sabha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Shavan, Chandigarh, at 10.00 A.M. of the Clock. Mr. Speaker - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.